“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes. 5:16-18 NIV).
Being joyful is very easy when you are having fun with your family, are in good health, on vacation, or _____________ you fill in the blank. But your Christian faith can be really tested during times of trial. Being joyful when you feel like crying is very difficult, but I don’t believe it is impossible or Paul wouldn’t have said it. I believe it is all in your mindset. Paul and Silas were in jail, but yet they were praying and singing songs to God. It is because of their attitude that they were able to save the jailer and his family. (Acts 16:25-34) Corrie ten Boom and her sister were taken as prisoners to a concentration camp because they hid Jews in their house. They were Christians and held Bible studies in their barracks. The building they were in had an infestation of fleas. Corrie complained about it, but her sister said that she should praise God for them. You see the guards would not go in their building because of the fleas so they could have Bible studies without harassment from the guards. So you see being joyful is a state of mind that you can call upon even in dire straits with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Do you start your prayers with thanksgiving? According to the above verse, it is God’s will for you to be thankful in all circumstances. This is yet again, a determination on your part. You can complain to God or give Him thanks for a chance to see growth in your character. Every time a difficult situation arises, it is a test for you. Will you let God take over your thoughts and see it through His eyes, or will you become self-absorbed and rely on self-pity? The latter will only make you depressed and negative. Nothing good for you will come of this. Ask God to help you view everything with a joyful and thankful heart. He will transform your mind, and those around you will be amazed at your attitude.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be joyful and thankful, even when I want to do the opposite. Help me to show others that aren’t Christians, that with your help I can have a positive attitude in all circumstances.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit within me that enables me to do the impossible.
In Jesus’ name,
This site has devotions to inspire Christians and encourage them as they strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Your Destiny by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42 NIV).
I have a picture of Jesus as a young child near his father, Joseph’s, workbench. He is playing with nails on the floor and his shadow looks like a cross. The saying around the picture is: “It began in a manger and led to a cross and it included us. Most of us spend our lives seeking our destiny. One Man created His own.”
From birth Jesus’ destiny included death on a cross. But, He did have a choice. He could have told His Father no. It is obvious from the above verse that He would have preferred not to have done it, but it was God’s will that was more important than His own. His destiny was one of death in a very humiliating way. He did that for you and me. Something we should not take lightly. You were bought with a price that was very cruel indeed. What will you do for the Lord? You owe Him your life. He rescued you from darkness and wants you to lead others to His wonderful love and light. Your destiny is wrapped up in the Lord’s will. You too can say no, but you will never know what wonderful and exciting things God has in store for you if you don’t step out in faith. God will give you strength and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams to do His will in ways that you have never perceived.
One person did make a difference and achieved something that others would have deemed impossible. This man was William Wilberforce, a Christian man, who kept trying to get a bill passed in England to stop slave trade in 1786. He kept trying for 21 years until it finally passed and slave trade was abolished. This man had a mission and had felt that it was God’s will for him to do this. He withstood a lot of harassment due to his thinking, but he proceeded to do what he felt was the right thing to do. He never gave up, even when his health suffered from the stress. He did the Father's will and never regretted it.
You too have a mission, and you must fulfill what God has called you to do.
Pray and ask for courage and believe that with His strength you can do anything. Answer Him as He himself told His father. “Not my will, but thine be done.”
Dear Lord,
Help us to do as you did. Help us to follow the Lord’s will for our lives and not be afraid. We know you are always with us. Let us step out and make a difference.
In Jesus’ name,
I have a picture of Jesus as a young child near his father, Joseph’s, workbench. He is playing with nails on the floor and his shadow looks like a cross. The saying around the picture is: “It began in a manger and led to a cross and it included us. Most of us spend our lives seeking our destiny. One Man created His own.”
From birth Jesus’ destiny included death on a cross. But, He did have a choice. He could have told His Father no. It is obvious from the above verse that He would have preferred not to have done it, but it was God’s will that was more important than His own. His destiny was one of death in a very humiliating way. He did that for you and me. Something we should not take lightly. You were bought with a price that was very cruel indeed. What will you do for the Lord? You owe Him your life. He rescued you from darkness and wants you to lead others to His wonderful love and light. Your destiny is wrapped up in the Lord’s will. You too can say no, but you will never know what wonderful and exciting things God has in store for you if you don’t step out in faith. God will give you strength and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams to do His will in ways that you have never perceived.
One person did make a difference and achieved something that others would have deemed impossible. This man was William Wilberforce, a Christian man, who kept trying to get a bill passed in England to stop slave trade in 1786. He kept trying for 21 years until it finally passed and slave trade was abolished. This man had a mission and had felt that it was God’s will for him to do this. He withstood a lot of harassment due to his thinking, but he proceeded to do what he felt was the right thing to do. He never gave up, even when his health suffered from the stress. He did the Father's will and never regretted it.
You too have a mission, and you must fulfill what God has called you to do.
Pray and ask for courage and believe that with His strength you can do anything. Answer Him as He himself told His father. “Not my will, but thine be done.”
Dear Lord,
Help us to do as you did. Help us to follow the Lord’s will for our lives and not be afraid. We know you are always with us. Let us step out and make a difference.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Delight of the Lord by Ann Elaine Broughton
“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17 NIV).
What a wonderful verse of hope this is to everyone. It is easy to forget sometimes that God is ready and available to us when we are feeling the pressures of everyday life. He is just a prayer away and ready to quiet you with His love and peace. It is amazing how we rush through life frantically doing what we do so much that we forget who is following us around waiting to quiet us with His love. Try to imagine Jesus standing near you with His arms open wide gently whispering, “Dear one, please fall into my arms and let me give you peace.” It must be frustrating to Him as we busily go our ways building up tension within us, not even taking time to be quiet and alone with Him. There He is patiently waiting to help us. Maybe it is time to rest in His arms and take a break. Maybe life has been getting you down with worries, problems, and heartache. He is there for you and He takes great delight in you. Isn’t that wonderful? I would certainly want to take time to be with someone who delights in me, who wants to quiet me with His love and sing over me. Isn’t it wonderful to think of Jesus holding you in His arms and singing to you with a look of delight on His face. What a wonderful picture!
So my friend, this week take time to bask in the love of Christ. Take some time every day just to be quiet and feel His delight of you. Bask in His love and know that His song for you is something very special.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to seek you in the quietness of your love. We know that you delight in us and want us to have peace even in the midst of chaos. Help us to picture your wonderful arms around us. Give us peace and comfort us with your singing.
In Jesus’ name,
What a wonderful verse of hope this is to everyone. It is easy to forget sometimes that God is ready and available to us when we are feeling the pressures of everyday life. He is just a prayer away and ready to quiet you with His love and peace. It is amazing how we rush through life frantically doing what we do so much that we forget who is following us around waiting to quiet us with His love. Try to imagine Jesus standing near you with His arms open wide gently whispering, “Dear one, please fall into my arms and let me give you peace.” It must be frustrating to Him as we busily go our ways building up tension within us, not even taking time to be quiet and alone with Him. There He is patiently waiting to help us. Maybe it is time to rest in His arms and take a break. Maybe life has been getting you down with worries, problems, and heartache. He is there for you and He takes great delight in you. Isn’t that wonderful? I would certainly want to take time to be with someone who delights in me, who wants to quiet me with His love and sing over me. Isn’t it wonderful to think of Jesus holding you in His arms and singing to you with a look of delight on His face. What a wonderful picture!
So my friend, this week take time to bask in the love of Christ. Take some time every day just to be quiet and feel His delight of you. Bask in His love and know that His song for you is something very special.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to seek you in the quietness of your love. We know that you delight in us and want us to have peace even in the midst of chaos. Help us to picture your wonderful arms around us. Give us peace and comfort us with your singing.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Lesson from Esther by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
Esther was the Queen of Persia. Haman, a man who King Xerxes had given much power, had made an edict that all Jews were to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. The king did not know that Esther was a Jew. Esther had to make a choice, one that could mean her life.
She could save her people with a request to the king. Mordecai, her father, a faithful Jew, begged her to save them. He told her that she was born and put in this position for this specific reason: to save the nation of Israel. Can you imagine how she felt? How scared she must have been to approach the king, knowing that he could put her to death, because if you weren’t summoned by the king and approached him, you could be killed. She and all the Jews fasted and prayed for three days. She told her father that then she would go to the king and if she perished, she perished. She dressed in her royal robes and went to see the king. The king loved her so much that he let her approach. She cried and begged him to save the Jews and her family. He agreed. A nation was saved due to the faith of a young girl who trusted in God.
Just as God used this young girl to save a nation, He has placed you in a position that only you can fill. You are not there by happenstance, but have been chosen because God has a plan for your life. Esther was very brave and had the guidance of a godly man to help her. Do you have someone to talk to that can give you the Christian advice you need when you feel God is calling you to step out in faith? Before doing anything think about what Esther did. She fasted and prayed to God. It is very wise to do this before you make any kind of decision concerning your life. He needs you to be His ambassador, which may mean that it takes you out of your comfort zone so that He can work through you. It is amazing what faith can do. It helped Esther take those fateful steps towards a mighty and powerful man. She was willing to die for the cause. Are you willing to give your all for the cause of Christ? What price are you willing to pay? Christ paid the ultimate price for you. He deserves for you to give Him all you are.
Dear Lord,
Show us where you want us to make a difference and then give us the courage to take those steps toward the goal you have for us. Help us not to be afraid, because we trust you and know that you would never lead us to a place that would cause our downfall. Help us to accept our calling and do our best for you.
In Jesus’ name.
Esther was the Queen of Persia. Haman, a man who King Xerxes had given much power, had made an edict that all Jews were to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. The king did not know that Esther was a Jew. Esther had to make a choice, one that could mean her life.
She could save her people with a request to the king. Mordecai, her father, a faithful Jew, begged her to save them. He told her that she was born and put in this position for this specific reason: to save the nation of Israel. Can you imagine how she felt? How scared she must have been to approach the king, knowing that he could put her to death, because if you weren’t summoned by the king and approached him, you could be killed. She and all the Jews fasted and prayed for three days. She told her father that then she would go to the king and if she perished, she perished. She dressed in her royal robes and went to see the king. The king loved her so much that he let her approach. She cried and begged him to save the Jews and her family. He agreed. A nation was saved due to the faith of a young girl who trusted in God.
Just as God used this young girl to save a nation, He has placed you in a position that only you can fill. You are not there by happenstance, but have been chosen because God has a plan for your life. Esther was very brave and had the guidance of a godly man to help her. Do you have someone to talk to that can give you the Christian advice you need when you feel God is calling you to step out in faith? Before doing anything think about what Esther did. She fasted and prayed to God. It is very wise to do this before you make any kind of decision concerning your life. He needs you to be His ambassador, which may mean that it takes you out of your comfort zone so that He can work through you. It is amazing what faith can do. It helped Esther take those fateful steps towards a mighty and powerful man. She was willing to die for the cause. Are you willing to give your all for the cause of Christ? What price are you willing to pay? Christ paid the ultimate price for you. He deserves for you to give Him all you are.
Dear Lord,
Show us where you want us to make a difference and then give us the courage to take those steps toward the goal you have for us. Help us not to be afraid, because we trust you and know that you would never lead us to a place that would cause our downfall. Help us to accept our calling and do our best for you.
In Jesus’ name.
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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton
“ And not only this, but we also exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven cha...
“To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to...
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galations:5:22 ...
“ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one anothe...