“…..to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men” (Titus 3:1-2 NIV).
As we look back on this year, we should be contemplating what good we did for the Lord. Was someone blessed by your encouraging words? Did you make someone’s life a little easier by giving him or her financial assistance? Did you do a random act of kindness in the Lord’s name? Did you take a leap of faith and do something through the Lord’s strength and not your own? All of these questions are meant to get you to think about your commitment to what the Lord wants you to do for Him. Have your prayed to the Lord and asked Him to show you want He wants you to do for Him every day? You are His ambassador and He expects you to be a witness to others. It is you that have to show love and caring to people in need. It is you who need to talk about others with kind words. It is you who need to be positive when all those around you are speaking negative words that cause distress. It is time for you to stand up and be noticed as a Christian who knows the Lord very well because you have spent time with Him every day in prayer and Bible study.
I would like to dare you to live the above verse every day during the New Year. Can you imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone would do what the above verse says? But you know that it just takes each person determining to make a difference that can change the world. I believe that you can do this. Pray and believe that you can make a difference in many people’s lives during the coming year. Step out in faith and trust God to help you because He will never fail you.
Dear Lord,
I know that I need to think of your will more than my will. Help me to make a difference by helping someone who needs me. Help me to show your love to others by speaking kindly and living a humble life.
In Jesus’ name,
This site has devotions to inspire Christians and encourage them as they strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nothing is Impossible With God by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37 NIV).
The angel had just told Mary that she would bear a son and name him Jesus. He also told her that Jesus’ kingdom would never end because He would be the Son of God. She asked him how it could happen and the angel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the Most High would overshadow her. (Luke 1:30-36) The angel reassured her that nothing was impossible with God. Mary could have said no, but instead told the angel that she was the Lord’s servant and said, “May it be to me as you have said”( Luke 1:38 NIV). Mary was a willing servant of her Lord. She did not hesitate even though to be pregnant and not married was difficult, especially since she was betrothed. She did not hesitate though, but agreed right away to do the Lord’s will in her life.
What is God calling you to do for Him? The Lord has given you the Holy Spirit and that is the best gift you can have. The Holy Spirit is within you to guide you, to give you strength, and to help you in your weakness if you are a Christian. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26 NIV). He intercedes for you in accordance to God’s will. (Romans 8:27). So whatever you are called to do, you can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
An example of someone in the Bible who changed because of the Holy Spirit is Peter. Peter, an apostle, had told Jesus that he would never deny him, but minutes later after Jesus was arrested, he denied that he knew him and wept. But then at Pentecost he was a changed man. He stood up before thousands and proclaimed the news, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38 NIV). Over 3,000 people were baptized after that wonderful sermon. He was given strength and courage through the Holy Spirit that he did not have under normal circumstances.
It is time for you to really believe that nothing is impossible with God. Trust Him and step out in faith to do His will in your life. You are called to not just be a spectator, but you are called to serve in an outstanding way.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be used by you in whatever means you choose. Help me to be a willing servant knowing that through the Holy Spirit I can do amazing things. Help me to always remember that nothing is impossible with you.
In Jesus’ name,
The angel had just told Mary that she would bear a son and name him Jesus. He also told her that Jesus’ kingdom would never end because He would be the Son of God. She asked him how it could happen and the angel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the Most High would overshadow her. (Luke 1:30-36) The angel reassured her that nothing was impossible with God. Mary could have said no, but instead told the angel that she was the Lord’s servant and said, “May it be to me as you have said”( Luke 1:38 NIV). Mary was a willing servant of her Lord. She did not hesitate even though to be pregnant and not married was difficult, especially since she was betrothed. She did not hesitate though, but agreed right away to do the Lord’s will in her life.
What is God calling you to do for Him? The Lord has given you the Holy Spirit and that is the best gift you can have. The Holy Spirit is within you to guide you, to give you strength, and to help you in your weakness if you are a Christian. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26 NIV). He intercedes for you in accordance to God’s will. (Romans 8:27). So whatever you are called to do, you can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
An example of someone in the Bible who changed because of the Holy Spirit is Peter. Peter, an apostle, had told Jesus that he would never deny him, but minutes later after Jesus was arrested, he denied that he knew him and wept. But then at Pentecost he was a changed man. He stood up before thousands and proclaimed the news, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38 NIV). Over 3,000 people were baptized after that wonderful sermon. He was given strength and courage through the Holy Spirit that he did not have under normal circumstances.
It is time for you to really believe that nothing is impossible with God. Trust Him and step out in faith to do His will in your life. You are called to not just be a spectator, but you are called to serve in an outstanding way.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be used by you in whatever means you choose. Help me to be a willing servant knowing that through the Holy Spirit I can do amazing things. Help me to always remember that nothing is impossible with you.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Be Joyful and Thankful by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes. 5:16-18 NIV).
Being joyful is very easy when you are having fun with your family, are in good health, on vacation, or _____________ you fill in the blank. But your Christian faith can be really tested during times of trial. Being joyful when you feel like crying is very difficult, but I don’t believe it is impossible or Paul wouldn’t have said it. I believe it is all in your mindset. Paul and Silas were in jail, but yet they were praying and singing songs to God. It is because of their attitude that they were able to save the jailer and his family. (Acts 16:25-34) Corrie ten Boom and her sister were taken as prisoners to a concentration camp because they hid Jews in their house. They were Christians and held Bible studies in their barracks. The building they were in had an infestation of fleas. Corrie complained about it, but her sister said that she should praise God for them. You see the guards would not go in their building because of the fleas so they could have Bible studies without harassment from the guards. So you see being joyful is a state of mind that you can call upon even in dire straits with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Do you start your prayers with thanksgiving? According to the above verse, it is God’s will for you to be thankful in all circumstances. This is yet again, a determination on your part. You can complain to God or give Him thanks for a chance to see growth in your character. Every time a difficult situation arises, it is a test for you. Will you let God take over your thoughts and see it through His eyes, or will you become self-absorbed and rely on self-pity? The latter will only make you depressed and negative. Nothing good for you will come of this. Ask God to help you view everything with a joyful and thankful heart. He will transform your mind, and those around you will be amazed at your attitude.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be joyful and thankful, even when I want to do the opposite. Help me to show others that aren’t Christians, that with your help I can have a positive attitude in all circumstances.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit within me that enables me to do the impossible.
In Jesus’ name,
Being joyful is very easy when you are having fun with your family, are in good health, on vacation, or _____________ you fill in the blank. But your Christian faith can be really tested during times of trial. Being joyful when you feel like crying is very difficult, but I don’t believe it is impossible or Paul wouldn’t have said it. I believe it is all in your mindset. Paul and Silas were in jail, but yet they were praying and singing songs to God. It is because of their attitude that they were able to save the jailer and his family. (Acts 16:25-34) Corrie ten Boom and her sister were taken as prisoners to a concentration camp because they hid Jews in their house. They were Christians and held Bible studies in their barracks. The building they were in had an infestation of fleas. Corrie complained about it, but her sister said that she should praise God for them. You see the guards would not go in their building because of the fleas so they could have Bible studies without harassment from the guards. So you see being joyful is a state of mind that you can call upon even in dire straits with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Do you start your prayers with thanksgiving? According to the above verse, it is God’s will for you to be thankful in all circumstances. This is yet again, a determination on your part. You can complain to God or give Him thanks for a chance to see growth in your character. Every time a difficult situation arises, it is a test for you. Will you let God take over your thoughts and see it through His eyes, or will you become self-absorbed and rely on self-pity? The latter will only make you depressed and negative. Nothing good for you will come of this. Ask God to help you view everything with a joyful and thankful heart. He will transform your mind, and those around you will be amazed at your attitude.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be joyful and thankful, even when I want to do the opposite. Help me to show others that aren’t Christians, that with your help I can have a positive attitude in all circumstances.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit within me that enables me to do the impossible.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Your Destiny by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42 NIV).
I have a picture of Jesus as a young child near his father, Joseph’s, workbench. He is playing with nails on the floor and his shadow looks like a cross. The saying around the picture is: “It began in a manger and led to a cross and it included us. Most of us spend our lives seeking our destiny. One Man created His own.”
From birth Jesus’ destiny included death on a cross. But, He did have a choice. He could have told His Father no. It is obvious from the above verse that He would have preferred not to have done it, but it was God’s will that was more important than His own. His destiny was one of death in a very humiliating way. He did that for you and me. Something we should not take lightly. You were bought with a price that was very cruel indeed. What will you do for the Lord? You owe Him your life. He rescued you from darkness and wants you to lead others to His wonderful love and light. Your destiny is wrapped up in the Lord’s will. You too can say no, but you will never know what wonderful and exciting things God has in store for you if you don’t step out in faith. God will give you strength and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams to do His will in ways that you have never perceived.
One person did make a difference and achieved something that others would have deemed impossible. This man was William Wilberforce, a Christian man, who kept trying to get a bill passed in England to stop slave trade in 1786. He kept trying for 21 years until it finally passed and slave trade was abolished. This man had a mission and had felt that it was God’s will for him to do this. He withstood a lot of harassment due to his thinking, but he proceeded to do what he felt was the right thing to do. He never gave up, even when his health suffered from the stress. He did the Father's will and never regretted it.
You too have a mission, and you must fulfill what God has called you to do.
Pray and ask for courage and believe that with His strength you can do anything. Answer Him as He himself told His father. “Not my will, but thine be done.”
Dear Lord,
Help us to do as you did. Help us to follow the Lord’s will for our lives and not be afraid. We know you are always with us. Let us step out and make a difference.
In Jesus’ name,
I have a picture of Jesus as a young child near his father, Joseph’s, workbench. He is playing with nails on the floor and his shadow looks like a cross. The saying around the picture is: “It began in a manger and led to a cross and it included us. Most of us spend our lives seeking our destiny. One Man created His own.”
From birth Jesus’ destiny included death on a cross. But, He did have a choice. He could have told His Father no. It is obvious from the above verse that He would have preferred not to have done it, but it was God’s will that was more important than His own. His destiny was one of death in a very humiliating way. He did that for you and me. Something we should not take lightly. You were bought with a price that was very cruel indeed. What will you do for the Lord? You owe Him your life. He rescued you from darkness and wants you to lead others to His wonderful love and light. Your destiny is wrapped up in the Lord’s will. You too can say no, but you will never know what wonderful and exciting things God has in store for you if you don’t step out in faith. God will give you strength and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams to do His will in ways that you have never perceived.
One person did make a difference and achieved something that others would have deemed impossible. This man was William Wilberforce, a Christian man, who kept trying to get a bill passed in England to stop slave trade in 1786. He kept trying for 21 years until it finally passed and slave trade was abolished. This man had a mission and had felt that it was God’s will for him to do this. He withstood a lot of harassment due to his thinking, but he proceeded to do what he felt was the right thing to do. He never gave up, even when his health suffered from the stress. He did the Father's will and never regretted it.
You too have a mission, and you must fulfill what God has called you to do.
Pray and ask for courage and believe that with His strength you can do anything. Answer Him as He himself told His father. “Not my will, but thine be done.”
Dear Lord,
Help us to do as you did. Help us to follow the Lord’s will for our lives and not be afraid. We know you are always with us. Let us step out and make a difference.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Delight of the Lord by Ann Elaine Broughton
“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17 NIV).
What a wonderful verse of hope this is to everyone. It is easy to forget sometimes that God is ready and available to us when we are feeling the pressures of everyday life. He is just a prayer away and ready to quiet you with His love and peace. It is amazing how we rush through life frantically doing what we do so much that we forget who is following us around waiting to quiet us with His love. Try to imagine Jesus standing near you with His arms open wide gently whispering, “Dear one, please fall into my arms and let me give you peace.” It must be frustrating to Him as we busily go our ways building up tension within us, not even taking time to be quiet and alone with Him. There He is patiently waiting to help us. Maybe it is time to rest in His arms and take a break. Maybe life has been getting you down with worries, problems, and heartache. He is there for you and He takes great delight in you. Isn’t that wonderful? I would certainly want to take time to be with someone who delights in me, who wants to quiet me with His love and sing over me. Isn’t it wonderful to think of Jesus holding you in His arms and singing to you with a look of delight on His face. What a wonderful picture!
So my friend, this week take time to bask in the love of Christ. Take some time every day just to be quiet and feel His delight of you. Bask in His love and know that His song for you is something very special.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to seek you in the quietness of your love. We know that you delight in us and want us to have peace even in the midst of chaos. Help us to picture your wonderful arms around us. Give us peace and comfort us with your singing.
In Jesus’ name,
What a wonderful verse of hope this is to everyone. It is easy to forget sometimes that God is ready and available to us when we are feeling the pressures of everyday life. He is just a prayer away and ready to quiet you with His love and peace. It is amazing how we rush through life frantically doing what we do so much that we forget who is following us around waiting to quiet us with His love. Try to imagine Jesus standing near you with His arms open wide gently whispering, “Dear one, please fall into my arms and let me give you peace.” It must be frustrating to Him as we busily go our ways building up tension within us, not even taking time to be quiet and alone with Him. There He is patiently waiting to help us. Maybe it is time to rest in His arms and take a break. Maybe life has been getting you down with worries, problems, and heartache. He is there for you and He takes great delight in you. Isn’t that wonderful? I would certainly want to take time to be with someone who delights in me, who wants to quiet me with His love and sing over me. Isn’t it wonderful to think of Jesus holding you in His arms and singing to you with a look of delight on His face. What a wonderful picture!
So my friend, this week take time to bask in the love of Christ. Take some time every day just to be quiet and feel His delight of you. Bask in His love and know that His song for you is something very special.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to seek you in the quietness of your love. We know that you delight in us and want us to have peace even in the midst of chaos. Help us to picture your wonderful arms around us. Give us peace and comfort us with your singing.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Lesson from Esther by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
Esther was the Queen of Persia. Haman, a man who King Xerxes had given much power, had made an edict that all Jews were to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. The king did not know that Esther was a Jew. Esther had to make a choice, one that could mean her life.
She could save her people with a request to the king. Mordecai, her father, a faithful Jew, begged her to save them. He told her that she was born and put in this position for this specific reason: to save the nation of Israel. Can you imagine how she felt? How scared she must have been to approach the king, knowing that he could put her to death, because if you weren’t summoned by the king and approached him, you could be killed. She and all the Jews fasted and prayed for three days. She told her father that then she would go to the king and if she perished, she perished. She dressed in her royal robes and went to see the king. The king loved her so much that he let her approach. She cried and begged him to save the Jews and her family. He agreed. A nation was saved due to the faith of a young girl who trusted in God.
Just as God used this young girl to save a nation, He has placed you in a position that only you can fill. You are not there by happenstance, but have been chosen because God has a plan for your life. Esther was very brave and had the guidance of a godly man to help her. Do you have someone to talk to that can give you the Christian advice you need when you feel God is calling you to step out in faith? Before doing anything think about what Esther did. She fasted and prayed to God. It is very wise to do this before you make any kind of decision concerning your life. He needs you to be His ambassador, which may mean that it takes you out of your comfort zone so that He can work through you. It is amazing what faith can do. It helped Esther take those fateful steps towards a mighty and powerful man. She was willing to die for the cause. Are you willing to give your all for the cause of Christ? What price are you willing to pay? Christ paid the ultimate price for you. He deserves for you to give Him all you are.
Dear Lord,
Show us where you want us to make a difference and then give us the courage to take those steps toward the goal you have for us. Help us not to be afraid, because we trust you and know that you would never lead us to a place that would cause our downfall. Help us to accept our calling and do our best for you.
In Jesus’ name.
Esther was the Queen of Persia. Haman, a man who King Xerxes had given much power, had made an edict that all Jews were to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. The king did not know that Esther was a Jew. Esther had to make a choice, one that could mean her life.
She could save her people with a request to the king. Mordecai, her father, a faithful Jew, begged her to save them. He told her that she was born and put in this position for this specific reason: to save the nation of Israel. Can you imagine how she felt? How scared she must have been to approach the king, knowing that he could put her to death, because if you weren’t summoned by the king and approached him, you could be killed. She and all the Jews fasted and prayed for three days. She told her father that then she would go to the king and if she perished, she perished. She dressed in her royal robes and went to see the king. The king loved her so much that he let her approach. She cried and begged him to save the Jews and her family. He agreed. A nation was saved due to the faith of a young girl who trusted in God.
Just as God used this young girl to save a nation, He has placed you in a position that only you can fill. You are not there by happenstance, but have been chosen because God has a plan for your life. Esther was very brave and had the guidance of a godly man to help her. Do you have someone to talk to that can give you the Christian advice you need when you feel God is calling you to step out in faith? Before doing anything think about what Esther did. She fasted and prayed to God. It is very wise to do this before you make any kind of decision concerning your life. He needs you to be His ambassador, which may mean that it takes you out of your comfort zone so that He can work through you. It is amazing what faith can do. It helped Esther take those fateful steps towards a mighty and powerful man. She was willing to die for the cause. Are you willing to give your all for the cause of Christ? What price are you willing to pay? Christ paid the ultimate price for you. He deserves for you to give Him all you are.
Dear Lord,
Show us where you want us to make a difference and then give us the courage to take those steps toward the goal you have for us. Help us not to be afraid, because we trust you and know that you would never lead us to a place that would cause our downfall. Help us to accept our calling and do our best for you.
In Jesus’ name.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Worship Him in Truth by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24 NIV).
Jesus stopped by a well and spoke to a Samaritan woman. The Jews believed that Samaritans were unclean, so they avoided Samaria. Jesus went to this place to show these people that they were precious to the Father just as the Jews were. He also went there to show his disciples that the Samaritans were people who the Lord loved also. He asked the Samaritan woman for a drink. This puzzled her because no Jew would drink after a Samaritan. Then he proceeded to ask her to go get her husband. She said she had no husband and he told her that he knew that she had had 5 husbands and the one she was living with now wasn’t her husband. She was amazed that he knew that. She called him a prophet and said she knew the Messiah was coming. Jesus told her that he was the Messiah. He than told her that the Samaritans must worship God in spirit and in truth. That was when she ran and told everyone to come and meet the man who told her everything she did. It is because of this that many in her town believed in Jesus.
Jesus knows you inside and out, just as he knew all about the Samaritan woman’s life. He knows what you think in your heart that nobody else knows. You may think that you have secrets, but you don’t because Jesus knows everything about you, just as he knew everything about this Samaritan woman. Here is the wonderful part: even when you have sinned, Jesus is there to say that He loves you and will forgive you if you confess. He told this woman that he was able to give her living water that would well up to eternal life. (John 4:13) If you are a Christian eternal life is awaiting you also.
He also told her that instead of worshiping God on a mountain or in Jerusalem that true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Truth is important to God. The Lord will not abide lies because Satan is the Father of Lies. Jesus spoke of Satan as being a liar: “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NIV). Jesus always spoke the truth and those who love Him must worship the Lord in spirit and truth. It is important for you to be truthful in your relationship with the Lord and with others.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be truthful to you and to others knowing that you cannot abide lies. The world tells us lies that are tempting to believe. Help us to follow your word as a guide and be in a constant relationship with you so that we won’t be tempted to follow ways that aren’t pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus stopped by a well and spoke to a Samaritan woman. The Jews believed that Samaritans were unclean, so they avoided Samaria. Jesus went to this place to show these people that they were precious to the Father just as the Jews were. He also went there to show his disciples that the Samaritans were people who the Lord loved also. He asked the Samaritan woman for a drink. This puzzled her because no Jew would drink after a Samaritan. Then he proceeded to ask her to go get her husband. She said she had no husband and he told her that he knew that she had had 5 husbands and the one she was living with now wasn’t her husband. She was amazed that he knew that. She called him a prophet and said she knew the Messiah was coming. Jesus told her that he was the Messiah. He than told her that the Samaritans must worship God in spirit and in truth. That was when she ran and told everyone to come and meet the man who told her everything she did. It is because of this that many in her town believed in Jesus.
Jesus knows you inside and out, just as he knew all about the Samaritan woman’s life. He knows what you think in your heart that nobody else knows. You may think that you have secrets, but you don’t because Jesus knows everything about you, just as he knew everything about this Samaritan woman. Here is the wonderful part: even when you have sinned, Jesus is there to say that He loves you and will forgive you if you confess. He told this woman that he was able to give her living water that would well up to eternal life. (John 4:13) If you are a Christian eternal life is awaiting you also.
He also told her that instead of worshiping God on a mountain or in Jerusalem that true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Truth is important to God. The Lord will not abide lies because Satan is the Father of Lies. Jesus spoke of Satan as being a liar: “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NIV). Jesus always spoke the truth and those who love Him must worship the Lord in spirit and truth. It is important for you to be truthful in your relationship with the Lord and with others.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be truthful to you and to others knowing that you cannot abide lies. The world tells us lies that are tempting to believe. Help us to follow your word as a guide and be in a constant relationship with you so that we won’t be tempted to follow ways that aren’t pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Taming Your Tongue by Ann Elaine Broughton
“If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless" (James 1:26 NIV).
James wrote about the tongue and how hard it is to tame. "....but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness" (James 3:8-9 NIV). James does not mince words. When was the last time you were a victim of words spoken in haste that hurt you in some way? As Christians we must think before we speak because those who are outside of the Lord will condemn us if we say hurtful things about others. Filtering our thoughts through the Holy Spirit will help us speak words that will build others up instead of bringing them down. “…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV).
If you are ever tempted to say anything about anyone behind his/her back that would hurt his/her feelings, stop and say to yourself, “If this person was sitting next to me, would I be saying this?” This includes what you write to others on email and texting. Words are powerful. They can end careers, bring tears to eyes, and destroy lives. They can also change lives for the better, give hope, encouragement, and praise.
What kind of words have you been speaking lately? It is time to reflect on this. People judge you by your words. Are you careful in your speech? Have you said words about others that would make them sad if they heard them? It is time for you to pray and ask God to help you to control your speech so that the words you speak are ones of encouragement, peace, and love. Be an encourager this week in your speech and think before you say something that might hurt others.
Dear Lord,
I ask you to help me to pray before I speak so that I won’t hurt other people’s feelings in any way. I know that my words should be like those of Christ; full of grace, truth, peace, and love. Help me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Let my words bring joy to those around me, instead of sadness.
In Jesus’ name,
James wrote about the tongue and how hard it is to tame. "....but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness" (James 3:8-9 NIV). James does not mince words. When was the last time you were a victim of words spoken in haste that hurt you in some way? As Christians we must think before we speak because those who are outside of the Lord will condemn us if we say hurtful things about others. Filtering our thoughts through the Holy Spirit will help us speak words that will build others up instead of bringing them down. “…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV).
If you are ever tempted to say anything about anyone behind his/her back that would hurt his/her feelings, stop and say to yourself, “If this person was sitting next to me, would I be saying this?” This includes what you write to others on email and texting. Words are powerful. They can end careers, bring tears to eyes, and destroy lives. They can also change lives for the better, give hope, encouragement, and praise.
What kind of words have you been speaking lately? It is time to reflect on this. People judge you by your words. Are you careful in your speech? Have you said words about others that would make them sad if they heard them? It is time for you to pray and ask God to help you to control your speech so that the words you speak are ones of encouragement, peace, and love. Be an encourager this week in your speech and think before you say something that might hurt others.
Dear Lord,
I ask you to help me to pray before I speak so that I won’t hurt other people’s feelings in any way. I know that my words should be like those of Christ; full of grace, truth, peace, and love. Help me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Let my words bring joy to those around me, instead of sadness.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Prayer Conquers Stress by Ann Elaine Broughton
“After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray”(Matthew 14:23 NIV).
Are you stressed? Is there something happening in your life that is stressing you and you feel that you don’t have any control over it? What are you doing about it?
I will tell you what Jesus did when he was stressed. The above verse refers to a time in Jesus’ ministry when he was stressed tremendously. He had been to his hometown teaching and nobody believed in him and there were few miracles performed there due to their lack of faith. (Matthew 13:53-58) That had to have hurt him tremendously. The people he had grown up with didn’t believe in him.
Shortly after that he was told that John the Baptist had been killed. When Jesus heard about this he went off to a solitary place in a boat. But when he landed a large crowd enveloped him wanting to be healed. A crowd of 5,000 sick and needy people pressed in on him. After healing many it was evening and they needed to be fed. So Jesus prayed over 5 loaves of bread and two fish and the crowd was fed, with 12 basketfuls left over. He had to have been exhausted after such a day.“Immediately, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray” (Matthew 13:22,23 NIV).
When Jesus was stressed he went to a quiet spot to pray to his Father. When you feel stressed you need to take some quiet time alone with God. It is there at the Lord’s feet that you can find the peace you need in order to face any obstacle that life throws at you. Think about it. Before Jesus faced the cross, he went to the garden to pray and cry out to his Father in Heaven. It is through that prayer that he gained the strength to face what he knew would be torturous pain and agony. That strength is available to you also.
Paul mentions the power that can help you in his letter to Ephesians:
“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Eph.3:16 NIV). The strength you need is just a prayer away. Call on the Lord and He will give you peace. Nothing is too hard for God.
Dear Lord,
My life is constantly being bombarded with issues that cause stress. Help me to trust you with my stresses knowing that you will give me the peace I so desperately need. Help me to take time each day to spend in quiet solitude praying to you just as Jesus did.
In Jesus’ name,
Are you stressed? Is there something happening in your life that is stressing you and you feel that you don’t have any control over it? What are you doing about it?
I will tell you what Jesus did when he was stressed. The above verse refers to a time in Jesus’ ministry when he was stressed tremendously. He had been to his hometown teaching and nobody believed in him and there were few miracles performed there due to their lack of faith. (Matthew 13:53-58) That had to have hurt him tremendously. The people he had grown up with didn’t believe in him.
Shortly after that he was told that John the Baptist had been killed. When Jesus heard about this he went off to a solitary place in a boat. But when he landed a large crowd enveloped him wanting to be healed. A crowd of 5,000 sick and needy people pressed in on him. After healing many it was evening and they needed to be fed. So Jesus prayed over 5 loaves of bread and two fish and the crowd was fed, with 12 basketfuls left over. He had to have been exhausted after such a day.“Immediately, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray” (Matthew 13:22,23 NIV).
When Jesus was stressed he went to a quiet spot to pray to his Father. When you feel stressed you need to take some quiet time alone with God. It is there at the Lord’s feet that you can find the peace you need in order to face any obstacle that life throws at you. Think about it. Before Jesus faced the cross, he went to the garden to pray and cry out to his Father in Heaven. It is through that prayer that he gained the strength to face what he knew would be torturous pain and agony. That strength is available to you also.
Paul mentions the power that can help you in his letter to Ephesians:
“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Eph.3:16 NIV). The strength you need is just a prayer away. Call on the Lord and He will give you peace. Nothing is too hard for God.
Dear Lord,
My life is constantly being bombarded with issues that cause stress. Help me to trust you with my stresses knowing that you will give me the peace I so desperately need. Help me to take time each day to spend in quiet solitude praying to you just as Jesus did.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Worthy Calling by Ann Elaine Broughton
“….we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith” (1 Thes. 1:11 NIV).
"God, I pray thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus" this quote was from a journal entry Jim Elliot wrote in college.* Jim Elliot was a missionary in Ecuador in the ‘50’s. He and his friends were trying to make contact with a very violent tribe called the Auca. During this time, Jim and his wife had many struggles in their mission field. He had a fever for a whole month, their first home was a thatched hut full of cockroaches, and there was rain from December to April which caused the new buildings to be washed away. In spite of these setbacks, Jim kept working for the Lord and in the end sacrificed his life as a martyr so that the Auca Indians may know God’s peace instead of the hatred and murder that their tribe had been trapped in. God had not forsaken them at their death, or their cause. When they died the Auca Indians saw angels above the treetops and heard music. It is because of this that the missionaries’ wives were able to bring Christ and His saving grace to a very violent tribe.
God has called each one of you in a special way, and you must be worthy of that calling. Your motto should be like Jim’s; you should feel the burning of His will searing your soul to do whatever He has called you to do. According to the above verse His power is available to you to fulfill every good purpose you have. You are not asked to do this on you own. God is calling you to do something big for him where you are. You must be strong and brave and step out with complete faith to do it. You are called, now you must be the one to make a difference in someone’s life.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for calling me to serve you. I know with your power to help me, I can do all things. There are those who need me to show them about your love and grace. Help me not to be afraid of the unknown, but to trust that you will work in people’s hearts so that they will hear my words of truth and will be set free from sin.
In Jesus’ name,
*The quote is taken from Jim Elliot's journal which was found in the following book : Kathleen White, Jim Elliot, Men of Faith Series. Bethany House Publishers 1990.
"God, I pray thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus" this quote was from a journal entry Jim Elliot wrote in college.* Jim Elliot was a missionary in Ecuador in the ‘50’s. He and his friends were trying to make contact with a very violent tribe called the Auca. During this time, Jim and his wife had many struggles in their mission field. He had a fever for a whole month, their first home was a thatched hut full of cockroaches, and there was rain from December to April which caused the new buildings to be washed away. In spite of these setbacks, Jim kept working for the Lord and in the end sacrificed his life as a martyr so that the Auca Indians may know God’s peace instead of the hatred and murder that their tribe had been trapped in. God had not forsaken them at their death, or their cause. When they died the Auca Indians saw angels above the treetops and heard music. It is because of this that the missionaries’ wives were able to bring Christ and His saving grace to a very violent tribe.
God has called each one of you in a special way, and you must be worthy of that calling. Your motto should be like Jim’s; you should feel the burning of His will searing your soul to do whatever He has called you to do. According to the above verse His power is available to you to fulfill every good purpose you have. You are not asked to do this on you own. God is calling you to do something big for him where you are. You must be strong and brave and step out with complete faith to do it. You are called, now you must be the one to make a difference in someone’s life.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for calling me to serve you. I know with your power to help me, I can do all things. There are those who need me to show them about your love and grace. Help me not to be afraid of the unknown, but to trust that you will work in people’s hearts so that they will hear my words of truth and will be set free from sin.
In Jesus’ name,
*The quote is taken from Jim Elliot's journal which was found in the following book : Kathleen White, Jim Elliot, Men of Faith Series. Bethany House Publishers 1990.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Called to Serve by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Because you have have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”
(Matthew 17:20 NIV).
This weekend my children and grandchildren came for a visit. I was playing with them in our back yard. My oldest grandson was throwing a lightweight ball up on the roof and catching it. My other grandson, who is 5, said he wanted to try it. I told him that I didn’t think he could get the ball on top of the roof. He looked at me and said, “I can try, can’t I?” I said, “Sure.” I really doubted he could make it. He looked at the ball and then looked way up on the roof. He hoisted that ball up on one hand and gave it the biggest push he had. We all stood in amazement as that ball hit the roof. He looked at me and gave me the biggest grin ever. He was very proud of himself. This made me remember that God wants us to at least try to serve Him in ways that others may view, or maybe we view, as impossible for us. But with God giving us strength all things are possible.
It reminds me of the Bible story of David and that sling. Here he was a little boy against a huge giant. Everyone made fun of him, thinking there was no way he could kill that old giant. But he said, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty……” (1 Samuel 17:45 NIV). He raised his sling and threw the stone, killing the giant. He knew that God was with him and that he could not fail.
God has called all of you to do mighty acts for Him, even if you don't think you have the courage or talent to do it. He gives you the strength and talents to do it. So it is up to you to just try. Maybe God has placed a need in your heart that only you can fulfill, whether it be in your church, work, or a friend who needs support. God has ways of impressing on your thoughts His desire for you, if you take the time to pray and feel His presence. Maybe a name keeps coming up in your thoughts. Pray that God will guide you and then act on it. God is waiting for you to have enough faith to move a mountain. The least you can do is give it a little push. Try it and you will be amazed at what God can do through you.
Dear Lord,
Help me to step out in faith, believing that you are with me. Help me to know your will and act on it. I know that there is a service that I can do for you that will show others how much you love them. I was not meant to just sit and pray or read the Bible without serving you. Thank you for your guidance. I know I can do this with your strength.
In Jesus’ name,
(Matthew 17:20 NIV).
This weekend my children and grandchildren came for a visit. I was playing with them in our back yard. My oldest grandson was throwing a lightweight ball up on the roof and catching it. My other grandson, who is 5, said he wanted to try it. I told him that I didn’t think he could get the ball on top of the roof. He looked at me and said, “I can try, can’t I?” I said, “Sure.” I really doubted he could make it. He looked at the ball and then looked way up on the roof. He hoisted that ball up on one hand and gave it the biggest push he had. We all stood in amazement as that ball hit the roof. He looked at me and gave me the biggest grin ever. He was very proud of himself. This made me remember that God wants us to at least try to serve Him in ways that others may view, or maybe we view, as impossible for us. But with God giving us strength all things are possible.
It reminds me of the Bible story of David and that sling. Here he was a little boy against a huge giant. Everyone made fun of him, thinking there was no way he could kill that old giant. But he said, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty……” (1 Samuel 17:45 NIV). He raised his sling and threw the stone, killing the giant. He knew that God was with him and that he could not fail.
God has called all of you to do mighty acts for Him, even if you don't think you have the courage or talent to do it. He gives you the strength and talents to do it. So it is up to you to just try. Maybe God has placed a need in your heart that only you can fulfill, whether it be in your church, work, or a friend who needs support. God has ways of impressing on your thoughts His desire for you, if you take the time to pray and feel His presence. Maybe a name keeps coming up in your thoughts. Pray that God will guide you and then act on it. God is waiting for you to have enough faith to move a mountain. The least you can do is give it a little push. Try it and you will be amazed at what God can do through you.
Dear Lord,
Help me to step out in faith, believing that you are with me. Help me to know your will and act on it. I know that there is a service that I can do for you that will show others how much you love them. I was not meant to just sit and pray or read the Bible without serving you. Thank you for your guidance. I know I can do this with your strength.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
True Friendship by Ann Elaine Broughton
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up" (Ecclesiastes 4:9.10 NIV).
A true friend is a person who will be there for you when you are in need of encouragement and love. A true friend will never leave you or abandon you when life gets tough and you need someone who cares to stand by you.
David and Jonathon were very good friends and their friendship can be an example for us. Jonathon was the son of Saul. Saul was the king and became jealous of David and gave an order for him to be killed. Jonathon wanted to save David, so he warned David of his father's intention. He himself could have been killed because he warned David. But he loved his friend so much that he risked death to help him. The Bible speaks of their devotion to each other. "And Jonathon had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself" (1 Samuel 20:17 NIV). David had to leave his friend, but made an oath with him. They both wept when they had to say goodbye. "Jonathon said to David, Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever" (1 Samuel 20:42 NIV).
Much later on, David fulfilled his promise in a great way. Saul and Jonathon were killed in battle and Jonathon's son, a cripple, was left alone. David had the crippled son found and brought to him. He sat him at his table and accepted him. David gave him the land that was his father's. King David remembered his oath with his friend, Jonathon, and helped his son. I would call that true friendship.
We are to support one another, give encouragement, and show unconditional love. "A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17 NIV). The kind of friendship that Jonathon and David had calls for love and sacrifice. Is there a friend in your life right now who needs your support? What can you do to show that person you care? Take time this week to do something nice for your friends. They need you to show them your love and compassion in a special way. Remember Jesus' words, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31 NIV).
Dear Lord,
May we learn from David and Jonathon and become the kind of friends that you want us to be. Let us encourage our friends to follow you in every aspect of their lives. Help us to take the time to care about them and show them that we care. Life seems so busy sometimes that we forget to keep in touch. Help us not to get so busy that we forget our friends and their needs.
In Jesus' name,
A true friend is a person who will be there for you when you are in need of encouragement and love. A true friend will never leave you or abandon you when life gets tough and you need someone who cares to stand by you.
David and Jonathon were very good friends and their friendship can be an example for us. Jonathon was the son of Saul. Saul was the king and became jealous of David and gave an order for him to be killed. Jonathon wanted to save David, so he warned David of his father's intention. He himself could have been killed because he warned David. But he loved his friend so much that he risked death to help him. The Bible speaks of their devotion to each other. "And Jonathon had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself" (1 Samuel 20:17 NIV). David had to leave his friend, but made an oath with him. They both wept when they had to say goodbye. "Jonathon said to David, Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever" (1 Samuel 20:42 NIV).
Much later on, David fulfilled his promise in a great way. Saul and Jonathon were killed in battle and Jonathon's son, a cripple, was left alone. David had the crippled son found and brought to him. He sat him at his table and accepted him. David gave him the land that was his father's. King David remembered his oath with his friend, Jonathon, and helped his son. I would call that true friendship.
We are to support one another, give encouragement, and show unconditional love. "A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17 NIV). The kind of friendship that Jonathon and David had calls for love and sacrifice. Is there a friend in your life right now who needs your support? What can you do to show that person you care? Take time this week to do something nice for your friends. They need you to show them your love and compassion in a special way. Remember Jesus' words, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31 NIV).
Dear Lord,
May we learn from David and Jonathon and become the kind of friends that you want us to be. Let us encourage our friends to follow you in every aspect of their lives. Help us to take the time to care about them and show them that we care. Life seems so busy sometimes that we forget to keep in touch. Help us not to get so busy that we forget our friends and their needs.
In Jesus' name,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Walk in the Light by Ann Elaine Broughton
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:14 NIV).
Jesus was mentioned many times in the Bible as being the Light. In Isaiah a prophecy concerning Jesus was, “….the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2 NIV). Needless to say that Jesus’ nemesis, Satan, is associated many times in the Bible with darkness. John speaks about Satan and his angels and darkness, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home-these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day (Jude 6 NIV).
Paul speaks to Christians about the walk they had before they saw the light. “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness…” (Ephesians 5:8-11 NIV).
If you have ever been in a cave and they turned out the lights, you know how darkness can feel. It is scary. We should think about that cave every time we have a desire to turn to ways that do not please the Lord. Where would you rather be? In a dark scary cave all alone with your desires that aren’t holy or standing on the mountaintop in the light praising God. Through the Holy Spirit you can conquer the darkness that can creep into your heart. Pray and ask God to help you be strong and walk in His ways. Read the Bible so that verses can come to your mind that will help you remain faithful. Remember that Jesus is the light of the world and will lift you out of that cave every time you call for help.
So the next time you are tempted to approach that cave, ask the Lord to lead you back to His light. Remember this verse: “So since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet” (1 Thes.5:8 NIV).
Dear Lord,
There are many times in life when we are tempted to give in to the ways of darkness that we walked in before we were Christians. Help us out of the darkness to see your light. Help us to be self-disciplined so that the darkness doesn’t entice us. Help us to be in constant communication with you. Let the Bible be our guide as we try to live a life pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus was mentioned many times in the Bible as being the Light. In Isaiah a prophecy concerning Jesus was, “….the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2 NIV). Needless to say that Jesus’ nemesis, Satan, is associated many times in the Bible with darkness. John speaks about Satan and his angels and darkness, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home-these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day (Jude 6 NIV).
Paul speaks to Christians about the walk they had before they saw the light. “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness…” (Ephesians 5:8-11 NIV).
If you have ever been in a cave and they turned out the lights, you know how darkness can feel. It is scary. We should think about that cave every time we have a desire to turn to ways that do not please the Lord. Where would you rather be? In a dark scary cave all alone with your desires that aren’t holy or standing on the mountaintop in the light praising God. Through the Holy Spirit you can conquer the darkness that can creep into your heart. Pray and ask God to help you be strong and walk in His ways. Read the Bible so that verses can come to your mind that will help you remain faithful. Remember that Jesus is the light of the world and will lift you out of that cave every time you call for help.
So the next time you are tempted to approach that cave, ask the Lord to lead you back to His light. Remember this verse: “So since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet” (1 Thes.5:8 NIV).
Dear Lord,
There are many times in life when we are tempted to give in to the ways of darkness that we walked in before we were Christians. Help us out of the darkness to see your light. Help us to be self-disciplined so that the darkness doesn’t entice us. Help us to be in constant communication with you. Let the Bible be our guide as we try to live a life pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, September 7, 2009
What Does God Require of You? by Ann Elaine Broughton
“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8 NIV).
Remember several years ago when you could see “What Would Jesus Do?” on bracelets? It was a fad some would say, but it should be every Christian’s motto. In order to find out what Jesus would do, you need to read the Gospels which are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In those books you will read that Jesus behaved justly, showed mercy, and walked very humbly before God His Father. He was the model for all of those who want to walk in the way that pleases God. He fed the poor, showed mercy to those who were sinners, and gave his life for everyone on the cross so that we could have eternal life some day. Jesus forgave his enemies and told us to do the same. He showed compassion to those who were in need.
He commanded his disciples to be servants and demonstrated his servant’s heart by washing their feet. That was truly humble.
He went to his friends when they were in need because their brother had died and showed his sympathy and compassion by weeping. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35 NIV).
We are to show compassion just like Jesus did. I am sure that there are people in your life that need your compassion and care. When was the last time you prayed for them or did something special for them? Jesus did not sit around and dwell on his own problems all the time. He went out and helped people instead. Their needs were the utmost importance to Him. We are to act unselfishly and give to others out of compassion.
Now your challenge is to read the gospels and ask yourself all the time, “What would Jesus do?” and then act on it. It is too easy to just sit and do nothing. Someone you know needs encouragement, love, and compassion. Do something now. Do it for Him.
Dear Lord,
As we read the Gospels, help us to act more like Jesus. Help us to exhibit His attitude at home, at work, and at our church. Let us be doers of your Word. Lead us to those who need your love and help us to give it unconditionally.
In Jesus’ name,
Remember several years ago when you could see “What Would Jesus Do?” on bracelets? It was a fad some would say, but it should be every Christian’s motto. In order to find out what Jesus would do, you need to read the Gospels which are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In those books you will read that Jesus behaved justly, showed mercy, and walked very humbly before God His Father. He was the model for all of those who want to walk in the way that pleases God. He fed the poor, showed mercy to those who were sinners, and gave his life for everyone on the cross so that we could have eternal life some day. Jesus forgave his enemies and told us to do the same. He showed compassion to those who were in need.
He commanded his disciples to be servants and demonstrated his servant’s heart by washing their feet. That was truly humble.
He went to his friends when they were in need because their brother had died and showed his sympathy and compassion by weeping. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35 NIV).
We are to show compassion just like Jesus did. I am sure that there are people in your life that need your compassion and care. When was the last time you prayed for them or did something special for them? Jesus did not sit around and dwell on his own problems all the time. He went out and helped people instead. Their needs were the utmost importance to Him. We are to act unselfishly and give to others out of compassion.
Now your challenge is to read the gospels and ask yourself all the time, “What would Jesus do?” and then act on it. It is too easy to just sit and do nothing. Someone you know needs encouragement, love, and compassion. Do something now. Do it for Him.
Dear Lord,
As we read the Gospels, help us to act more like Jesus. Help us to exhibit His attitude at home, at work, and at our church. Let us be doers of your Word. Lead us to those who need your love and help us to give it unconditionally.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, August 31, 2009
Facing Your Giants by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).
After the Israelites left Egypt, God promised them that they would establish their borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines and from the desert to the River. God said he would drive away their enemies. God had just demonstrated His power by sending plagues upon the Egyptians. He provided food for them that fell from the sky.
But when Moses sent some spies into the land God promised them, it seems that all the wonders God performed was forgotten. God had promised them victory, but all the spies saw were giant men that would surely kill them. There were only two of the ten spies, Caleb and Joshua, who believed that God would help them conquer these giants.
The people let fear overcome their faith in God, and because of that God said they could not enter the Promise land. Instead they wandered around in the desert until that generation died. Joshua and Caleb would be the ones that entered 40 years later.
In our lives, giants can squelch our faith. These giants can take the form of health issues, financial woes, family problems, personal problems, and fear. Instead of concentrating on our great God, we have a tendency to focus on the worst. Moses told the people when they said that they did not want to go face the giants these words, “Do not be terrified, do not be afraid of them. The Lord you God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt…………There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place” (Deut. 1:29,30 NIV). The Lord is waiting to carry you so that you can meet your giant head on with faith knowing that He will help you. Our God made the universe and threw the stars in place. He can easily pick you up and give you the strength to face your giant with courage and reassurance that with Him all things work out for good. Trust Him to be with you and don’t doubt.
Dear Lord,
All of us have some kind of giant we are facing. Please help us to trust you to carry us when we feel we can’t make it on our own. Give us faith to believe that you can stop our giants from squelching our faith in you. Thank you for your strength.
In Jesus’ name,
After the Israelites left Egypt, God promised them that they would establish their borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines and from the desert to the River. God said he would drive away their enemies. God had just demonstrated His power by sending plagues upon the Egyptians. He provided food for them that fell from the sky.
But when Moses sent some spies into the land God promised them, it seems that all the wonders God performed was forgotten. God had promised them victory, but all the spies saw were giant men that would surely kill them. There were only two of the ten spies, Caleb and Joshua, who believed that God would help them conquer these giants.
The people let fear overcome their faith in God, and because of that God said they could not enter the Promise land. Instead they wandered around in the desert until that generation died. Joshua and Caleb would be the ones that entered 40 years later.
In our lives, giants can squelch our faith. These giants can take the form of health issues, financial woes, family problems, personal problems, and fear. Instead of concentrating on our great God, we have a tendency to focus on the worst. Moses told the people when they said that they did not want to go face the giants these words, “Do not be terrified, do not be afraid of them. The Lord you God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt…………There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place” (Deut. 1:29,30 NIV). The Lord is waiting to carry you so that you can meet your giant head on with faith knowing that He will help you. Our God made the universe and threw the stars in place. He can easily pick you up and give you the strength to face your giant with courage and reassurance that with Him all things work out for good. Trust Him to be with you and don’t doubt.
Dear Lord,
All of us have some kind of giant we are facing. Please help us to trust you to carry us when we feel we can’t make it on our own. Give us faith to believe that you can stop our giants from squelching our faith in you. Thank you for your strength.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sword of the Spirit, by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome….” (Nehemiah 4:14 NIV).
Nehemiah was a great leader. The Jews had been held captive in Babylonia. Some of the Jews had made their way back to Judah and were discouraged that the walls around Jerusalem were in shambles. Without walls the city was open to their enemies. Nehemiah had a great task in front of him. He had to unite everyone to help rebuild the walls and gates. It would take a lot of hard work and cooperation. They worked with all their heart. While they were building, their enemies started to insult them and threaten them. Nehemiah had to encourage everyone. He told them that God was on their side and that they had to continue to rebuild the walls. Half of the men held spears and the other half built the wall. They carried a weapon at all times. The wall was built in record time, 52 days, due to the fact that they worked together and trusted God.
We can take a lesson from Nehemiah. Our enemy is slightly different.
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith . . .” (1 Peter 5:8 NIV). The devil is out to destroy you and uses any means possible to do it. The key words in this verse are “standing firm in the faith”. Just as the men who had to hold spears to hold back their enemies, we to have a sword. It is the sword of the Spirit, the Bible. The devil would love for you not to read it. He makes you busy, so busy that you don’t have time to read it or ask God to help you see what valuable lesson you need to learn from it. Don’t listen to Satan. Take time every day to read the Bible so that you can hold your sword firmly against Satan. The words of the Bible will penetrate your soul and give you strength when you need it. It is your best defense against that roaring lion.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be faithful in reading your word. It is God-breathed and holds in it everything we need to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help us to cherish your words in our hearts so that when the devil tempts us we can pull our sword out and conquer him.
In Jesus name,
Nehemiah was a great leader. The Jews had been held captive in Babylonia. Some of the Jews had made their way back to Judah and were discouraged that the walls around Jerusalem were in shambles. Without walls the city was open to their enemies. Nehemiah had a great task in front of him. He had to unite everyone to help rebuild the walls and gates. It would take a lot of hard work and cooperation. They worked with all their heart. While they were building, their enemies started to insult them and threaten them. Nehemiah had to encourage everyone. He told them that God was on their side and that they had to continue to rebuild the walls. Half of the men held spears and the other half built the wall. They carried a weapon at all times. The wall was built in record time, 52 days, due to the fact that they worked together and trusted God.
We can take a lesson from Nehemiah. Our enemy is slightly different.
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith . . .” (1 Peter 5:8 NIV). The devil is out to destroy you and uses any means possible to do it. The key words in this verse are “standing firm in the faith”. Just as the men who had to hold spears to hold back their enemies, we to have a sword. It is the sword of the Spirit, the Bible. The devil would love for you not to read it. He makes you busy, so busy that you don’t have time to read it or ask God to help you see what valuable lesson you need to learn from it. Don’t listen to Satan. Take time every day to read the Bible so that you can hold your sword firmly against Satan. The words of the Bible will penetrate your soul and give you strength when you need it. It is your best defense against that roaring lion.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be faithful in reading your word. It is God-breathed and holds in it everything we need to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help us to cherish your words in our hearts so that when the devil tempts us we can pull our sword out and conquer him.
In Jesus name,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ruth, A Woman of Excellence by Ann Elaine Broughton
“And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character” (Ruth 3:11 NIV).
This is what Boaz told Ruth after she had gleaned in his fields in order to find food. You see Ruth was a woman of excellence. Let us look at her attributes so that we can learn from this remarkable woman. She was a Moabite who had married a Jew who had come to her country due to a famine. Her husband and father-in-law had died and her mother-in-law decided to go back to Judah. She told Ruth that she could stay in her own country, but Ruth insisted that she go with her mother-in-law. She said, “Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16 NIV). You see Ruth was very loyal. Are you loyal to your friends? When they ask you to pray for them, do you? Do your friends know that you will be there for them no matter what? If you say you will do something for them, do you do it?
Ruth was a hard worker and didn’t complain. She worked in the fields of Boaz, gleaning for barley that was dropped on the ground. Boaz’ servant told him, “She went into the field and has worked steadily from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter” (Ruth 2:7 NIV). She gave what she gleaned to her mother-in-law. Her hard work did not go unnoticed. Boaz told her to sit with his servant girls and then glean with them. Plus, he had told the men not to touch her, so she was protected. He also told her to get a drink whenever she liked. Boaz fell in love with her because she was a woman who worked hard and had a reputation of being a woman of noble character. He later married her. Her name is in the genealogy of Jesus.
So can others see that you are a hard worker in whatever you do? Do you do it without complaining? Are you generous to others who are in need? There is a reason why the book of Ruth is in the Bible. There are only two books in the Bible named for women: Ruth and Esther. God saw in Ruth something that was very special. Can He see those attributes in you? This week take a look at yourself and ask yourself if you are loyal and a hard worker who is generous? Take time to pray for those who are dear to you, loved ones, and friends alike.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we strive to have noble characters. Help us to work hard without complaining so that we can inspire others to do the same. Help us to be loyal to all the people we love and to give unselfishly when a need arises. Help us to be more like you.
In Jesus’ name,
This is what Boaz told Ruth after she had gleaned in his fields in order to find food. You see Ruth was a woman of excellence. Let us look at her attributes so that we can learn from this remarkable woman. She was a Moabite who had married a Jew who had come to her country due to a famine. Her husband and father-in-law had died and her mother-in-law decided to go back to Judah. She told Ruth that she could stay in her own country, but Ruth insisted that she go with her mother-in-law. She said, “Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16 NIV). You see Ruth was very loyal. Are you loyal to your friends? When they ask you to pray for them, do you? Do your friends know that you will be there for them no matter what? If you say you will do something for them, do you do it?
Ruth was a hard worker and didn’t complain. She worked in the fields of Boaz, gleaning for barley that was dropped on the ground. Boaz’ servant told him, “She went into the field and has worked steadily from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter” (Ruth 2:7 NIV). She gave what she gleaned to her mother-in-law. Her hard work did not go unnoticed. Boaz told her to sit with his servant girls and then glean with them. Plus, he had told the men not to touch her, so she was protected. He also told her to get a drink whenever she liked. Boaz fell in love with her because she was a woman who worked hard and had a reputation of being a woman of noble character. He later married her. Her name is in the genealogy of Jesus.
So can others see that you are a hard worker in whatever you do? Do you do it without complaining? Are you generous to others who are in need? There is a reason why the book of Ruth is in the Bible. There are only two books in the Bible named for women: Ruth and Esther. God saw in Ruth something that was very special. Can He see those attributes in you? This week take a look at yourself and ask yourself if you are loyal and a hard worker who is generous? Take time to pray for those who are dear to you, loved ones, and friends alike.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we strive to have noble characters. Help us to work hard without complaining so that we can inspire others to do the same. Help us to be loyal to all the people we love and to give unselfishly when a need arises. Help us to be more like you.
In Jesus’ name,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
God Looks at our Heart by Ann Elaine Broughton
“But the Lord said to Samuel, …………………….The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV).
We are currently buying a house that looks brown on one side and gray on the other side. It seems a owner tried to paint the siding and it faded. Now we could have rejected the idea of even looking at the inside of the house by looking at the outside, but we decided to check it out. We were surprised to find that the inside of the house was completely remodeled and in excellent condition. We are buying it because it really felt like “home” when we looked around in the inside.
This is an example of how God looks at us. We have a tendency to be very self critical when we look at our outward appearance. We find faults and even wonder sometimes why we were born. But even with all of our outward flaws, God loves us because He looks at our hearts. It is more important that we have surrendered our hearts to Christ and His plan for us than worry about wrinkles and everything else that age brings.
Our words should resemble David’s as he wrote this Psalm:
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you” (Psalm 51:10-13 NIV).
We need to concentrate on where our relationship with Christ is right now. When Satan puts thoughts in our heads that we are imperfect and that our lives don’t mean anything, we need to think about how much we mean to the Lord and how he needs us to show others the way to eternal life.
So do a heart test and check and see if Christ is first in your life. Make sure that when he examines your heart He will be thrilled at what he sees.
Dear Lord,
Help us to have a pure heart so that you will be pleased when you look upon it. Help us not to be so self critical but to lift our concerns and cares to you so that you can give us peace about everything. Thank you for loving us in spite of our faults. Help us to do the same for the people around us.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
We are currently buying a house that looks brown on one side and gray on the other side. It seems a owner tried to paint the siding and it faded. Now we could have rejected the idea of even looking at the inside of the house by looking at the outside, but we decided to check it out. We were surprised to find that the inside of the house was completely remodeled and in excellent condition. We are buying it because it really felt like “home” when we looked around in the inside.
This is an example of how God looks at us. We have a tendency to be very self critical when we look at our outward appearance. We find faults and even wonder sometimes why we were born. But even with all of our outward flaws, God loves us because He looks at our hearts. It is more important that we have surrendered our hearts to Christ and His plan for us than worry about wrinkles and everything else that age brings.
Our words should resemble David’s as he wrote this Psalm:
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you” (Psalm 51:10-13 NIV).
We need to concentrate on where our relationship with Christ is right now. When Satan puts thoughts in our heads that we are imperfect and that our lives don’t mean anything, we need to think about how much we mean to the Lord and how he needs us to show others the way to eternal life.
So do a heart test and check and see if Christ is first in your life. Make sure that when he examines your heart He will be thrilled at what he sees.
Dear Lord,
Help us to have a pure heart so that you will be pleased when you look upon it. Help us not to be so self critical but to lift our concerns and cares to you so that you can give us peace about everything. Thank you for loving us in spite of our faults. Help us to do the same for the people around us.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Persevere by Ann Elaine Broughton
"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us" (Romans 5:3-5 NIV).
Now isn't that interesting how tribulation is linked with perseverance? What is even more of a challenge is to exult in our tribulations. I think it is very difficult for most of us to praise God when we are in the middle of tribulation but that is exactly what Paul is telling us. As you read on you will see that if you do your character will be transformed.
To persevere means: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. I would like to paint a picture of you of perseverance.
Several years ago I was watching a triathalon and was totally amazed at this one woman's desire to go across the finish line no matter how bad she felt. She was at the point of total exhaustion and was literally losing control of her bodily functions as she staggered across the finish line collapsing into the arms of friends. I couldn't believe she had pushed herself that hard just for a race, but something was driving her to get across that line. The picture of her crossing that line was in many papers. She didn't win the race but I think for her just getting across the line was a big achievement. I think I would have quit if I would have been in her shoes. She had endured a tremendous amount of pain and duress, but she had her goal in sight and nothing could stop her. That is perseverance.
Now let's associate that with our Christian walk. When we have tribulation we are to praise God and persevere through it. Just as this lady did, we are to keep our eyes on the goal ahead of us and keep trudging through knowing that with Christ within us we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. If Jesus could persevere and die on a cross for us, we can persevere through our trials with His help. He understands what we are going through and will give us strength to make it across that finish line and it will be His arms that we will collapse into one day.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we daily meet challenges that test our faith and give us the strength to keep on going when we want to quit. We know that the race in life will be difficult but with your help we can persevere. Help us to keep our eyes on you and not look back. Thank you for the hope of the Holy Spirit within us to guide us.
In Jesus' name,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Covered by His Hand by Ann Elaine Broughton
"When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by" (Exodus 33:22 NIV).
In this selection God is speaking to Moses after Moses has asked God to show him His glory. He tells Moses that nobody can see God's face and live so he protects Moses in a way that we can envision it. To me it is a tender hand that covers Moses so that he will not die. It is this hand of God that is full of compassion.
Just as Moses was covered by God's hand, I like to envision God's hand covering me in protection when the world seems caving in around me with hardships, sickness, or anguish. When troubles abound and there seems no place to hide from them, it is nice to know that we are in God's hands and that he will see us safely through them if we trust Him. After all, even Jesus when He was dying, called out to His father saying, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Jesus knew that His father would take care of Him and we too should follow Jesus' example. We must surrender ourselves into God's hands and believe He will cover us with his love and compassion. Another verse of reassurance that will help you during life's tough times is Psalm 91:14 "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
Instead of he and him put your own name in these verses. The Lord cares about you and you must believe that you are covered by His hand and will deliver you.
Dear Lord,
It is so comforting to know that during each day you are with us and that you are covering us with your hands full of love and compassion. Help us to trust you with our lives each day and commit our lives to you just as Jesus did.
In Jesus' name,
In this selection God is speaking to Moses after Moses has asked God to show him His glory. He tells Moses that nobody can see God's face and live so he protects Moses in a way that we can envision it. To me it is a tender hand that covers Moses so that he will not die. It is this hand of God that is full of compassion.
Just as Moses was covered by God's hand, I like to envision God's hand covering me in protection when the world seems caving in around me with hardships, sickness, or anguish. When troubles abound and there seems no place to hide from them, it is nice to know that we are in God's hands and that he will see us safely through them if we trust Him. After all, even Jesus when He was dying, called out to His father saying, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Jesus knew that His father would take care of Him and we too should follow Jesus' example. We must surrender ourselves into God's hands and believe He will cover us with his love and compassion. Another verse of reassurance that will help you during life's tough times is Psalm 91:14 "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
Instead of he and him put your own name in these verses. The Lord cares about you and you must believe that you are covered by His hand and will deliver you.
Dear Lord,
It is so comforting to know that during each day you are with us and that you are covering us with your hands full of love and compassion. Help us to trust you with our lives each day and commit our lives to you just as Jesus did.
In Jesus' name,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Humble Yourselves by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV).
Don’t give up. Sometimes it seems like you are trying so very hard to do the very best job you can do, and nobody appreciates it or acknowledges it. It is difficult when it seems that nobody cares or maybe even notices your hard work, but God does see it. He knows your very thoughts and sees everything you do because Christ is in you. Our human nature wants to be noticed, but Jesus wants you to do everything for Him and not men. We are to totally humble ourselves and lay down at His feet all of our life’s work. Our will and God’s will must be one. It isn’t about you….it is what God can do through you.
Think about it…God used men and women of no great importance to do mighty things. David was a shepherd and became king. Gideon was hiding when God called him to lead an army and defeat the Midianites with just 300 men. Jeremiah was a boy when God called him to be a prophet. Esther was a young Jewish girl of no great importance who became queen and saved her nation from being destroyed. Joseph was a young man who was sold as a slave and later saved many people from famine because he trusted in God. Daniel was a hostage in Babylonia who interpreted the king’s dreams and rose in power. He showed the king that God was the only true God by taking a stand and not bowing down to an idol.
God has a purpose for you just as important as the men and woman listed. They did not do their deeds to be honored by men, but to show men that God was the only God to serve. You are God’s voice and His witness to others on this earth. You have a responsibility to do the work He has planned for you in spite of obstacles and stumbling blocks. There are people that need you to tell them of His great mercy and love. The people you work with or the people who surround you daily need to hear about the Lord’s love for them. Take this responsibility seriously. Don’t be discouraged. He will never leave you. Paul offers encouragement to those who are doing the Lord’s will. “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith” (11 Thess. 1:11 NIV).
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the job and the purpose you have provided for me. Give me strength and courage to do your will even when it is very difficult and nobody seems to notice. Help me to humble myself and believe that you can work through me when I feel I can’t do it. You are mighty and can accomplish anything. I am your humble servant.
In Jesus’ name,
Don’t give up. Sometimes it seems like you are trying so very hard to do the very best job you can do, and nobody appreciates it or acknowledges it. It is difficult when it seems that nobody cares or maybe even notices your hard work, but God does see it. He knows your very thoughts and sees everything you do because Christ is in you. Our human nature wants to be noticed, but Jesus wants you to do everything for Him and not men. We are to totally humble ourselves and lay down at His feet all of our life’s work. Our will and God’s will must be one. It isn’t about you….it is what God can do through you.
Think about it…God used men and women of no great importance to do mighty things. David was a shepherd and became king. Gideon was hiding when God called him to lead an army and defeat the Midianites with just 300 men. Jeremiah was a boy when God called him to be a prophet. Esther was a young Jewish girl of no great importance who became queen and saved her nation from being destroyed. Joseph was a young man who was sold as a slave and later saved many people from famine because he trusted in God. Daniel was a hostage in Babylonia who interpreted the king’s dreams and rose in power. He showed the king that God was the only true God by taking a stand and not bowing down to an idol.
God has a purpose for you just as important as the men and woman listed. They did not do their deeds to be honored by men, but to show men that God was the only God to serve. You are God’s voice and His witness to others on this earth. You have a responsibility to do the work He has planned for you in spite of obstacles and stumbling blocks. There are people that need you to tell them of His great mercy and love. The people you work with or the people who surround you daily need to hear about the Lord’s love for them. Take this responsibility seriously. Don’t be discouraged. He will never leave you. Paul offers encouragement to those who are doing the Lord’s will. “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith” (11 Thess. 1:11 NIV).
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the job and the purpose you have provided for me. Give me strength and courage to do your will even when it is very difficult and nobody seems to notice. Help me to humble myself and believe that you can work through me when I feel I can’t do it. You are mighty and can accomplish anything. I am your humble servant.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Resist the Devil by Ann Elaine Broughton
Resist the Devil by Ann Elaine Broughton
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord. “and will bring you back from captivity” (Jeremiah 29:29:13-14 NIV).
Did you know that you can become a captive? Paul gave some instructions to Timothy about helping people who have been taken captive by Satan. Paul advised Timothy about the people who would oppose him. “Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (II Timothy 2:25-26 NIV). Scary thought isn’t it? Satan can take you captive to do his will. How can he do this? Satan is prowling around watching to find your weaknesses. It is tremendously important that you pray to God to ask Him to reveal to you any weakness that you have so that you can be aware of it and not give in to temptation. Satan is like a lion. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith….” (1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV).
Saul is an example of someone who had it all….he was a king and found favor with God. But you see he had a little weakness that in the end destroyed him. He was jealous of all the accolades David was receiving for killing the giant. The Bible says that God allowed an evil spirit to come upon him. Saul tried to kill David because he knew that the Lord was with David. Jealousy had destroyed Saul. So you see how a little weakness can totally take you captive by Satan.
Be of good cheer. You can overcome Satan’s attack. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:7-8 NIV).
Pray to God on a daily basis and trust Him to help you. Read the Bible daily and pray that God will guide you through his word to be a better person. None of us is perfect so we must be aware of our faults and give them to Jesus. Trust the Lord to help you and humble yourself before Him. He will lift you and protect you from the evil one.
Dear Lord,
We know in this life that Satan wants to take captive anyone who believes in you. Help us to search for you every day and take time every day to read your word so that we can be better Christians. Keep us from evil and help us to walk in your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord. “and will bring you back from captivity” (Jeremiah 29:29:13-14 NIV).
Did you know that you can become a captive? Paul gave some instructions to Timothy about helping people who have been taken captive by Satan. Paul advised Timothy about the people who would oppose him. “Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (II Timothy 2:25-26 NIV). Scary thought isn’t it? Satan can take you captive to do his will. How can he do this? Satan is prowling around watching to find your weaknesses. It is tremendously important that you pray to God to ask Him to reveal to you any weakness that you have so that you can be aware of it and not give in to temptation. Satan is like a lion. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith….” (1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV).
Saul is an example of someone who had it all….he was a king and found favor with God. But you see he had a little weakness that in the end destroyed him. He was jealous of all the accolades David was receiving for killing the giant. The Bible says that God allowed an evil spirit to come upon him. Saul tried to kill David because he knew that the Lord was with David. Jealousy had destroyed Saul. So you see how a little weakness can totally take you captive by Satan.
Be of good cheer. You can overcome Satan’s attack. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:7-8 NIV).
Pray to God on a daily basis and trust Him to help you. Read the Bible daily and pray that God will guide you through his word to be a better person. None of us is perfect so we must be aware of our faults and give them to Jesus. Trust the Lord to help you and humble yourself before Him. He will lift you and protect you from the evil one.
Dear Lord,
We know in this life that Satan wants to take captive anyone who believes in you. Help us to search for you every day and take time every day to read your word so that we can be better Christians. Keep us from evil and help us to walk in your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Take Up Your Cross By Ann Elaine Broughton
“And then He said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23 NIV).
Jesus had just predicted his death and persecution before he spoke the above words to the apostles. Jesus knew what he faced, but the apostles did not have a clue to the extent of the abuse Jesus would take in order for them to have eternal life.
Later as Jesus was praying in agony over His upcoming scourging and crucifixion, the apostles were laying sleeping. He had told them to pray so that they would not fall into temptation, but they slept instead. Amazing isn’t it? That these men who had followed Jesus for over three years didn’t notice that He was in anguish. Why didn’t they pray with Him? Later these men who were hand picked by the Lord, would all run away from Him when he was arrested.
Why did Jesus tell the men to pray that they wouldn’t fall into temptation? These men were about to be tested and they needed to pray that they would be strong and not give in, but when Jesus was taken away by the guards all of His disciples ran away. Peter denied Him three times. They failed the test, but learned a great lesson about temptation and prayer. It would have been wiser for these disciples to pray that they would not give in to temptation instead of sleeping in the garden.
We too must be on our guard at all times, praying that we don’t give into temptation. Our human selves desire things that aren’t always pleasing to God. As Christians we have a responsibility to our Savior to act and do what is pleasing to Him. Denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily is something we should be constantly praying about. The disciples let fear take over their thoughts and their loyalty to their teacher was forgotten when guards with swords came into the picture. We must not let fear stop us from witnessing to others. So many people are lost in darkness and need us to show them the Savior and how His love can free them from sin.
It isn’t easy to carry a cross but consider the agony Christ suffered for you and what you can do for Him, who gave His very life so that you can have life everlasting someday. Pray that you won’t fall into temptation and that you will not run away when Christ needs you the most to witness for Him where ever you may be.
Take up your cross daily and remember that Christ is in you enabling you carry it and will give you the strength to handle any temptation that comes your way.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we deny ourselves and take up our crosses every day. Give us your strength to do your will in our lives. We know that nothing is impossible with you. Thank you for helping us to be brave and not run away from the tasks you have set before us.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus had just predicted his death and persecution before he spoke the above words to the apostles. Jesus knew what he faced, but the apostles did not have a clue to the extent of the abuse Jesus would take in order for them to have eternal life.
Later as Jesus was praying in agony over His upcoming scourging and crucifixion, the apostles were laying sleeping. He had told them to pray so that they would not fall into temptation, but they slept instead. Amazing isn’t it? That these men who had followed Jesus for over three years didn’t notice that He was in anguish. Why didn’t they pray with Him? Later these men who were hand picked by the Lord, would all run away from Him when he was arrested.
Why did Jesus tell the men to pray that they wouldn’t fall into temptation? These men were about to be tested and they needed to pray that they would be strong and not give in, but when Jesus was taken away by the guards all of His disciples ran away. Peter denied Him three times. They failed the test, but learned a great lesson about temptation and prayer. It would have been wiser for these disciples to pray that they would not give in to temptation instead of sleeping in the garden.
We too must be on our guard at all times, praying that we don’t give into temptation. Our human selves desire things that aren’t always pleasing to God. As Christians we have a responsibility to our Savior to act and do what is pleasing to Him. Denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily is something we should be constantly praying about. The disciples let fear take over their thoughts and their loyalty to their teacher was forgotten when guards with swords came into the picture. We must not let fear stop us from witnessing to others. So many people are lost in darkness and need us to show them the Savior and how His love can free them from sin.
It isn’t easy to carry a cross but consider the agony Christ suffered for you and what you can do for Him, who gave His very life so that you can have life everlasting someday. Pray that you won’t fall into temptation and that you will not run away when Christ needs you the most to witness for Him where ever you may be.
Take up your cross daily and remember that Christ is in you enabling you carry it and will give you the strength to handle any temptation that comes your way.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we deny ourselves and take up our crosses every day. Give us your strength to do your will in our lives. We know that nothing is impossible with you. Thank you for helping us to be brave and not run away from the tasks you have set before us.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Trust the Lord by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).
It is difficult to trust the Lord when our lives seem to be full of problems and it is very easy to dwell on our own worldly understanding. Wouldn’t we all like to be able to hit that EASY button and make all of our troubles disappear. But, let’s face it, life is not like that. Troubles will come and contentment will at times be very hard to find. At those times we can look to the Bible for reassurance that God is there for us.
Joseph had a ton of troubles, but according to the Bible his faith in God kept him from sinking into a quicksand of hopelessness. Let’s look at his life. (Genesis 37-47) Joseph was the favored son of Jacob. The brothers were jealous of this and sold him to a caravan heading for Egypt. He became the slave of one of the pharaoh’s officials. It is interesting to note that the Lord was with him and everything he did was a success. So even though he was a slave he knew that God was with him. He could have mourned his state and become disconsolate, but instead he worked at his job doing the best he could. Then something happened that sent him to prison. The official’s wife lied and said he had come to sleep with her. He was thrown into prison. But while he was in prison the Lord was with him and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison guard. Again, Joseph could have been sad and whined, but instead he trusted in his God. He remained in prison for two years until the Pharaoh had a dream that troubled him, and Joseph, who could interpret dreams, was asked to come before the pharaoh to interpret his dream. Joseph interpreted the dream that predicted a famine and was put in charge of the whole land of Egypt. So you see Joseph’s faith and trust in the Lord paid off. When his brothers came before him to get food, he could say to them in all earnestness, “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you” (Genesis 45:5 NIV).
The lesson in Joseph’s story involves trusting the Lord when we cannot understand why things are happening the way they are. Joseph had no idea that all of his problems would end up saving a lot of peoples’ lives. His faith in the Lord helped him be the perfect servant of the Lord. So no matter what you are facing in your life, trust the Lord, wait and see what He can do through you. Trust Him completely and you will be surprised at the outcome.
Dear Lord,
Help us to trust you when our lives seem tossed by problems or discontentment. We know that you are in charge and that all things can work for your good in our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
It is difficult to trust the Lord when our lives seem to be full of problems and it is very easy to dwell on our own worldly understanding. Wouldn’t we all like to be able to hit that EASY button and make all of our troubles disappear. But, let’s face it, life is not like that. Troubles will come and contentment will at times be very hard to find. At those times we can look to the Bible for reassurance that God is there for us.
Joseph had a ton of troubles, but according to the Bible his faith in God kept him from sinking into a quicksand of hopelessness. Let’s look at his life. (Genesis 37-47) Joseph was the favored son of Jacob. The brothers were jealous of this and sold him to a caravan heading for Egypt. He became the slave of one of the pharaoh’s officials. It is interesting to note that the Lord was with him and everything he did was a success. So even though he was a slave he knew that God was with him. He could have mourned his state and become disconsolate, but instead he worked at his job doing the best he could. Then something happened that sent him to prison. The official’s wife lied and said he had come to sleep with her. He was thrown into prison. But while he was in prison the Lord was with him and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison guard. Again, Joseph could have been sad and whined, but instead he trusted in his God. He remained in prison for two years until the Pharaoh had a dream that troubled him, and Joseph, who could interpret dreams, was asked to come before the pharaoh to interpret his dream. Joseph interpreted the dream that predicted a famine and was put in charge of the whole land of Egypt. So you see Joseph’s faith and trust in the Lord paid off. When his brothers came before him to get food, he could say to them in all earnestness, “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you” (Genesis 45:5 NIV).
The lesson in Joseph’s story involves trusting the Lord when we cannot understand why things are happening the way they are. Joseph had no idea that all of his problems would end up saving a lot of peoples’ lives. His faith in the Lord helped him be the perfect servant of the Lord. So no matter what you are facing in your life, trust the Lord, wait and see what He can do through you. Trust Him completely and you will be surprised at the outcome.
Dear Lord,
Help us to trust you when our lives seem tossed by problems or discontentment. We know that you are in charge and that all things can work for your good in our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Don't Doubt by Ann Elaine Broughton
“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6 NIV).
Peter doubted and found himself sinking in the middle of the lake in high winds and huge waves. (Matt. 14:30) Doubt can destroy your faith. Peter was well aware of this as he started sinking and called for Jesus to save him. You see Peter and the apostles were out in a boat in the middle of the night. The wind was buffeting their boat, and it was about ready to sink when they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them. At first they were afraid, but Jesus told them not to be afraid. Peter, being the compulsive guy that he was said, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water” (Matt. 14:28 NIV). The Lord told him to come. So Peter jumped out of that fishing boat and started to walk on the water, keeping his eyes on Jesus. Now the mistake Peter made was that he took his eyes off Jesus and noticed the big wind and became afraid. That is when he started to sink and yell for Jesus to help him. The reassuring thing is that Jesus took him by the hand and caught him. But he also gave him a little scolding saying, “You of little faith, why did you doubt? (Matt. 14:31 NIV).
When we find ourselves in the middle of turmoil instead of sinking in doubt and despair we need to call out Jesus name, and He will lift us out of the sea of dismay. This story gives us so much hope that He is always there for us when we feel as if we are sinking from a great load of care. Taking hold of His hand and trusting Him to give us peace, just like He did for those in that boat, will lift our spirit. Let us trust Him with all of our cares, knowing that He will always be our strength when we are weak.
Dear Lord,
Just as Peter, it is easy for us to doubt when the storms of life assail us. Help us to take hold of your hand knowing that you can be trusted with every aspect of our lives. We trust you in our storms and know that with you by our side we can make it through the worst storm with the knowledge that you will never leave us or forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
Peter doubted and found himself sinking in the middle of the lake in high winds and huge waves. (Matt. 14:30) Doubt can destroy your faith. Peter was well aware of this as he started sinking and called for Jesus to save him. You see Peter and the apostles were out in a boat in the middle of the night. The wind was buffeting their boat, and it was about ready to sink when they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them. At first they were afraid, but Jesus told them not to be afraid. Peter, being the compulsive guy that he was said, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water” (Matt. 14:28 NIV). The Lord told him to come. So Peter jumped out of that fishing boat and started to walk on the water, keeping his eyes on Jesus. Now the mistake Peter made was that he took his eyes off Jesus and noticed the big wind and became afraid. That is when he started to sink and yell for Jesus to help him. The reassuring thing is that Jesus took him by the hand and caught him. But he also gave him a little scolding saying, “You of little faith, why did you doubt? (Matt. 14:31 NIV).
When we find ourselves in the middle of turmoil instead of sinking in doubt and despair we need to call out Jesus name, and He will lift us out of the sea of dismay. This story gives us so much hope that He is always there for us when we feel as if we are sinking from a great load of care. Taking hold of His hand and trusting Him to give us peace, just like He did for those in that boat, will lift our spirit. Let us trust Him with all of our cares, knowing that He will always be our strength when we are weak.
Dear Lord,
Just as Peter, it is easy for us to doubt when the storms of life assail us. Help us to take hold of your hand knowing that you can be trusted with every aspect of our lives. We trust you in our storms and know that with you by our side we can make it through the worst storm with the knowledge that you will never leave us or forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Do Not Fear by Ann Elaine Broughton
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).
What are you afraid of? For some people it is the fear of cancer, death, foreclosure, loss of a job, or fear that something might happen to their children. When fear brings you to your knees, take heart, the Lord is with you. Before Jesus was crucified he gathered his apostles together and gave them a pep talk. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27 NIV). As a Christian you can have that peace that Christ spoke of if you pray and ask for it. You do not need to be crippled by fears that you have no control over, because you have the Holy Spirit available to bring you peace. If all you think of is what you are afraid of then you are letting Satan control your thoughts. Satan wants you to concentrate on these negative thoughts so you won’t be a good witness for the Lord. How do you feel when you are afraid? Helpless? Hopeless? It is time for you to give your fears to the Lord and let Him give you His perfect peace. My challenge to you this week is to trust in the Lord and not be afraid. Lay your fears at his feet and leave them there, trusting Him to take care of your every need.
Dear Lord,
It seems sometimes that fears threaten to overtake my life. Help me to give all of them to you, knowing that you will take them and give me peace in its place. I trust you with my life and the lives of my loved ones. I thank you for giving me the peace that only you can give.
In Jesus’ name,
What are you afraid of? For some people it is the fear of cancer, death, foreclosure, loss of a job, or fear that something might happen to their children. When fear brings you to your knees, take heart, the Lord is with you. Before Jesus was crucified he gathered his apostles together and gave them a pep talk. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27 NIV). As a Christian you can have that peace that Christ spoke of if you pray and ask for it. You do not need to be crippled by fears that you have no control over, because you have the Holy Spirit available to bring you peace. If all you think of is what you are afraid of then you are letting Satan control your thoughts. Satan wants you to concentrate on these negative thoughts so you won’t be a good witness for the Lord. How do you feel when you are afraid? Helpless? Hopeless? It is time for you to give your fears to the Lord and let Him give you His perfect peace. My challenge to you this week is to trust in the Lord and not be afraid. Lay your fears at his feet and leave them there, trusting Him to take care of your every need.
Dear Lord,
It seems sometimes that fears threaten to overtake my life. Help me to give all of them to you, knowing that you will take them and give me peace in its place. I trust you with my life and the lives of my loved ones. I thank you for giving me the peace that only you can give.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Do Not Complain by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe…..” (Philippians 2:14 NIV).
Let’s face it all of us have complained about something during our lifetime, but the above verse tells us not to so that we can be a good example to other people. Being blameless and pure are pretty great goals to try to achieve. This verse tells us that complainers are not blameless and pure. When a person complains it usually means they are in a bad mood and consequently, that bad mood can rub off on others. If you have been around a person who complains all the time, you know exactly what I mean. A complaining person makes others feel negative.
Linda Dillow, the author of Calm My Anxious Heart, tells a story about a missionary named Ella who lived in Africa for 52 years as a missionary. Believe it or not, she never complained, even when the heat was above 120 degrees. She had a motto, which I am paraphrasing: not to complain about anything, not to picture yourself in any other circumstances, not to compare your life with anyone else, not to wish something else would have happened instead of what did, and not to worry about tomorrow. She was content because she lived by this motto and she trusted God explicitly with her life.
If we live by this motto, we too will find things to praise God for, instead of complaining. All of us have so many things we can be thankful for, blessings that God has showered down upon us. All we have to do is think on these things instead of negative things.
If you find yourself complaining, stop yourself and think about something positive you can say instead so you will be a shining light to someone who needs words of encouragement. I believe all of us would like to be pure and blameless, children of God without fault. Let us try hard this week to be shining lights for others by speaking words that are positive and encouraging.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week not to complain about anything, knowing that there are so many things we can be thankful for. Let us measure our words wisely when we are with others because our witness is very important, and we want to lift peoples’ spirits instead of making them feel discouraged.
In Jesus’ name,
Let’s face it all of us have complained about something during our lifetime, but the above verse tells us not to so that we can be a good example to other people. Being blameless and pure are pretty great goals to try to achieve. This verse tells us that complainers are not blameless and pure. When a person complains it usually means they are in a bad mood and consequently, that bad mood can rub off on others. If you have been around a person who complains all the time, you know exactly what I mean. A complaining person makes others feel negative.
Linda Dillow, the author of Calm My Anxious Heart, tells a story about a missionary named Ella who lived in Africa for 52 years as a missionary. Believe it or not, she never complained, even when the heat was above 120 degrees. She had a motto, which I am paraphrasing: not to complain about anything, not to picture yourself in any other circumstances, not to compare your life with anyone else, not to wish something else would have happened instead of what did, and not to worry about tomorrow. She was content because she lived by this motto and she trusted God explicitly with her life.
If we live by this motto, we too will find things to praise God for, instead of complaining. All of us have so many things we can be thankful for, blessings that God has showered down upon us. All we have to do is think on these things instead of negative things.
If you find yourself complaining, stop yourself and think about something positive you can say instead so you will be a shining light to someone who needs words of encouragement. I believe all of us would like to be pure and blameless, children of God without fault. Let us try hard this week to be shining lights for others by speaking words that are positive and encouraging.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week not to complain about anything, knowing that there are so many things we can be thankful for. Let us measure our words wisely when we are with others because our witness is very important, and we want to lift peoples’ spirits instead of making them feel discouraged.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Do Not Worry by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew: 6:34 NIV).
Jesus spoke these words to his followers as he taught them how to live their lives in accordance to God’s will. It is familiarly called the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon can be read in Matthew chapters 5-7. I believe that worry is one of the most crippling disorders in our faith with God. We can get all caught up in issues that “might” happen and get lost in worry so much that even our health is impaired. Worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet, can cripple us with fear and doubt. We can get so caught up in the “what ifs” that we don’t enjoy the wonderful things that are happening around us at the present time. Jesus knew that as human beings it is very easy for us to forget that God is in control: that we can trust Him to take care of us and help us through anything that might happen. Jesus’ solution to worry is this: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew: 6:33 NIV). Here he is speaking about not worrying about what you will eat, or drink, or what you will wear because God knows that you need these things. All you have to do his seek his kingdom, do His will, and He will take care of you.
My challenge for you this week is that if you find yourself worrying about something, stop and pray. Tell Jesus what your are worrying about and imagine that He is taking your worry away and giving you strength and peace instead. Then make it a point that as soon as you start to worry you totally surrender it to the Lord, and remember: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Dear Lord,
Help us not to worry about tomorrow. Help us to give our worries to you, knowing that you will provide for us everything we need to cope with life’s unpredicted circumstances. Help us to trust you with our lives as we seek your kingdom and your righteousness.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus spoke these words to his followers as he taught them how to live their lives in accordance to God’s will. It is familiarly called the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon can be read in Matthew chapters 5-7. I believe that worry is one of the most crippling disorders in our faith with God. We can get all caught up in issues that “might” happen and get lost in worry so much that even our health is impaired. Worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet, can cripple us with fear and doubt. We can get so caught up in the “what ifs” that we don’t enjoy the wonderful things that are happening around us at the present time. Jesus knew that as human beings it is very easy for us to forget that God is in control: that we can trust Him to take care of us and help us through anything that might happen. Jesus’ solution to worry is this: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew: 6:33 NIV). Here he is speaking about not worrying about what you will eat, or drink, or what you will wear because God knows that you need these things. All you have to do his seek his kingdom, do His will, and He will take care of you.
My challenge for you this week is that if you find yourself worrying about something, stop and pray. Tell Jesus what your are worrying about and imagine that He is taking your worry away and giving you strength and peace instead. Then make it a point that as soon as you start to worry you totally surrender it to the Lord, and remember: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Dear Lord,
Help us not to worry about tomorrow. Help us to give our worries to you, knowing that you will provide for us everything we need to cope with life’s unpredicted circumstances. Help us to trust you with our lives as we seek your kingdom and your righteousness.
In Jesus’ name,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Using God's GIfts by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10-11 NIV).
I am studying about the tabernacle and how it was built in the Old Testament. God gave gifts to men through the Holy Spirit in order to build the tabernacle. Bezalel was a man gifted by God to have skills as a craftsman to make everything that was needed for the tabernacle. God spoke to Moses concerning Bezalel: “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts…..” (Exodus 31:3 NIV).
Just as God gave Bezalel special skills to do his job, the Holy Spirit equips us with skills to serve the Lord. Each one of us has a special gift that only we can perform for the Lord. Have you prayed and asked God to reveal this gift to you? It is our responsibility to use our gifts to serve others. We are the temple of God and we are the ones who must do His will on this earth. It is not enough to read the Bible, go to church, and pray. We are to do something in order to help others see God through our actions. James, the brother of Jesus expresses it this way: “ In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17 NIV). James says it is not enough just to believe in the Lord because even the demons believe that….and shudder (James 2:19). We must also be doing something for the Lord and not just sitting in our comfort zone keeping all of our gifts to ourselves. Who are you benefiting by doing that? Jesus promised that He would help us bear the fruit if we trust Him. He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV). My challenge to you this week is to pray to God to show you what your gift is and how you can use it to help others learn more about the Lord. Remember He has equipped you. It is up to you to use it.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we search for the gifts and abilities in us that can be used for your Kingdom. Lead us to see what we can do for you and help us to be brave through your Holy Spirit to take up the challenge you set before us. We know that you will be faithful to complete it in us because you have promised never to leave or forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
I am studying about the tabernacle and how it was built in the Old Testament. God gave gifts to men through the Holy Spirit in order to build the tabernacle. Bezalel was a man gifted by God to have skills as a craftsman to make everything that was needed for the tabernacle. God spoke to Moses concerning Bezalel: “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts…..” (Exodus 31:3 NIV).
Just as God gave Bezalel special skills to do his job, the Holy Spirit equips us with skills to serve the Lord. Each one of us has a special gift that only we can perform for the Lord. Have you prayed and asked God to reveal this gift to you? It is our responsibility to use our gifts to serve others. We are the temple of God and we are the ones who must do His will on this earth. It is not enough to read the Bible, go to church, and pray. We are to do something in order to help others see God through our actions. James, the brother of Jesus expresses it this way: “ In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17 NIV). James says it is not enough just to believe in the Lord because even the demons believe that….and shudder (James 2:19). We must also be doing something for the Lord and not just sitting in our comfort zone keeping all of our gifts to ourselves. Who are you benefiting by doing that? Jesus promised that He would help us bear the fruit if we trust Him. He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV). My challenge to you this week is to pray to God to show you what your gift is and how you can use it to help others learn more about the Lord. Remember He has equipped you. It is up to you to use it.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we search for the gifts and abilities in us that can be used for your Kingdom. Lead us to see what we can do for you and help us to be brave through your Holy Spirit to take up the challenge you set before us. We know that you will be faithful to complete it in us because you have promised never to leave or forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Out of the Pit by Ann E. Broughton
“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Psalm 40:1-2 NIV).
Have you ever felt like you were in the bottom of a pit? Has life ever seemed just too tough because of problems that just seemed to keep lambasting you? It is during our times of deepest distress that our faith must come into action and when we must turn our hearts to the Lord. Daniel had this problem when he was thrown into the lion’s den. (Daniel 6: 1-28) Daniel was a man of great integrity. The king had given him great responsibility and was planning to set him over the whole kingdom. Well, as you can imagine there were those who were jealous and tried to find something bad about him to discredit him. They only found out that he was trustworthy, not corrupt, or negligent. They knew he was a Jew so they asked the king to issue an edict that anyone who bows to any god or man other than the king would be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel was faithful to the Lord and was found praying to Him. The king threw him into the lions’ den, which was a deep pit. Daniel was in that pit all night and the king was very distressed. In the morning the king rushed to the pit and yelled for Daniel asking him if his Lord had saved him. Daniel said that an angel of the Lord had come and shut the lions’ mouths because he had been innocent in the Lord’s sight. No wound was found on him because he trusted in God.
What a wonderful story for us!!! If we too trust in God He will lift us out of our pit of despair and bring us joy. Daniel had complete trust and followed the Lord in every way and the Lord did not forsake him.
Do you believe that nothing is impossible with God? Trust him in your time of need and he will not fail you. Just as he came to Daniel, He will come to you and lift you up, set your feet on the rock, and give you hope.
Dear Lord,
Just as Daniel trusted you in his dire need, so enable us to trust you knowing that you hear our prayers and cries for aid and will give us the strength we need to meet whatever problems that we face today. Thank you for your unfailing love.
In Jesus’ name,
Have you ever felt like you were in the bottom of a pit? Has life ever seemed just too tough because of problems that just seemed to keep lambasting you? It is during our times of deepest distress that our faith must come into action and when we must turn our hearts to the Lord. Daniel had this problem when he was thrown into the lion’s den. (Daniel 6: 1-28) Daniel was a man of great integrity. The king had given him great responsibility and was planning to set him over the whole kingdom. Well, as you can imagine there were those who were jealous and tried to find something bad about him to discredit him. They only found out that he was trustworthy, not corrupt, or negligent. They knew he was a Jew so they asked the king to issue an edict that anyone who bows to any god or man other than the king would be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel was faithful to the Lord and was found praying to Him. The king threw him into the lions’ den, which was a deep pit. Daniel was in that pit all night and the king was very distressed. In the morning the king rushed to the pit and yelled for Daniel asking him if his Lord had saved him. Daniel said that an angel of the Lord had come and shut the lions’ mouths because he had been innocent in the Lord’s sight. No wound was found on him because he trusted in God.
What a wonderful story for us!!! If we too trust in God He will lift us out of our pit of despair and bring us joy. Daniel had complete trust and followed the Lord in every way and the Lord did not forsake him.
Do you believe that nothing is impossible with God? Trust him in your time of need and he will not fail you. Just as he came to Daniel, He will come to you and lift you up, set your feet on the rock, and give you hope.
Dear Lord,
Just as Daniel trusted you in his dire need, so enable us to trust you knowing that you hear our prayers and cries for aid and will give us the strength we need to meet whatever problems that we face today. Thank you for your unfailing love.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Resolution to God by Ann E. Broughton
“When a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said” (Numbers 30:2 NIV).
In the Old Testament there were many times that God made a covenant (promise) to people. God never broke this covenant. For example: God made a covenant to never again flood the earth and kill everything. He promised Abraham that from him would come a great nation, and the nation of Israel still exists today because of that promise.
Now I would like to have you think about a covenant that you can make with God. As we start a new year it is common for people to make resolutions, usually it is about losing weight, exercising, spending more time with family etc. But I would like to challenge you to make a promise to God to do something for Him this year. This should not be taken lightly. As the above verse says, a vow to the Lord is serious business and must not be broken so when you make your promise to God you really must keep it. Pray to God and ask Him what you can do for Him during this year and then write down what thoughts come into your mind concerning ways that you can serve Him. Make a covenant to Him, write it down and keep it where you can see it every day. The Lord has a purpose for you and this year you can grow in amazing ways if you surrender your will to Him. May God bless you as you search for a way to grow closer to Him by serving Him in whatever way you are led.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we search for a way we can serve you and make a promise to you to do it. Let us not take lightly this promise. Lead us to do what you want us to do, and give us the strength and courage even when we feel it is impossible. We know that nothing is impossible with God.
In Jesus’ name,
In the Old Testament there were many times that God made a covenant (promise) to people. God never broke this covenant. For example: God made a covenant to never again flood the earth and kill everything. He promised Abraham that from him would come a great nation, and the nation of Israel still exists today because of that promise.
Now I would like to have you think about a covenant that you can make with God. As we start a new year it is common for people to make resolutions, usually it is about losing weight, exercising, spending more time with family etc. But I would like to challenge you to make a promise to God to do something for Him this year. This should not be taken lightly. As the above verse says, a vow to the Lord is serious business and must not be broken so when you make your promise to God you really must keep it. Pray to God and ask Him what you can do for Him during this year and then write down what thoughts come into your mind concerning ways that you can serve Him. Make a covenant to Him, write it down and keep it where you can see it every day. The Lord has a purpose for you and this year you can grow in amazing ways if you surrender your will to Him. May God bless you as you search for a way to grow closer to Him by serving Him in whatever way you are led.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we search for a way we can serve you and make a promise to you to do it. Let us not take lightly this promise. Lead us to do what you want us to do, and give us the strength and courage even when we feel it is impossible. We know that nothing is impossible with God.
In Jesus’ name,
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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton
“ And not only this, but we also exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven cha...
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