“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10: 11 NIV).
Jesus referred to himself as a shepherd and we are portrayed as sheep. That wasn’t a compliment my friends. Sheep go astray and get lost. Just as we do when we try to follow our own desires.
In the parable about the good shepherd (Matt. 18:12-14) Jesus speaks of the one of one hundred that was lost. He said that it was more important to the shepherd that a lost sheep is found than to stay with the ninety-nine sheep that didn’t wander away. The good shepherd calls the sheep by name and the sheep recognizes his voice and comes to him. Isn’t that a wonderful picture? Jesus is calling your name when you feel lost and confused. He wants to take you in His arms and lead you back to His ways. He loves you so much that He laid down His life for you.
Jesus also referred to himself as the gate of the sheep pen (John 10:7). The shepherd in those days would literally lie down in front of the gate to protect the flock. Jesus is saying that you can only get to heaven through Him. “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved” (John 10:9 NIV).
The good shepherd is calling your name. Are you listening? Instead of going your own way and risking your life, answer His call and let Him lift you up in His arms and take you back to the fold. He gave His life for you and loves you very much. Listen and obey and you will find rest from your wandering ways.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being my shepherd and for your love for me. When I go astray help me to listen to your still small voice and come back to you. I know that you want to protect me from evil, so please help me not to be tempted to run away and do what I want. I know your way is the only way to eternal life.
In Jesus’ name,
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