“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).
There are times in life when it is very hard to see what good God is doing especially when unexpected difficulties arise. How as a Christian can you find a way to handle it? It is kind of like when you go to the grocery store and grab a cart expecting to zoom through the aisles in record time, but then you realize that you have the one with the wobbly wheel. It is frustrating isn’t it? When it happens to me I’m too stubborn to take it back and get a new one. Then I go through the whole store fighting the wheel that’s going the wrong way and making a squeaking noise that all can hear. It is difficult to keep a joyful spirit also, since it is so annoying and you feel like everyone in the store is staring at you. I have to admit I end up talking to myself, “Wouldn’t you know it, I’m stuck with this noisy dumb cart that has a wobbly wheel. I can’t believe it. How unlucky can I be?” Does any of this sound familiar to you? It is very easy when you are thrown a wobbly wheel to complain and be irritated, and definitely not look for the good in all of it. But God expects us to behave differently when life throws us into problems.
In life our wobbly wheel could be an unexpected illness, death, foreclosure, losing a job, or any number of bad things. God has not promised us that our lives will always be rosy. So how as a Christian do you handle the problems that come into your life? God has promised that all things will work out together for good to those who love the Lord. It is a promise you must grab hold of when you feel that the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. You need to know that it is not about you, but how your faith in God during tough times can be a witness to those who do not believe.
God will work good through your problem, but you must trust Him and believe that He loves you and wants you to show others how faithful you can be in the midst of your difficulty. Believe Him and He will not fail you, and who knows how many other people might come to the Lord because of the way you handled your problem.
Dear Lord,
We know that life is full of difficulties and that you can work good through all of them. Help us to have faith in you during those times. Let us be a good witness to others even when it is hard for us to do.
Help us to continue to do your purpose always.
In Jesus’ name,
This site has devotions to inspire Christians and encourage them as they strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
God's Powerful Words by Ann Elaine Broughton
The Lord says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 NIV).
The word of God is powerful and this promise is one that is given to you as well. The words you speak to others about the Lord will not return empty either. They will accomplish for the Lord what seems to you is impossible. Words are powerful and can change lives.
I would like to relate to you an example of how words even spoken casually are remembered. When I was in college I stayed over night with a friend at her dorm. I commuted to BGSU and there were times when I stayed with a friend over night when I had an early class. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and had let the water run while I was brushing. One of the girls said that I had better turn off the water to save the water for the environment. That was the beginning of the ecology movement. I laughed and told her that my not turning off the water wouldn’t cause the water to dry up on the earth. But to this day every time I brush my teeth her words ring in my head and I turn off the water, even after all these years. If just those few words spoken to me casually could change a habit, can you imagine what a change you can make in a person’s life if you tell them about the Lord and His love for them?
There are people all around you suffering because of problems, worries, illness, and sin. You are the one who could change their lives forever if you just mention that you will pray for them. You see God can even work through your prayers to change their lives. It is possible. Try it this week. When someone tells you about their troubles, tell them that you will pray for them and then do it. God can work in mighty ways and change lives. His word never returns empty.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to tell those who are in need of prayer that we will be lifting them up in prayer. Help us to be faithful with this, as we know that the words we speak in your name will not return empty.
There are so many people who need your love. Help us to be brave and speak up for you.
In Jesus’ name,
The word of God is powerful and this promise is one that is given to you as well. The words you speak to others about the Lord will not return empty either. They will accomplish for the Lord what seems to you is impossible. Words are powerful and can change lives.
I would like to relate to you an example of how words even spoken casually are remembered. When I was in college I stayed over night with a friend at her dorm. I commuted to BGSU and there were times when I stayed with a friend over night when I had an early class. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and had let the water run while I was brushing. One of the girls said that I had better turn off the water to save the water for the environment. That was the beginning of the ecology movement. I laughed and told her that my not turning off the water wouldn’t cause the water to dry up on the earth. But to this day every time I brush my teeth her words ring in my head and I turn off the water, even after all these years. If just those few words spoken to me casually could change a habit, can you imagine what a change you can make in a person’s life if you tell them about the Lord and His love for them?
There are people all around you suffering because of problems, worries, illness, and sin. You are the one who could change their lives forever if you just mention that you will pray for them. You see God can even work through your prayers to change their lives. It is possible. Try it this week. When someone tells you about their troubles, tell them that you will pray for them and then do it. God can work in mighty ways and change lives. His word never returns empty.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to tell those who are in need of prayer that we will be lifting them up in prayer. Help us to be faithful with this, as we know that the words we speak in your name will not return empty.
There are so many people who need your love. Help us to be brave and speak up for you.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Doing God's Will by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21 NIV).
When I was a young girl I was a Girl Scout. It’s a wonderful organization and we had great leaders. Now in Girl Scouts you are supposed to earn merit badges for things such as first aid, tying knots, etc. Well, I’m afraid I wasn’t that dedicated to achieving those badges. If there would have been a badge for giggling I would have had that in a minute. I giggled my way through many a meeting and late into the night at camp outs and lodges, much to our counselors’ dismay. I should have taken it more seriously.
As Christians we don’t earn our way to heaven like earning a merit badge, but the Lord does require us to do something. Going to church on Sunday is just a part of what being a Christian is all about. You can find some guidelines from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Jesus said in this sermon that you should do good deeds to others. He said you will be judged if you are angry with your brother, especially if you don’t forgive him. You need to love your enemies. Give to the needy. Don’t worry because God loves you and will take care of you. Pray to your Father in Heaven. Don’t judge others.
How does your Christian life measure up to all of these things? I think it is important for us at the end of each day to evaluate our Christian walk. It will help us to live a life that is pleasing to God. You see at the end of our lives we will receive something far more valuable than a merit badge because we will receive the crown of life eternal.
Dear Lord,
Let us take time to pray and seriously try to do what you would want us to do every day. You have given us instructions on the way we need to live. It is up to us to follow them and be your ambassadors here on earth. Help us to be faithful and not let life crowd in on us so much that we forget to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
When I was a young girl I was a Girl Scout. It’s a wonderful organization and we had great leaders. Now in Girl Scouts you are supposed to earn merit badges for things such as first aid, tying knots, etc. Well, I’m afraid I wasn’t that dedicated to achieving those badges. If there would have been a badge for giggling I would have had that in a minute. I giggled my way through many a meeting and late into the night at camp outs and lodges, much to our counselors’ dismay. I should have taken it more seriously.
As Christians we don’t earn our way to heaven like earning a merit badge, but the Lord does require us to do something. Going to church on Sunday is just a part of what being a Christian is all about. You can find some guidelines from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Jesus said in this sermon that you should do good deeds to others. He said you will be judged if you are angry with your brother, especially if you don’t forgive him. You need to love your enemies. Give to the needy. Don’t worry because God loves you and will take care of you. Pray to your Father in Heaven. Don’t judge others.
How does your Christian life measure up to all of these things? I think it is important for us at the end of each day to evaluate our Christian walk. It will help us to live a life that is pleasing to God. You see at the end of our lives we will receive something far more valuable than a merit badge because we will receive the crown of life eternal.
Dear Lord,
Let us take time to pray and seriously try to do what you would want us to do every day. You have given us instructions on the way we need to live. It is up to us to follow them and be your ambassadors here on earth. Help us to be faithful and not let life crowd in on us so much that we forget to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Being Lost by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24 NIV).
Have any of you ever been lost? Once I decided not to follow the detour signs, because we all know that is long way, and I took off onto a country road in hopes of a shorter way. Well, I ended up weaving around corners and got completely lost. I have no sense of direction, which doesn’t help matters. I was getting really worried and a tad scared because I didn’t know where I was at all. This was before cell phones so I couldn’t even call someone to help me. I decided to do something a man would shudder at….stop and ask for directions. I was soon on my way to the correct road. I was relieved when I found the route I was looking for and I learned a valuable lesson. Follow the signs.
The son in the above verse was very lost in a different way because he took all of his inheritance and blew it all partying. Then a famine hit and there he was working in a pigpen slopping the hogs. He had hit bottom and was even considering eating the pig slop. Then he came to his senses and decided to go home and repent of sins and beg his father for a job. Here is the part that brings tears to my eyes, because the father ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. He was so glad that his lost son had come home.
This parable is about being lost in sin and repenting and what God does for us afterwards. The world entices with things that look like fun, but ends up destroying lives. This son thought that it would be fun to be on his own and live the high life, but after he lost his money all of his friends left him. He was alone in a pigsty. Ever felt like that? Sin can leave you in a very lonely desperate state. But guess what? The Lord is waiting for you to repent and come running to Him. He will take you in His arms and give you peace and your sins will be forgiven. But you must take the first step.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being there when we are at our lowest. You come running to us with your arms opened wide saying that you love us anyway. All we have to say is that we strayed and want to come back to you. We know that you will forgive us and love us in spite of our faults. Help us to make you proud and strive to follow your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
Have any of you ever been lost? Once I decided not to follow the detour signs, because we all know that is long way, and I took off onto a country road in hopes of a shorter way. Well, I ended up weaving around corners and got completely lost. I have no sense of direction, which doesn’t help matters. I was getting really worried and a tad scared because I didn’t know where I was at all. This was before cell phones so I couldn’t even call someone to help me. I decided to do something a man would shudder at….stop and ask for directions. I was soon on my way to the correct road. I was relieved when I found the route I was looking for and I learned a valuable lesson. Follow the signs.
The son in the above verse was very lost in a different way because he took all of his inheritance and blew it all partying. Then a famine hit and there he was working in a pigpen slopping the hogs. He had hit bottom and was even considering eating the pig slop. Then he came to his senses and decided to go home and repent of sins and beg his father for a job. Here is the part that brings tears to my eyes, because the father ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. He was so glad that his lost son had come home.
This parable is about being lost in sin and repenting and what God does for us afterwards. The world entices with things that look like fun, but ends up destroying lives. This son thought that it would be fun to be on his own and live the high life, but after he lost his money all of his friends left him. He was alone in a pigsty. Ever felt like that? Sin can leave you in a very lonely desperate state. But guess what? The Lord is waiting for you to repent and come running to Him. He will take you in His arms and give you peace and your sins will be forgiven. But you must take the first step.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being there when we are at our lowest. You come running to us with your arms opened wide saying that you love us anyway. All we have to say is that we strayed and want to come back to you. We know that you will forgive us and love us in spite of our faults. Help us to make you proud and strive to follow your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton
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