"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love" (Psalm 103:8 NIV).
Elijah, (1 Kings 18 and 19) was a prophet who learned firsthand about God's compassion. You see Elijah had a melt down. He was scared, even though God showed his mighty power in front of everyone by sending fire down and consuming a sacrifice. But you see, even a prophet of God can have a moment of panic. After God showed his mighty power, Elijah had all the prophets of Baal, an idol, killed. A very nasty queen named Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that she would have him killed just like he killed her prophets. You might say that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Elijah. He was scared and he ran for his life. He went into the desert and collapsed. "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19:4 NIV).
Now God could have been angry at this wayward behavior of his chosen prophet, but here is where we can be encouraged. Instead of being angry with Elijah, he showed him mercy and kindness. God sent an angel to Elijah to give him food and nourishment because God still had a job for Elijah. He also knew that Elijah needed help and comfort.
There are times in all of our lives when we feel like Elijah....wanting to give up because our problems seem insurmountable. We can take heart from this story of Elijah that God knows what we are going through and will give us the strength to keep on doing His will if we ask Him. He isn't angry with us, but is filled with compassion because He loves us.
So when you want to run away like Elijah, remember that God is with you. Tell Him what is bothering you and then trust Him to have compassion and feed your soul with peace. It will come, that I promise. God's love never fails.
Dear Lord,
Help us when we feel like the world is crashing in on us. Let us feel your compassion and know that you can give us the strength we need to follow your will for our lives. When we feel like giving up, fill us with courage that only you can give. Thank you for hearing our prayers and giving us your peace.
In Jesus' name,