“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests’” (Luke 2:13-14 NIV).
The angel appeared to the shepherds to tell them that the Christ child was born and that they would find him lying in a manger wrapped in cloths. Then the heavenly host appeared praising God. Can you imagine what went through the shepherds minds at that time? Angels appeared only on rare occasions to people. Even though the angels told the shepherds about Christ being born, they would never know what it is like to have Christ dwell in them.
Have you ever let it sink into your heart that when you accept Christ as your Savior, you have him inside of you. Angels long to look into these things concerning the Holy Spirit that lives within you when you become a Christian.(1 Peter 1:12) The angels can’t have Christ in them. Doesn’t that make you feel wonderful? You have something the angels long to know about. But none of this could have happened if Christ had never been born in that lowly manger.
Now you can have Christ in you because of that birth many years ago. This is what Paul says about this mystery. “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27 NIV). I think we take this for granted too much. The Christ child was born to die a horrific death on the cross for you so that you can have the Holy Spirit inside of you. The Holy Spirit is the seal for your redemption. “Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession” (Ephesians 1:13-14 NIV). To have Christ in you is powerful, but you must do something with it. What is Christ calling you to do for Him? The power that lies within you is so great, but what have you done with it? It is not enough to accept Christ as your Savior and live the life you always led.
Christ wants more from you than that. He gave His life for you, so it is time for you to give up yours for Him.
Dear Lord,
During this season may we remember not only the birth of Christ, but also the fact that Christ is living within us and gives us the power to do wonderful and amazing things for Him. Let us not take it for granted, but let us be in constant prayer to know what your will is for our lives.
In Jesus’ name
This site has devotions to inspire Christians and encourage them as they strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
God's Greatest Gift by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For it is by grace you are saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8 NIV).
As we think of the Christmas season ahead we naturally think of gifts, but the greatest gift given to us is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is up to us to accept this wonderful gift and live for Him. After we have received God’s gift of salvation, striving to please the Lord in every area of our lives is so important. During this season many people give to the poor and perform acts of service to help others. Being a servant of God is so important and during this season there will be ample opportunities to show God’s love. Paul mentioned in 2 Corinthians what benefits service to others can bring. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else” (2 Cor. 9:12-13 NIV). People who are touched by our kindness may be compelled to ask us why we are helping them. It is an opportunity to tell them about God’s wonderful grace and His love for them. This service for others should not stop at Christmas, but we should be helping others every opportunity we get all through the year.
Dear Lord,
Help us during this Christmas season to show your love by helping others.We know that the Christmas season gives us many opportunities to serve others, but help us also to serve you by giving to others all throughout the year. As we do this let us be a witness of Christ’s love to everyone we have contact with so that they will see Christ in us and be blessed by our unselfish service.
In Jesus’ name,
As we think of the Christmas season ahead we naturally think of gifts, but the greatest gift given to us is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is up to us to accept this wonderful gift and live for Him. After we have received God’s gift of salvation, striving to please the Lord in every area of our lives is so important. During this season many people give to the poor and perform acts of service to help others. Being a servant of God is so important and during this season there will be ample opportunities to show God’s love. Paul mentioned in 2 Corinthians what benefits service to others can bring. “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else” (2 Cor. 9:12-13 NIV). People who are touched by our kindness may be compelled to ask us why we are helping them. It is an opportunity to tell them about God’s wonderful grace and His love for them. This service for others should not stop at Christmas, but we should be helping others every opportunity we get all through the year.
Dear Lord,
Help us during this Christmas season to show your love by helping others.We know that the Christmas season gives us many opportunities to serve others, but help us also to serve you by giving to others all throughout the year. As we do this let us be a witness of Christ’s love to everyone we have contact with so that they will see Christ in us and be blessed by our unselfish service.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Give Thanks By Ann Elaine Broughton
“Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29 NIV).
How thankful are you for all the blessings you have in your life? Do you thank God daily for His love for you? This is the season to give thanks and to remember all the blessings in your life. But every day should be a time to give thanks to God. If you are like me, you start your prayers with all your requests concerning your loved ones. I have decided to make a list since I have a tendency to forget these days. But I am also going to make a list of blessings. Too many times it is easy to dwell on the needs so much that we don’t focus on what God has done for us. I think it is important for us to take time each day to be thankful. When you feel really down, take out a piece of paper and start writing down the things you are thankful for. If you have a roof over your head and food to eat, then you are very fortunate since many people in the world don’t have a home or food.
Take Paul and Silas as an example of praising God even in dire circumstances. They were thrown into prison because they were preaching about Jesus. They were severely flogged and beaten before they were thrown into prison. They prayed and sang hymns to God and God heard them. There was an earthquake and the prison doors opened and the prisoner’s chains came loose. They remained there and were able to witness to the jailor, who was baptized along with his family. Amazing isn’t it? Could you have been praising God in that circumstance? It is something to think about since many Christians today in foreign countries are in prison. We should be thankful that we can worship God freely without the fear of being thrown into prison.
This Thanksgiving take time to make your list of blessings and give the Lord sincere thanks for all He has done for you.
Dear Lord,
We take our blessings for granted every day. Help us to be more thankful every day for all you have done for us. Help us to remember all you did for us in the past, especially when it seems like there is no hope in the present. We know you will never forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
How thankful are you for all the blessings you have in your life? Do you thank God daily for His love for you? This is the season to give thanks and to remember all the blessings in your life. But every day should be a time to give thanks to God. If you are like me, you start your prayers with all your requests concerning your loved ones. I have decided to make a list since I have a tendency to forget these days. But I am also going to make a list of blessings. Too many times it is easy to dwell on the needs so much that we don’t focus on what God has done for us. I think it is important for us to take time each day to be thankful. When you feel really down, take out a piece of paper and start writing down the things you are thankful for. If you have a roof over your head and food to eat, then you are very fortunate since many people in the world don’t have a home or food.
Take Paul and Silas as an example of praising God even in dire circumstances. They were thrown into prison because they were preaching about Jesus. They were severely flogged and beaten before they were thrown into prison. They prayed and sang hymns to God and God heard them. There was an earthquake and the prison doors opened and the prisoner’s chains came loose. They remained there and were able to witness to the jailor, who was baptized along with his family. Amazing isn’t it? Could you have been praising God in that circumstance? It is something to think about since many Christians today in foreign countries are in prison. We should be thankful that we can worship God freely without the fear of being thrown into prison.
This Thanksgiving take time to make your list of blessings and give the Lord sincere thanks for all He has done for you.
Dear Lord,
We take our blessings for granted every day. Help us to be more thankful every day for all you have done for us. Help us to remember all you did for us in the past, especially when it seems like there is no hope in the present. We know you will never forsake us.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Be His Servant by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Not so with you, instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20: 26-28 NIV).
How have you been behaving like a servant lately? These words were spoken by Jesus. We are to be servants in this world. There are plenty of opportunities to be a servant.
I would like to tell you a story about a true servant who I didn’t even get the privilege of thanking. One day I went to Krogers with a twenty dollar bill in my hand. I grabbed hold of the cart with the bill still in my hand. As I went through the store I misplaced the bill. When I got to the counter and couldn’t find my money I went into panic mode. I paid with my debit card, and then went down all the aisles in vain hope that I would find that twenty dollar bill. I was feeling like an idiot. I decided to go to the help desk to see if anyone had turned in a twenty dollar bill. I didn’t have high hopes about it, needless to say. I asked the gentleman and he said that someone had just given him a twenty dollar bill. I felt like whooping and hollering. I got my money back. Then I asked God to bless that person for being honest.
That little act of kindness meant so much to me. There are so many ways you can perform acts of kindness. Help people take groceries out of their cart. Let someone go ahead of you in line. Tell the clerks thank you for what they did for you. They work hard and sometimes get harassed by holiday shoppers. Go the extra mile when someone needs assistance. Take food to those who came home from the hospital. Send greeting cards to encourage people. Start your prayers asking God to help others rather than starting in on a list all about your own woes. Giving to others will make you feel better and it will also make others happier too. Remember you are the servant of God and He needs you to show His love to others.
Dear Lord,
Help me not to focus on me and my problems, but to look for ways to help others this week. There are so many people who need encouragement. Let me be your servant and help those who need your love.
In Jesus’ name,
How have you been behaving like a servant lately? These words were spoken by Jesus. We are to be servants in this world. There are plenty of opportunities to be a servant.
I would like to tell you a story about a true servant who I didn’t even get the privilege of thanking. One day I went to Krogers with a twenty dollar bill in my hand. I grabbed hold of the cart with the bill still in my hand. As I went through the store I misplaced the bill. When I got to the counter and couldn’t find my money I went into panic mode. I paid with my debit card, and then went down all the aisles in vain hope that I would find that twenty dollar bill. I was feeling like an idiot. I decided to go to the help desk to see if anyone had turned in a twenty dollar bill. I didn’t have high hopes about it, needless to say. I asked the gentleman and he said that someone had just given him a twenty dollar bill. I felt like whooping and hollering. I got my money back. Then I asked God to bless that person for being honest.
That little act of kindness meant so much to me. There are so many ways you can perform acts of kindness. Help people take groceries out of their cart. Let someone go ahead of you in line. Tell the clerks thank you for what they did for you. They work hard and sometimes get harassed by holiday shoppers. Go the extra mile when someone needs assistance. Take food to those who came home from the hospital. Send greeting cards to encourage people. Start your prayers asking God to help others rather than starting in on a list all about your own woes. Giving to others will make you feel better and it will also make others happier too. Remember you are the servant of God and He needs you to show His love to others.
Dear Lord,
Help me not to focus on me and my problems, but to look for ways to help others this week. There are so many people who need encouragement. Let me be your servant and help those who need your love.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Love Your Enemies by Ann Elaine Broughton
Love Your Enemies by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord (Romans 12:19 NIV).
Has someone done something wrong to you? Are you desiring to seek revenge? It is very easy to want harm to come to those who have treated you wrongly, but Jesus said we are to love our enemies.
That is very hard to do, but if Jesus could forgive those who brutally hurt him when he was crucified, we too can forgive those who treat us badly.
There have been times in my life when others have hurt me deeply and I was tempted to really want to get even. I believe it is the nature of all of us to say, “That isn’t fair”. It doesn’t solve anything though to counteract with nastiness to those who treat us unfairly, and let’s face it, life isn’t fair at all. You can expect to have someone wrong you in this life. How you behave at this time will show if you truly are a child of God. You see Christians are to act differently when they are wronged.
Jesus put it this way: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:44 NIV) This is difficult to do, but it isn’t impossible or Jesus wouldn’t have told you to do it. Remember you have the power of the Holy Spirit in you to help you love those who wrong you. Rely on that power and you will be able to do this very thing that seems impossible.
Pray for those who are your enemies and find out that your heart will be changed towards them. I feel sorry for those who are constantly causing trouble. I believe that people who are nasty need our prayers desperately. I can’t imagine going through life always seeing negative in everything. Let your light shine in their lives so that they will see Christ’s love in you. They will wonder at your attitude and might ask you why you are different. That is your chance to show them how the peace of Christ can change their lives. Think of someone this week who needs to have an attitude adjustment and pray for them.
Dear Lord,
Help me to view everyone, even my enemies, through your loving eyes. Help me to be positive around them and not seek revenge. Give me an opportunity to share your love with them.
In Jesus’ name,
“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord (Romans 12:19 NIV).
Has someone done something wrong to you? Are you desiring to seek revenge? It is very easy to want harm to come to those who have treated you wrongly, but Jesus said we are to love our enemies.
That is very hard to do, but if Jesus could forgive those who brutally hurt him when he was crucified, we too can forgive those who treat us badly.
There have been times in my life when others have hurt me deeply and I was tempted to really want to get even. I believe it is the nature of all of us to say, “That isn’t fair”. It doesn’t solve anything though to counteract with nastiness to those who treat us unfairly, and let’s face it, life isn’t fair at all. You can expect to have someone wrong you in this life. How you behave at this time will show if you truly are a child of God. You see Christians are to act differently when they are wronged.
Jesus put it this way: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:44 NIV) This is difficult to do, but it isn’t impossible or Jesus wouldn’t have told you to do it. Remember you have the power of the Holy Spirit in you to help you love those who wrong you. Rely on that power and you will be able to do this very thing that seems impossible.
Pray for those who are your enemies and find out that your heart will be changed towards them. I feel sorry for those who are constantly causing trouble. I believe that people who are nasty need our prayers desperately. I can’t imagine going through life always seeing negative in everything. Let your light shine in their lives so that they will see Christ’s love in you. They will wonder at your attitude and might ask you why you are different. That is your chance to show them how the peace of Christ can change their lives. Think of someone this week who needs to have an attitude adjustment and pray for them.
Dear Lord,
Help me to view everyone, even my enemies, through your loving eyes. Help me to be positive around them and not seek revenge. Give me an opportunity to share your love with them.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
God's Power is In You by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).
How often do you realize what wonderful power you have available to you through Jesus Christ? He is able to do things through you that you could never do by yourself. It is amazing, this power that the Holy Spirit inside you can produce. But most of us are blind to this power because we like to do it ourselves. We smugly say that we don’t need any help because we have the ability without God’s help. Then we stumble and fall and beg God to help us. Wouldn’t it be much easier to rely on His power in us first? Think about it. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. We can’t even think about all the ways God can work in us if we allow Him to do it.
Doubts can creep in and questions haunt us. What if I fail? What if people don’t support me? Satan loves to throw out these questions in order to make you feel helpless. Don’t believe the lies. You are a child of the king. You can do all things through His strength. Believe it and claim it. The power is there for you to grab hold of and jump into whatever God is calling you to do. Get out of your comfort zone and do something for God that is so big that only He can do it. You have His power. Do something with it.
We have gone to Niagra Falls many times. I was amazed to see the power of the falls. All that water cascading and thundering down upon the rocks. That power was harnessed and used to produce electricity for many people. Someone had the fortitude to do this. Isn’t it amazing that they could produce power from water? Can you imagine that?
Just as that power from water was harnessed so you must harness the power within you by God to do something amazing for Him. It is time for you to make a difference.
Dear Lord,
I know that your power exists in me. Help me to step out in faith and use that power to do your will. I know that you will help me overcome doubts. Thank you for giving me the power that only you can give.
In Jesus’ name,
How often do you realize what wonderful power you have available to you through Jesus Christ? He is able to do things through you that you could never do by yourself. It is amazing, this power that the Holy Spirit inside you can produce. But most of us are blind to this power because we like to do it ourselves. We smugly say that we don’t need any help because we have the ability without God’s help. Then we stumble and fall and beg God to help us. Wouldn’t it be much easier to rely on His power in us first? Think about it. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. We can’t even think about all the ways God can work in us if we allow Him to do it.
Doubts can creep in and questions haunt us. What if I fail? What if people don’t support me? Satan loves to throw out these questions in order to make you feel helpless. Don’t believe the lies. You are a child of the king. You can do all things through His strength. Believe it and claim it. The power is there for you to grab hold of and jump into whatever God is calling you to do. Get out of your comfort zone and do something for God that is so big that only He can do it. You have His power. Do something with it.
We have gone to Niagra Falls many times. I was amazed to see the power of the falls. All that water cascading and thundering down upon the rocks. That power was harnessed and used to produce electricity for many people. Someone had the fortitude to do this. Isn’t it amazing that they could produce power from water? Can you imagine that?
Just as that power from water was harnessed so you must harness the power within you by God to do something amazing for Him. It is time for you to make a difference.
Dear Lord,
I know that your power exists in me. Help me to step out in faith and use that power to do your will. I know that you will help me overcome doubts. Thank you for giving me the power that only you can give.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
God's Wisdom is Available to You by Ann E. Broughton
God’s Wisdom is Available to You by Ann Elaine Broughton
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17 NIV).
If you have the wisdom from God your life should display the above attributes. Do they? Does your behavior every day display the wisdom of God that this verse is talking about? It is available to you but you must want it and desire it above all else.
Have you ever noticed a dilapidated house? While we were out on a drive we went past a house that was totally falling apart. The front porch had fallen and all the windows were broken. It took many years for that house to get in that condition. Little by little it fell apart due to neglect. In the same way, our spiritual life can slowly weaken due to neglect, leaving our souls open to attack from the devil. It is hard to gain wisdom from God, when you haven’t prayed, read the Bible, or have gone to church in a long time. Sometimes it sneaks up on you. Maybe you save your praying for just before bed and you find yourself falling asleep before your prayer ends. Maybe you want to sleep in on Sunday instead of going to church. If you keep neglecting to draw near to God, you will find that your life isn’t displaying the wonderful attributes found in the above verse that can affect other people’s lives in a positive manner.
We have all been given the ability to make our own choices. What choices are you making that please God? Think about it. Don’t let your soul become like that dilapidated house. Instead may your life show to others that Christ is in your heart and His wisdom rules your life in every aspect.
It is up to you to have the self-discipline to do what God wants you to do. Take the time to draw closer to Him and find out that His wisdom will help you become the person He wants you to be.
Dear Lord,]
Help me to have self-discipline. Help me to seek you daily in prayer, to read your word to gain wisdom, and not to neglect meeting with other Christians. I want to acquire all the attributes that your wisdom can give.
In Jesus’ name,
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17 NIV).
If you have the wisdom from God your life should display the above attributes. Do they? Does your behavior every day display the wisdom of God that this verse is talking about? It is available to you but you must want it and desire it above all else.
Have you ever noticed a dilapidated house? While we were out on a drive we went past a house that was totally falling apart. The front porch had fallen and all the windows were broken. It took many years for that house to get in that condition. Little by little it fell apart due to neglect. In the same way, our spiritual life can slowly weaken due to neglect, leaving our souls open to attack from the devil. It is hard to gain wisdom from God, when you haven’t prayed, read the Bible, or have gone to church in a long time. Sometimes it sneaks up on you. Maybe you save your praying for just before bed and you find yourself falling asleep before your prayer ends. Maybe you want to sleep in on Sunday instead of going to church. If you keep neglecting to draw near to God, you will find that your life isn’t displaying the wonderful attributes found in the above verse that can affect other people’s lives in a positive manner.
We have all been given the ability to make our own choices. What choices are you making that please God? Think about it. Don’t let your soul become like that dilapidated house. Instead may your life show to others that Christ is in your heart and His wisdom rules your life in every aspect.
It is up to you to have the self-discipline to do what God wants you to do. Take the time to draw closer to Him and find out that His wisdom will help you become the person He wants you to be.
Dear Lord,]
Help me to have self-discipline. Help me to seek you daily in prayer, to read your word to gain wisdom, and not to neglect meeting with other Christians. I want to acquire all the attributes that your wisdom can give.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Be Compassionate by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12 NIV).
When was the last time someone showed you compassion? How did it make you feel? When was the last time you showed someone compassion? Jesus is our model for compassion. He healed the sick and showed gentleness to people that others looked at with disdain. He came to seek the lost and show them the way to eternal life. He was the epitome of humility, kindness, compassion and gentleness.
We as Christians are to behave like Jesus did. We are to treat others with compassion and kindness.
I know when I am sick or discouraged I am thrilled to hear from my Christian friends. It makes me feel so good to receive a get well card.
Some people think that a card isn’t a big deal, but I assure you it is.
It means that someone cares and that really raises a person’s mood.
Because I have heard from so many of our church goers that get well cards have lifted their spirits I have become more diligent about sending cards. It is a way to show compassion.
Compassion means that we must reach out to others with love and caring when they are at their lowest. We all need someone to care about us, especially when it seems that nothing is going right. One time when I was at my lowest point, a friend came to talk to me and encourage me. This friend told me that when it seems that I’m at my lowest point, that is when everything will turn around and it will get better. My friend was right and I was encouraged by this advice. It made me feel good.
Someone you know may need encouragement and compassion. You need to be like Jesus and show this person that you care. This week reach out to someone with love and compassion in some wonderful way. You will be blessed and you will be a blessing to someone who desperately needs encouraged.
Dear Lord,
There are those around me who needs to see your compassion by my actions. Let every word that comes out of my mouth be a blessing to others. Help me to show compassion and gentleness to those who need some hope. Thank you for example of Jesus, who loved everyone.
In Jesus’ name,
When was the last time someone showed you compassion? How did it make you feel? When was the last time you showed someone compassion? Jesus is our model for compassion. He healed the sick and showed gentleness to people that others looked at with disdain. He came to seek the lost and show them the way to eternal life. He was the epitome of humility, kindness, compassion and gentleness.
We as Christians are to behave like Jesus did. We are to treat others with compassion and kindness.
I know when I am sick or discouraged I am thrilled to hear from my Christian friends. It makes me feel so good to receive a get well card.
Some people think that a card isn’t a big deal, but I assure you it is.
It means that someone cares and that really raises a person’s mood.
Because I have heard from so many of our church goers that get well cards have lifted their spirits I have become more diligent about sending cards. It is a way to show compassion.
Compassion means that we must reach out to others with love and caring when they are at their lowest. We all need someone to care about us, especially when it seems that nothing is going right. One time when I was at my lowest point, a friend came to talk to me and encourage me. This friend told me that when it seems that I’m at my lowest point, that is when everything will turn around and it will get better. My friend was right and I was encouraged by this advice. It made me feel good.
Someone you know may need encouragement and compassion. You need to be like Jesus and show this person that you care. This week reach out to someone with love and compassion in some wonderful way. You will be blessed and you will be a blessing to someone who desperately needs encouraged.
Dear Lord,
There are those around me who needs to see your compassion by my actions. Let every word that comes out of my mouth be a blessing to others. Help me to show compassion and gentleness to those who need some hope. Thank you for example of Jesus, who loved everyone.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Lord is My Deliverer by Ann Elaine Broughton
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; God is my rock, in whom I take refuge” (Psalm 18:2 NIV).
Do you need to be delivered from something? God is your deliverer and can provide the help you need. Do you have a habit that is affecting your health that God can deliver you from? Do you have a secret sin that needs to be confessed so that God can deliver you from its power over you? Are you telling yourself that you aren’t worth anything or that nobody cares for you? God can fill you with the love you need so that you will know that you are very important in His eyes. Satan loves to throw a net of hopelessness around you so that you will be plunged into bad habits and depression. It is so important to remember that He is with you all the time. He wants you to ask Him to deliver you from your bad habits and sin that have a tendency to make you spiral downward into hopelessness. God has a plan for your life that is so wonderful. You must surrender your whole self into the hands of God, so that you can fulfill His plan for your life. It is only then that you will thwart Satan’s hold over you. Remember also that God will give you a joy that will fill your heart in a way that nothing else can. “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10 NIV)
My challenge for you this week is to think about something that has a stronger hold on you than the Lord has. Give it to the Lord and trust Him to help you conquer whatever it is that is keeping you from totally serving the Lord in a way that you know He wants you to. I think we all have a weakness that needs to be scrutinized. None of us is perfect and Satan can use any imperfection to his advantage. Be aware and ask God to deliver you.
Dear Lord,
There are areas in my life that I know needs refining. Help me to trust you to deliver me from bad habits that affect my health and my service for you. Give me the strength to choose the right thing so that I can fulfill your plan for me.
In Jesus’ name,
Do you need to be delivered from something? God is your deliverer and can provide the help you need. Do you have a habit that is affecting your health that God can deliver you from? Do you have a secret sin that needs to be confessed so that God can deliver you from its power over you? Are you telling yourself that you aren’t worth anything or that nobody cares for you? God can fill you with the love you need so that you will know that you are very important in His eyes. Satan loves to throw a net of hopelessness around you so that you will be plunged into bad habits and depression. It is so important to remember that He is with you all the time. He wants you to ask Him to deliver you from your bad habits and sin that have a tendency to make you spiral downward into hopelessness. God has a plan for your life that is so wonderful. You must surrender your whole self into the hands of God, so that you can fulfill His plan for your life. It is only then that you will thwart Satan’s hold over you. Remember also that God will give you a joy that will fill your heart in a way that nothing else can. “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10 NIV)
My challenge for you this week is to think about something that has a stronger hold on you than the Lord has. Give it to the Lord and trust Him to help you conquer whatever it is that is keeping you from totally serving the Lord in a way that you know He wants you to. I think we all have a weakness that needs to be scrutinized. None of us is perfect and Satan can use any imperfection to his advantage. Be aware and ask God to deliver you.
Dear Lord,
There are areas in my life that I know needs refining. Help me to trust you to deliver me from bad habits that affect my health and my service for you. Give me the strength to choose the right thing so that I can fulfill your plan for me.
In Jesus’ name,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
God Your Provider by Ann Elaine Broughton
God Your Provider by Ann Elaine Broughton
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 4:19 NIV).
Do you trust God to help you with your needs, both spiritual and physical? Sometimes it becomes difficult to trust when you are at the bottom of the pit, but God is still there for you and loves you with a passion that no person can give you. One of the Lord’s names is Jehovah-Jirah, which means the Lord will provide.
Rick and I have learned that He truly does provide when you call upon His help. There have been times in our lives when we had to trust God and pray in order to pay bills and eat. It was a very difficult time in our lives, but our faith in God grew because God always provided food and money through our Christian friends. He never failed us. One time we even found some steaks in our mailbox.
When you are in need it is so important to accept help from others and not be prideful. Your Christian friends want to help you and you should be accepting of their help and praise the Lord for providing for you. He uses others to show His love. You must be open to that. When you get back on your feet, then you will be compassionate to those who are in need. Then you can show God’s love in a special way to others who need to know that God does provide for them.
We, as Christians, must be aware of others who have needs. We are God’s hands and must help those in need of assistance in any form. Remember what Jesus said, ”For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matt. 25:42 NIV).
Dear Lord,
Help me to trust you when I have a need, know that you are the provider and you want only the best for me. Help to help others also, as you would do.
In Jesus’ name,
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 4:19 NIV).
Do you trust God to help you with your needs, both spiritual and physical? Sometimes it becomes difficult to trust when you are at the bottom of the pit, but God is still there for you and loves you with a passion that no person can give you. One of the Lord’s names is Jehovah-Jirah, which means the Lord will provide.
Rick and I have learned that He truly does provide when you call upon His help. There have been times in our lives when we had to trust God and pray in order to pay bills and eat. It was a very difficult time in our lives, but our faith in God grew because God always provided food and money through our Christian friends. He never failed us. One time we even found some steaks in our mailbox.
When you are in need it is so important to accept help from others and not be prideful. Your Christian friends want to help you and you should be accepting of their help and praise the Lord for providing for you. He uses others to show His love. You must be open to that. When you get back on your feet, then you will be compassionate to those who are in need. Then you can show God’s love in a special way to others who need to know that God does provide for them.
We, as Christians, must be aware of others who have needs. We are God’s hands and must help those in need of assistance in any form. Remember what Jesus said, ”For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matt. 25:42 NIV).
Dear Lord,
Help me to trust you when I have a need, know that you are the provider and you want only the best for me. Help to help others also, as you would do.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Do It Again by Ann Elaine Broughton
Do It Again by Ann Elaine Broughton
“After the king burned the scroll containing the words that Baruch had written at Jeremiah’s dictation, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: “Take another scroll and write on it all the words that were on the first scroll, which Jehoiakim king of Judah burned up” (Jeremiah 36:28 NIV).
This is the story about a prophet named Jeremiah and his scribe, Baruch. Jeremiah had dictated to Baruch God’s warnings to the people of Israel to repent. The king did not like the words so he had burned them. It had taken twenty years to write those scrolls. Can you imagine how Jeremiah and Baruch felt when they heard the news that their scrolls had been burned up? But God told Jeremiah to take another scroll and write down what was on the first one, and what is most important to remember is that they did. They obeyed God and started all over again and because of their diligence we have their example to follow because we can now read what they wrote in the Bible.
What is God asking you to do again that seems very difficult for you?
Sometimes it is difficult to keep doing a job whether in the workplace or in church that seems tremendously difficult and thankless, but God is trying to teach you a lesson in trusting Him to help you persevere. It is important to learn this lesson so that you can mature as a Christian. God has placed you in your position for a very good reason and you must keep doing it again even when you might be tempted to give up.
Don’t give up, but trust in the Lord and ask Him for wisdom to handle whatever you have to deal with each day. Jeremiah and Baruch started right away to write the scrolls and even added more to them than before, so you see what seemed to be such a big job, ended up being even more beneficial for everyone. God knows your abilities and He knows that you are far more capable than you think. Just believe that God put you where you are for a purpose and that He can reveal to you exactly what you need in order to solve any problem. Just do it again.
Dear Lord,
I know that you have given me all the skills and abilities to do your will. Help me, even when I am discouraged, to keep doing it again, knowing that you will give me the wisdom that I need for every situation.
In Jesus’ name,
“After the king burned the scroll containing the words that Baruch had written at Jeremiah’s dictation, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: “Take another scroll and write on it all the words that were on the first scroll, which Jehoiakim king of Judah burned up” (Jeremiah 36:28 NIV).
This is the story about a prophet named Jeremiah and his scribe, Baruch. Jeremiah had dictated to Baruch God’s warnings to the people of Israel to repent. The king did not like the words so he had burned them. It had taken twenty years to write those scrolls. Can you imagine how Jeremiah and Baruch felt when they heard the news that their scrolls had been burned up? But God told Jeremiah to take another scroll and write down what was on the first one, and what is most important to remember is that they did. They obeyed God and started all over again and because of their diligence we have their example to follow because we can now read what they wrote in the Bible.
What is God asking you to do again that seems very difficult for you?
Sometimes it is difficult to keep doing a job whether in the workplace or in church that seems tremendously difficult and thankless, but God is trying to teach you a lesson in trusting Him to help you persevere. It is important to learn this lesson so that you can mature as a Christian. God has placed you in your position for a very good reason and you must keep doing it again even when you might be tempted to give up.
Don’t give up, but trust in the Lord and ask Him for wisdom to handle whatever you have to deal with each day. Jeremiah and Baruch started right away to write the scrolls and even added more to them than before, so you see what seemed to be such a big job, ended up being even more beneficial for everyone. God knows your abilities and He knows that you are far more capable than you think. Just believe that God put you where you are for a purpose and that He can reveal to you exactly what you need in order to solve any problem. Just do it again.
Dear Lord,
I know that you have given me all the skills and abilities to do your will. Help me, even when I am discouraged, to keep doing it again, knowing that you will give me the wisdom that I need for every situation.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
God Will Strengthen Your Heart by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV).
Does your heart need strengthened? Are you feeling as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Are you fully committed to the Lord? All of these questions are meant for you to analyze your relationship with the Lord and how much you trust Him. We don’t have all the answers in this life, but we do know that nothing will separate us from the Lord if we are truly committed to Him. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37 NIV).
It is wonderful to know that when you are at your lowest the Lord’s eyes are upon you and that he will strengthen you especially if you are doing His will. That is why you must be sure that you are praying, reading the Bible, and serving others. How do you rate in these areas? Have you let Bible study slip because of being too busy? The Bible tells you how to live the Christian life. It uplifts you, and gives you hope and peace. It is God’s words sifting through your heart to let the Holy Spirit use them to strengthen you. I have memorized verses and just the right time when I need a boost a verse will come to my mind to help me. I would challenge you to memorize bible verses so that you too can be built up when you are feeling low. God will never fail you if you love him and seek him.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be fully committed to you in every area. Help me to memorize your word so that I can feel you presence more within me. Help me to take time to read the Bible every day and pray to you.
I know that you will strengthen me as you have promised.
In Jesus’ name,
Does your heart need strengthened? Are you feeling as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Are you fully committed to the Lord? All of these questions are meant for you to analyze your relationship with the Lord and how much you trust Him. We don’t have all the answers in this life, but we do know that nothing will separate us from the Lord if we are truly committed to Him. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37 NIV).
It is wonderful to know that when you are at your lowest the Lord’s eyes are upon you and that he will strengthen you especially if you are doing His will. That is why you must be sure that you are praying, reading the Bible, and serving others. How do you rate in these areas? Have you let Bible study slip because of being too busy? The Bible tells you how to live the Christian life. It uplifts you, and gives you hope and peace. It is God’s words sifting through your heart to let the Holy Spirit use them to strengthen you. I have memorized verses and just the right time when I need a boost a verse will come to my mind to help me. I would challenge you to memorize bible verses so that you too can be built up when you are feeling low. God will never fail you if you love him and seek him.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be fully committed to you in every area. Help me to memorize your word so that I can feel you presence more within me. Help me to take time to read the Bible every day and pray to you.
I know that you will strengthen me as you have promised.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
How Do You Handle Change? by Ann Elaine Broughton
“…..for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances”
(Philippians 4:11 NIV).
How do you handle change? Do you accept it and move on or grumble and make life difficult for everyone around you? What kind of person would you rather work with during a time of change in your workplace, one who has a cheerful outlook or one who is negative? Change can be very scary but let’s face it that is what life is all about. Our bodies are in constant change as we grow up and accept new responsibilities. Our minds are continuously changing as we learn new things all of our lives. When life throws you a curve and you’re thrown into a major change, think about what the Lord requires of you. He expects you to act like a Christian in every situation.
I have had many changes in my life. I moved fourteen times in my married life. It has been unsettling at times, but every move we made I met new friends who have blessed me tremendously. I made a career change that has been a blessing to me in many ways. My faith has grown tremendously as I faced challenges. God never failed me.
You may be facing some kind of change yourself now. Think about it and pray that you will accept it in a manner that pleases the Lord. Surrender your will to the Lord and accept what is happening to you. Don’t grumble like people who don’t know the Lord, but show others how Christians cooperate. Remember to smile that big smile and face life’s challenges head-on. God is with you.
Dear Lord,
I know that life is full of changes. Help me to be a positive influence wherever I am so that others will be blessed. I know you will help me become your servant in all of life’s changes. I trust you to help me to accept what I can’t change and be cooperative.
In Jesus’ name,
(Philippians 4:11 NIV).
How do you handle change? Do you accept it and move on or grumble and make life difficult for everyone around you? What kind of person would you rather work with during a time of change in your workplace, one who has a cheerful outlook or one who is negative? Change can be very scary but let’s face it that is what life is all about. Our bodies are in constant change as we grow up and accept new responsibilities. Our minds are continuously changing as we learn new things all of our lives. When life throws you a curve and you’re thrown into a major change, think about what the Lord requires of you. He expects you to act like a Christian in every situation.
I have had many changes in my life. I moved fourteen times in my married life. It has been unsettling at times, but every move we made I met new friends who have blessed me tremendously. I made a career change that has been a blessing to me in many ways. My faith has grown tremendously as I faced challenges. God never failed me.
You may be facing some kind of change yourself now. Think about it and pray that you will accept it in a manner that pleases the Lord. Surrender your will to the Lord and accept what is happening to you. Don’t grumble like people who don’t know the Lord, but show others how Christians cooperate. Remember to smile that big smile and face life’s challenges head-on. God is with you.
Dear Lord,
I know that life is full of changes. Help me to be a positive influence wherever I am so that others will be blessed. I know you will help me become your servant in all of life’s changes. I trust you to help me to accept what I can’t change and be cooperative.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Storms of Life by Ann Elaine Broughton
The Storms of Life by Ann Elaine Broughton
“But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27 NIV).
When was the last time you were afraid? What did you do? Did you pray? I am tremendously afraid of tornadoes so this summer has been difficult for me as it seems there were tornadoes spotted all around our area. When I was a child a tornado went really close to North Baltimore. We had gone to my grandmother’s house because they had a basement. Mom said that we all stood on her porch and watched it as it left the area. I must have been around two at the time and really don’t remember the event, but to this day when I am stressed I will dream a tornado is coming. It impacted me that much. I have to admit when I hear that a tornado watch is in effect or a warning is nearby I pray really hard. I think about the above verse and try not to be afraid as I think of the story of the disciples being tossed about on a boat in the middle of the night by very strong winds.
You see Jesus spoke the above words to his disciples who were out in a boat being buffeted by strong winds for most of the night. He walked out on the water towards the boat. When they saw him they were afraid. He told them to take courage. Peter asked Jesus, “If it is you tell me to come to you.” Jesus told Peter to come and Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, but his fear overcame him as he looked at the huge waves. Then he started to sink. “Lord, save me!” he cried” (Matthew 12:30 NIV). Then Jesus immediately took his hand and caught him. When they climbed into the boat the wind calmed down.
Storms come in our lives that can make us sink down into the depths, but as Christians we have hope. Jesus is always there to grab your hand and lift you out of your depression or sadness or loss of hope.
When you are afraid remember this story and cry out to the Lord for help. He will never fail you and will lift up your weary spirit and give you peace. He calmed the storm for the disciples, and he can calm your spirit in the same manner. The key to handling life’s storms is keeping your eyes on Jesus and not the storm. Peter let his gaze wander to the huge waves around him, and he lost sight of Jesus. That is when he went under. Don’t let that happen to you. Keep your eyes on the Lord and he will lift you up.
Dear Lord,
I know that storms will come in my life. Help me not to lose sight of your love for me so that I won’t sink down into despair. I know that you will lift me up and give me the peace I need. Thank you for your constant love for me. Help me not to be afraid but to have faith that you will be with me through all of life’s troubles.
In Jesus’ name,
“But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27 NIV).
When was the last time you were afraid? What did you do? Did you pray? I am tremendously afraid of tornadoes so this summer has been difficult for me as it seems there were tornadoes spotted all around our area. When I was a child a tornado went really close to North Baltimore. We had gone to my grandmother’s house because they had a basement. Mom said that we all stood on her porch and watched it as it left the area. I must have been around two at the time and really don’t remember the event, but to this day when I am stressed I will dream a tornado is coming. It impacted me that much. I have to admit when I hear that a tornado watch is in effect or a warning is nearby I pray really hard. I think about the above verse and try not to be afraid as I think of the story of the disciples being tossed about on a boat in the middle of the night by very strong winds.
You see Jesus spoke the above words to his disciples who were out in a boat being buffeted by strong winds for most of the night. He walked out on the water towards the boat. When they saw him they were afraid. He told them to take courage. Peter asked Jesus, “If it is you tell me to come to you.” Jesus told Peter to come and Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water, but his fear overcame him as he looked at the huge waves. Then he started to sink. “Lord, save me!” he cried” (Matthew 12:30 NIV). Then Jesus immediately took his hand and caught him. When they climbed into the boat the wind calmed down.
Storms come in our lives that can make us sink down into the depths, but as Christians we have hope. Jesus is always there to grab your hand and lift you out of your depression or sadness or loss of hope.
When you are afraid remember this story and cry out to the Lord for help. He will never fail you and will lift up your weary spirit and give you peace. He calmed the storm for the disciples, and he can calm your spirit in the same manner. The key to handling life’s storms is keeping your eyes on Jesus and not the storm. Peter let his gaze wander to the huge waves around him, and he lost sight of Jesus. That is when he went under. Don’t let that happen to you. Keep your eyes on the Lord and he will lift you up.
Dear Lord,
I know that storms will come in my life. Help me not to lose sight of your love for me so that I won’t sink down into despair. I know that you will lift me up and give me the peace I need. Thank you for your constant love for me. Help me not to be afraid but to have faith that you will be with me through all of life’s troubles.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, July 19, 2010
How Do You Handle Life's Challenges by Ann Elaine Broughton
“He has made everything beautiful in his time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).
What in your life needs beautified? Believe it or not but when you are in your most challenging time in your life you are being beautified. God can use challenges in your life to make you a better person and mold you into His likeness. Those experiences may seem to you tremendously difficult but you are to learn a lesson from it. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that is difficult, it is important to pray to God and ask Him what lesson you can learn through it. You had better be open to what you need to learn so that you can move on to another area of your life that needs work. Our characters are built on how we handle difficult challenges. It is important to use these times to trust God, pray, and portray peace in the midst of chaos. That is not easy, but God can give you that peace if you take time to remain still each day and concentrate on His love. You have a choice to make. You can wring your hands, stomp your foot, shake your fist at heaven or you can throw up your hands and say, “God teach me what you want me to learn through this.” I can guarantee that God will answer your prayer and show you what you need to learn. He has never failed in this respect for me.
Jonah is an example of a stubborn character who refused to learn his lesson. He was unhappy about the Lord’s request to tell the Ninevites to repent and God would hear their prayers and forgive them. Jonah ran away from his mission, got swallowed by a very large fish and after 3 days repented for his waywardness. He learned he had better follow God’s will. But when the Ninevites repented he was angry about it and moped. His character was not changed by his lesson, which is very sad indeed. I would hope that you would not be like him, but would trust God through your challenge and show the people around you that the Lord does not fail those who love Him.
Dear Lord,
I know that you are with me during my times of challenges in my life. Help me not to doubt you, but to trust that you will make everything beautiful in my life and that what I perceive as difficulties will only make my faith stronger.
In Jesus’ name,
What in your life needs beautified? Believe it or not but when you are in your most challenging time in your life you are being beautified. God can use challenges in your life to make you a better person and mold you into His likeness. Those experiences may seem to you tremendously difficult but you are to learn a lesson from it. Whenever you find yourself in a situation that is difficult, it is important to pray to God and ask Him what lesson you can learn through it. You had better be open to what you need to learn so that you can move on to another area of your life that needs work. Our characters are built on how we handle difficult challenges. It is important to use these times to trust God, pray, and portray peace in the midst of chaos. That is not easy, but God can give you that peace if you take time to remain still each day and concentrate on His love. You have a choice to make. You can wring your hands, stomp your foot, shake your fist at heaven or you can throw up your hands and say, “God teach me what you want me to learn through this.” I can guarantee that God will answer your prayer and show you what you need to learn. He has never failed in this respect for me.
Jonah is an example of a stubborn character who refused to learn his lesson. He was unhappy about the Lord’s request to tell the Ninevites to repent and God would hear their prayers and forgive them. Jonah ran away from his mission, got swallowed by a very large fish and after 3 days repented for his waywardness. He learned he had better follow God’s will. But when the Ninevites repented he was angry about it and moped. His character was not changed by his lesson, which is very sad indeed. I would hope that you would not be like him, but would trust God through your challenge and show the people around you that the Lord does not fail those who love Him.
Dear Lord,
I know that you are with me during my times of challenges in my life. Help me not to doubt you, but to trust that you will make everything beautiful in my life and that what I perceive as difficulties will only make my faith stronger.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
God Answers Prayers by Ann Elaine Broughton
"The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous" (Proverbs 15:29 NIV).
Peter was an apostle who totally realized how the prayer of the righteous could produce a miraculous event. According to Acts 12, Peter was imprisoned because he was a Christian and Herod, the king, wanted to persecute the Christians. Four squads of four soldiers each guarded Peter. It was night and he was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with chains, and the sentries stood guard at the entrance. Then all of a sudden an angel appeared and told Peter to quickly get up and the chains fell off of his wrists. The angel led him out of the prison, to the outside of the city gates, and nobody even noticed. He ran to the house of Mary and pounded on the door. Rhoda answered and left him standing there. She ran back to tell the others who had been praying fervently for Peter's release. They didn't believe her when she told them that Peter was at the door.
What does this prayer have to do with you? First, believe that prayer is a mighty tool that is given to you to have a direct line to the Lord. He does answer your prayers, and you should be prepared when the answer comes. The people were praying for Peter, but lacked the faith to believe that an angel could release him. Nothing is impossible with God, and you should not limit Him to your reality. He can do things that are beyond what you can ever imagine. Second, you must trust the Lord to release you from whatever chains you have encircling your heart. It could be fear, insecurities, low self-esteem, bad habits, or a weakness you haven't surrendered to the Lord. Satan enjoys shackling your heart with all these burdens so that you feel as if you can do nothing about them. But as you see in this story, prayer can break those shackles completely off and free you from all the bad feelings that Satan would like to immerse you in. The Bible promises you that God does hear the prayer of the righteous, and you must believe that He listens and will rescue you. Only God has the power to free you, so you must believe and pray with all your heart that He will release you from every weakness that could imprison you and weaken your witness. Pray that God will help you, and you will see His mighty power work for you.
Dear Lord,
I know that you know all of my weaknesses and faults. Please help me to overcome them in your power so that I can be a better witness for you. I believe that you can do anything, and I give you authority in my life to change my heart in any area that isn't under your control. Thank you for being my strength when I am weak.
In Jesus' name,
Peter was an apostle who totally realized how the prayer of the righteous could produce a miraculous event. According to Acts 12, Peter was imprisoned because he was a Christian and Herod, the king, wanted to persecute the Christians. Four squads of four soldiers each guarded Peter. It was night and he was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with chains, and the sentries stood guard at the entrance. Then all of a sudden an angel appeared and told Peter to quickly get up and the chains fell off of his wrists. The angel led him out of the prison, to the outside of the city gates, and nobody even noticed. He ran to the house of Mary and pounded on the door. Rhoda answered and left him standing there. She ran back to tell the others who had been praying fervently for Peter's release. They didn't believe her when she told them that Peter was at the door.
What does this prayer have to do with you? First, believe that prayer is a mighty tool that is given to you to have a direct line to the Lord. He does answer your prayers, and you should be prepared when the answer comes. The people were praying for Peter, but lacked the faith to believe that an angel could release him. Nothing is impossible with God, and you should not limit Him to your reality. He can do things that are beyond what you can ever imagine. Second, you must trust the Lord to release you from whatever chains you have encircling your heart. It could be fear, insecurities, low self-esteem, bad habits, or a weakness you haven't surrendered to the Lord. Satan enjoys shackling your heart with all these burdens so that you feel as if you can do nothing about them. But as you see in this story, prayer can break those shackles completely off and free you from all the bad feelings that Satan would like to immerse you in. The Bible promises you that God does hear the prayer of the righteous, and you must believe that He listens and will rescue you. Only God has the power to free you, so you must believe and pray with all your heart that He will release you from every weakness that could imprison you and weaken your witness. Pray that God will help you, and you will see His mighty power work for you.
Dear Lord,
I know that you know all of my weaknesses and faults. Please help me to overcome them in your power so that I can be a better witness for you. I believe that you can do anything, and I give you authority in my life to change my heart in any area that isn't under your control. Thank you for being my strength when I am weak.
In Jesus' name,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Get To the Root of the Problem by Ann Elaine Broughton
"Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants........The seed that fell among the thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches, and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stand for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" (Luke 8: 7, 14,15 NIV).
A few years ago someone from the church brought us a dump truck load of free mulch. I was happy at the time, but little did I know that the mulch contained a million thistle seeds. As I was on my knees pulling two garbage bags of thistles, a devotion came to my mind. First of all, getting to the root of your problem took on a whole new meaning for me, because the root of a thistle seems to go down the middle of the earth. If you don't pull the root of the thistle out, it will grow again to pester you.
So it is with life. We all have weaknesses in our lives that are like the thistles. They hinder our witness to others and our own relationship with Christ. Satan loves to use those weaknesses to make us do things that aren't pleasing to God. If we don't get to the root of our weakness and yank it out and present it to God, we are very likely to give in to a temptation. We must put all of our weaknesses at Jesus' feet so that He can help us when we are tested. We need to trust God and not worry. Pursuing riches and forgetting about God will only bring ruin to us and running after pleasure will only give us happiness for a brief time. To have a noble and good heart, to retain the word of God, and persevere is what Jesus wants all of us to do. This week pray and ask God to show you a weakness you have and then give that weakness to Him, asking Him for guidance and direction. Read the Bible and see how God directs you. May His word fill you so that you will mature as a Christian and as long as you live continue to grow in faith.
Dear Lord,
We all know that we are not perfect, and that we have faults and weaknesses that can hinder our relationship with you and our witness to nonbelievers. Please help us this week as we seek guidance from you on how to overcome these weaknesses and mature as Christians. Thank you for your word that helps us learn to live a life that is pleasing to you.
In Jesus' name,
A few years ago someone from the church brought us a dump truck load of free mulch. I was happy at the time, but little did I know that the mulch contained a million thistle seeds. As I was on my knees pulling two garbage bags of thistles, a devotion came to my mind. First of all, getting to the root of your problem took on a whole new meaning for me, because the root of a thistle seems to go down the middle of the earth. If you don't pull the root of the thistle out, it will grow again to pester you.
So it is with life. We all have weaknesses in our lives that are like the thistles. They hinder our witness to others and our own relationship with Christ. Satan loves to use those weaknesses to make us do things that aren't pleasing to God. If we don't get to the root of our weakness and yank it out and present it to God, we are very likely to give in to a temptation. We must put all of our weaknesses at Jesus' feet so that He can help us when we are tested. We need to trust God and not worry. Pursuing riches and forgetting about God will only bring ruin to us and running after pleasure will only give us happiness for a brief time. To have a noble and good heart, to retain the word of God, and persevere is what Jesus wants all of us to do. This week pray and ask God to show you a weakness you have and then give that weakness to Him, asking Him for guidance and direction. Read the Bible and see how God directs you. May His word fill you so that you will mature as a Christian and as long as you live continue to grow in faith.
Dear Lord,
We all know that we are not perfect, and that we have faults and weaknesses that can hinder our relationship with you and our witness to nonbelievers. Please help us this week as we seek guidance from you on how to overcome these weaknesses and mature as Christians. Thank you for your word that helps us learn to live a life that is pleasing to you.
In Jesus' name,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
God's Discipline by Ann Elaine Broughton
God's Discipline devotion by Ann Elaine Broughton
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons..........No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 5-7, 11 NIV).
When I was a child discipline was expected when I didn’t respect my mother or if I did something that could be harmful to me. At the time it was painful, but it did make me not want to do it again. Sassing resulted with soap in my mouth, which tasted horrible and made me think twice about sassing. Once I climbed out of my neighbor’s window above her porch and was running around on the roof, which could have meant a broken neck. The flyswatter was awaiting me when I got home, and you can bet I never walked out on the porch roof again. My mother loved me and wanted me to learn how to make good choices and respect others. It was a good lesson.
God works in the same way. His discipline comes when you don’t obey His word and do what you want to do instead of what God wants you to do. There are consequences to sins and those can be very serious. God uses those consequences to help you learn a lesson so that you won’t do it again. Learn from it, repent, and pray for strength not to do it again. God wants you to learn to make right choices so you won’t have to be disciplined. But the wonderful thing about God’s discipline is that nothing can separate you from His love. He loves you and wants you to be happy. So the next time you are suffering from the consequences of a bad choice, remember that God still loves you and just wants you to be the best Christian you can be.
Dear Lord,
It is so difficult sometimes to give up our selfish desires in order to do your will. Help us to surrender all that we are to you so that we won't have to be disciplined in order to obey you. It is only when we try to run as hard as we can in the direction of selfish motives that we find ourselves needing to be harnessed in, much to your dismay. Forgive us when we stray and help us to learn from our mistakes. Thank you for providing us the peace and righteousness that only you can provide after we are trained by your discipline.
In Jesus' name,
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons..........No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 5-7, 11 NIV).
When I was a child discipline was expected when I didn’t respect my mother or if I did something that could be harmful to me. At the time it was painful, but it did make me not want to do it again. Sassing resulted with soap in my mouth, which tasted horrible and made me think twice about sassing. Once I climbed out of my neighbor’s window above her porch and was running around on the roof, which could have meant a broken neck. The flyswatter was awaiting me when I got home, and you can bet I never walked out on the porch roof again. My mother loved me and wanted me to learn how to make good choices and respect others. It was a good lesson.
God works in the same way. His discipline comes when you don’t obey His word and do what you want to do instead of what God wants you to do. There are consequences to sins and those can be very serious. God uses those consequences to help you learn a lesson so that you won’t do it again. Learn from it, repent, and pray for strength not to do it again. God wants you to learn to make right choices so you won’t have to be disciplined. But the wonderful thing about God’s discipline is that nothing can separate you from His love. He loves you and wants you to be happy. So the next time you are suffering from the consequences of a bad choice, remember that God still loves you and just wants you to be the best Christian you can be.
Dear Lord,
It is so difficult sometimes to give up our selfish desires in order to do your will. Help us to surrender all that we are to you so that we won't have to be disciplined in order to obey you. It is only when we try to run as hard as we can in the direction of selfish motives that we find ourselves needing to be harnessed in, much to your dismay. Forgive us when we stray and help us to learn from our mistakes. Thank you for providing us the peace and righteousness that only you can provide after we are trained by your discipline.
In Jesus' name,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine by Ann Elaine Broughton
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful” (Proverbs 15:13 NIV).
“A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs 17:22 NIV).
How often do you smile and laugh in a day? Laughter and smiling have many health benefits. I just read an article on-line stating that smiling can ease your depression and stress, boost your immune system, releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin, helps you stay positive, is contagious (others will smile because you are), and makes you look younger. * Looking at this list just makes you want to smile. I remember reading that a man cured his cancer by watching funny movies and laughing so I guess it is good medicine. I believe in laughter and am very good at it. I am known for my smile and my laugh. People will hear my laugh when I’m in a store and hunt me down saying that they recognized my laugh. I guess it is my sonar for people. I enjoy making people laugh also.
I believe, as Christians, it is so important to be joyful and smile when greeting people. Whenever I’m at the store I always make a point of smiling at people because it makes them feel better. There are so many people with problems who need a bit of cheering up and it doesn’t take much effort to just look them in the eyes and smile. I would challenge you to smile at people this week as you roam about shopping or working. I guarantee that they will smile back and you have just done something wonderful by lifting up their spirits. It is a way as a Christian to show Christ’s love in a very special way. Jesus spoke about joy and his love that is in you, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11 NIV). Now it is up to you to share that joy with others. Be happy, smile, and share the joy of Christ with others as much as possible.
Dear Lord,
Help me to share your joy to others by smiling when I meet them wherever I go. I know there are so many people who need to feel your joy, so let me be your cheerful ambassador as I share your love with the people I meet everyday.
In Jesus’ name,
* http://longevity.about.com (Top 10 Reasons to Smile by Mark Stibich, Ph.D.)
“A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs 17:22 NIV).
How often do you smile and laugh in a day? Laughter and smiling have many health benefits. I just read an article on-line stating that smiling can ease your depression and stress, boost your immune system, releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin, helps you stay positive, is contagious (others will smile because you are), and makes you look younger. * Looking at this list just makes you want to smile. I remember reading that a man cured his cancer by watching funny movies and laughing so I guess it is good medicine. I believe in laughter and am very good at it. I am known for my smile and my laugh. People will hear my laugh when I’m in a store and hunt me down saying that they recognized my laugh. I guess it is my sonar for people. I enjoy making people laugh also.
I believe, as Christians, it is so important to be joyful and smile when greeting people. Whenever I’m at the store I always make a point of smiling at people because it makes them feel better. There are so many people with problems who need a bit of cheering up and it doesn’t take much effort to just look them in the eyes and smile. I would challenge you to smile at people this week as you roam about shopping or working. I guarantee that they will smile back and you have just done something wonderful by lifting up their spirits. It is a way as a Christian to show Christ’s love in a very special way. Jesus spoke about joy and his love that is in you, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11 NIV). Now it is up to you to share that joy with others. Be happy, smile, and share the joy of Christ with others as much as possible.
Dear Lord,
Help me to share your joy to others by smiling when I meet them wherever I go. I know there are so many people who need to feel your joy, so let me be your cheerful ambassador as I share your love with the people I meet everyday.
In Jesus’ name,
* http://longevity.about.com (Top 10 Reasons to Smile by Mark Stibich, Ph.D.)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Be Content by Ann Elaine Broughton
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:11-13 NIV).
Are you content? Can you say you have been content in every situation? It sounds impossible doesn't it? But according to Paul contentment can be learned. Let's review the different situations Paul is referring to. "I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from river, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger in the sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked" (II Cor. 11:23-27 NIV).
No matter what your circumstances I'm thinking they couldn't compare to the hardships of Paul, and he learned to be content. I believe he wrote all of these down to encourage us. If he could find strength in God to help him through all these tough times, we too can ask God to help us and be assured that He will come to our aid. The reason Paul could do all things through Christ who gave him strength was because he gave his all to the cause of Christ. He surrendered all of his life to doing the Lord's will and the Lord helped him to be content. He trusted in Jesus to give him peace.
Jesus said ..."Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27 NIV). No matter what our circumstances are we can know that we can have the peace that Jesus spoke of as long as we surrender everything into His hands. It is possible to learn how to be content. Pray that God will give you the strength to carry on during the tests in life. Rest in His love and feel His peace envelop you. Take time out of your busy day to just concentrate on His peace.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be like Paul and learn how to be content in all circumstances. We know that you can give us peace that the world cannot give. In the midst of our busy lives, help us to take time to just bask in your love and find peace.
In Jesus' name,
Are you content? Can you say you have been content in every situation? It sounds impossible doesn't it? But according to Paul contentment can be learned. Let's review the different situations Paul is referring to. "I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from river, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger in the sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked" (II Cor. 11:23-27 NIV).
No matter what your circumstances I'm thinking they couldn't compare to the hardships of Paul, and he learned to be content. I believe he wrote all of these down to encourage us. If he could find strength in God to help him through all these tough times, we too can ask God to help us and be assured that He will come to our aid. The reason Paul could do all things through Christ who gave him strength was because he gave his all to the cause of Christ. He surrendered all of his life to doing the Lord's will and the Lord helped him to be content. He trusted in Jesus to give him peace.
Jesus said ..."Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27 NIV). No matter what our circumstances are we can know that we can have the peace that Jesus spoke of as long as we surrender everything into His hands. It is possible to learn how to be content. Pray that God will give you the strength to carry on during the tests in life. Rest in His love and feel His peace envelop you. Take time out of your busy day to just concentrate on His peace.
Dear Lord,
Help us to be like Paul and learn how to be content in all circumstances. We know that you can give us peace that the world cannot give. In the midst of our busy lives, help us to take time to just bask in your love and find peace.
In Jesus' name,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Be Self-controlled by Ann Elaine Broughton
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galations:5:22 NIV).
If you were to rate yourself between 1 to 10, with ten being totally self-controlled, what rating would you give yourself? I believe that of all the fruits, patience and self-control is the most difficult to practice consistently. For me self-control is centered on goodies that I shouldn’t be eating. If Satan would have dangled a HO-HO under my nose and said, “God said this wasn’t good for you, but he really didn’t mean it and it won’t really kill you,” I would have grabbed it in a minute and gobbled it up. I guess I can sympathize with Eve a little on that fruit that she was deceived to eat. Unfortunately, I’m not so keen on fruit, but if you have anything sweet in sight I will devour it in a minute. Self-control in this area is very difficult for me. My goal this summer is to eat healthier so that I can live longer to serve the Lord. That is a challenge for me.
If you lack self-control in an area of your life like me and are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit to help you. Self-control is so important because anything that means more to you than the Lord is a sin and needs to be dealt with in a serious way. You need to pray that the Lord will help you have self-control in situations where you know you are weak. Lack of self-control in any area of your life needs to be brought before the Lord in prayer. You can call on the Lord’s strength when yours is gone. You must say no when you are tempted to do something you know will be harmful. The Holy Spirit will help you: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26 NIV). The most important thing to know is that you must have an on-going relationship with Christ, and pray daily in order to acquire the help you need.
Dear Lord,
Sometimes it is so difficult to have self-control. Please help me to rely on the Holy Spirit when I’m tempted to give in and do things that aren’t pleasing to you. I want to be healthy so that I can serve you a long time. Give me your strength when I am weak.
In Jesus’ name,
If you were to rate yourself between 1 to 10, with ten being totally self-controlled, what rating would you give yourself? I believe that of all the fruits, patience and self-control is the most difficult to practice consistently. For me self-control is centered on goodies that I shouldn’t be eating. If Satan would have dangled a HO-HO under my nose and said, “God said this wasn’t good for you, but he really didn’t mean it and it won’t really kill you,” I would have grabbed it in a minute and gobbled it up. I guess I can sympathize with Eve a little on that fruit that she was deceived to eat. Unfortunately, I’m not so keen on fruit, but if you have anything sweet in sight I will devour it in a minute. Self-control in this area is very difficult for me. My goal this summer is to eat healthier so that I can live longer to serve the Lord. That is a challenge for me.
If you lack self-control in an area of your life like me and are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit to help you. Self-control is so important because anything that means more to you than the Lord is a sin and needs to be dealt with in a serious way. You need to pray that the Lord will help you have self-control in situations where you know you are weak. Lack of self-control in any area of your life needs to be brought before the Lord in prayer. You can call on the Lord’s strength when yours is gone. You must say no when you are tempted to do something you know will be harmful. The Holy Spirit will help you: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26 NIV). The most important thing to know is that you must have an on-going relationship with Christ, and pray daily in order to acquire the help you need.
Dear Lord,
Sometimes it is so difficult to have self-control. Please help me to rely on the Holy Spirit when I’m tempted to give in and do things that aren’t pleasing to you. I want to be healthy so that I can serve you a long time. Give me your strength when I am weak.
In Jesus’ name,
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Pride Goes Before A Fall by Ann Elaine Broughton
Pride Goes Before A Fall by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 NIV).
Jesus spoke against pride with a parable about a Pharisee who was praying at the temple. A tax collector was there also and fpraying that God would have mercy on him, a sinner. The Pharisee was praying: “God, I thank you that I am not like other men---robbers, evildoers, adulterers----or even like this tax collector” (Luke 18:11 NIV). Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified before God.
The kind of pride displayed by the Pharisee isn’t pleasing to God. When I was growing up my mother always told me that “pride cometh before a fall.” You see she knew that pride could lead a person into conceit and selfishness. Both of these traits are displeasing to God. We are to be humble instead of prideful. Sometimes as Christians we can get caught in a “holier than thou” attitude. It is so important that we not think of ourselves above anyone else.
The Lord loves everyone and wants him or her to go to Heaven. We too should have that kind of love for others no matter what their social status is or how they look. Jesus associated with sinners all the time. “When the teachers of law who were Pharisees saw him eating with “sinners” and tax collectors, they asked his disciples, Why does he eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?” (Mark 2:16 NIV). Jesus told them that he had not come to call the righteous, but to call the sinners. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. That means we are to be among those who are sinners as witness to Christ, but still maintain our Christian ways. We are here on earth as a Christian to show others love and compassion, just as Jesus did to everyone.
This week let’s look at others through Jesus’ eyes and see them as those who the Lord loves. Watch out for prideful thoughts and stop them immediately.
Dear Lord,
Help us to not be prideful. Help us not to judge others, but to have compassion towards everyone. Let us reach out to others with love and sincerity knowing that is exactly what you did while you were on earth.
In Jesus’ name,
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 NIV).
Jesus spoke against pride with a parable about a Pharisee who was praying at the temple. A tax collector was there also and fpraying that God would have mercy on him, a sinner. The Pharisee was praying: “God, I thank you that I am not like other men---robbers, evildoers, adulterers----or even like this tax collector” (Luke 18:11 NIV). Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified before God.
The kind of pride displayed by the Pharisee isn’t pleasing to God. When I was growing up my mother always told me that “pride cometh before a fall.” You see she knew that pride could lead a person into conceit and selfishness. Both of these traits are displeasing to God. We are to be humble instead of prideful. Sometimes as Christians we can get caught in a “holier than thou” attitude. It is so important that we not think of ourselves above anyone else.
The Lord loves everyone and wants him or her to go to Heaven. We too should have that kind of love for others no matter what their social status is or how they look. Jesus associated with sinners all the time. “When the teachers of law who were Pharisees saw him eating with “sinners” and tax collectors, they asked his disciples, Why does he eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?” (Mark 2:16 NIV). Jesus told them that he had not come to call the righteous, but to call the sinners. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. That means we are to be among those who are sinners as witness to Christ, but still maintain our Christian ways. We are here on earth as a Christian to show others love and compassion, just as Jesus did to everyone.
This week let’s look at others through Jesus’ eyes and see them as those who the Lord loves. Watch out for prideful thoughts and stop them immediately.
Dear Lord,
Help us to not be prideful. Help us not to judge others, but to have compassion towards everyone. Let us reach out to others with love and sincerity knowing that is exactly what you did while you were on earth.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Don't Give In by Ann Elaine Broughton
“And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand under it” (1 Cor. 10:13 NIV).
We all have a weakness in our lives that can lead us into disaster when a temptation comes along. It is very important for us to be aware of our weaknesses so that we will be prepared and know what to do.
It is very easy sometimes to say, “I am just going to try this once. It won’t hurt anybody. Nobody is around to see me.” But you see some bad things only take just once and you are hooked. Then it will take a tremendous amount of willpower to stop it. It could be something on the computer, video, or anything that can be addictive. God sees what you are doing and knows. Since Adam’s fall, Satan has used all sorts of ways to entice people with things that seem innocent, but are enslaving. You must be on your guard. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8 NIV).
What can you do about your weaknesses? First, if you know something is a temptation then stay away from it. When the pharaoh’s wife tempted Joseph, he ran away. I would advise you to run away when a temptation comes your way also. Do not get caught up in something that you know will cause you to sin. Second, pray that God will give you strength to walk or run away. Third, memorize scripture that will help you during times of temptation. Jesus quoted scripture when Satan tempted him. That means that you must read the Bible and know what Jesus would want you to do in any given situation. Fourth, be accountable to another Christian friend so that there is someone you can call to talk to when your are feeling tempted. It is so important to have someone you can trust to help you and pray with you when you feel you just can’t handle what you are facing.
Dear Lord,
Help me know my weaknesses so I can be on guard when temptation comes my way. Help not to be so busy that I forget to pray or read the Bible. Help me to have the courage to run away when I’m tempted. Let how you handled your temptation be my example.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Pressing on Towards the Goal by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:13-14 NIV).
Sometimes do you feel like you are in a race and the finish line doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight? Running a race can be exhausting unless you have trained thoroughly with a good coach. I wouldn’t call myself athletic and the only reason I would run really hard is if chocolate was at the finish line. I was so pathetic in gym that I even failed relaxation. Our teacher was trying to teach us how to do it. I couldn’t do it. My legs were stiff when she checked them. I wasn’t good at any sports. I was always picked last for softball because I could never hit the ball. I don’t think I could even hit a beach ball if it was thrown at me. I couldn’t make a basket even if the hoop was two feet high. On volleyball day, I would duck whenever the ball came my way. So I wasn’t ever voted most valuable player to say the least. Now running wasn’t exactly my thing either. I have short chubby legs that don’t move well. My mom always told me I was like a bull in a china shop, in other words, not very graceful. There is one thing I learned though in running class, and that was to never to look back. If you look back you lose your pace and it is easy to focus on something else besides the goal in front of you. So even if I came in dead last, at least I crossed the finish line without looking back. I kept my eye on the goal.
As Christians we too must keep our eyes on the goal ahead of us, which is eternal life. It is very easy to look back on past sins and wallow in self-pity or shame instead of thinking of how our lives have been changed for the better since we have become Christians. Pressing on and not looking back is difficult, but must be done in order to fulfill our purpose for the Lord. Our coach is the Lord and the Bible has all we need in it to keep us on track in our Christian walk. I envision Christ waiting for me at the end of that finish line with his arms open wide. Just like a mother who tells her toddler to take her first steps towards her and then throws her arms around her when she actually makes it. That is what I envision Jesus doing for me. So as we press on we must remember who is at the finish line and what wonderful prize is waiting for us.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we run toward your prize. It is easy sometimes to get all caught up with past sins and wallow in self-pity instead of keeping our focus on you. Help us not to do this, but to continually read the bible and put into practice what it says everyday.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, May 3, 2010
God's Perfect Will for You by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is---his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2 NIV).
Have you ever asked for guidance from God in regards to purchasing a car, house, finding your soul mate, or getting a job? What did you do when you didn’t get the loan, someone else got the job you thought was perfect, or the soul mate you thought was the right one rejected you?
Let me give you a visual circumstance that is minor compared to these things but I think you will be able to relate to it on how our human nature can take over when things don’t go our way. Instead of doing what God would be pleased with, I believe we all have a tendency to let our emotions take over, sometimes with disastrous results. My husband and I went to a hotel for a getaway. Now you all know that a trip to the hotel isn’t complete unless you raid the candy machine and pop machine. I grabbed all the quarters I could find and headed for the machine that was filled with my favorite chocolate, M&M’s. I am an official chocolate freak and very proud of it. I gleefully put the correct change in the slot. I gazed at the selection and froze. There was my precious M&M’s snuggled away in the dreaded spiral thing. Now all chocolate freaks know that M&M’s do not drop from a spiral thing easily. It gets stuck and will not come down. I just had to have it so I gingerly pressed E4 and held my breath. The spiral thing turned. “Oh, no,” I yelled. There was my wonderful M&M’s dangling there. This is when I took action. I thumped on the glass, shook the machine, and gave it a hip whammy. But it would not drop down at all. I pressed my hands and face onto the glass. “Please come down,” I pleaded. That was when I looked up and noticed the security camera. Oh brother, it was all on tape. I imagine the security people were dying laughing at my crazed behavior. So I slunk away with a forlorn glance back at my delicious M&M’s just dangling there.
Now what did you do when the Lord’s will wasn’t your will? Did you shake your fist at God and say, “Why didn’t it happen the way I wanted?” Or did you say, “I know that your will is more important than my will, and you know what is best for me. Help me to have patience to wait for your perfect will for my life.” The security camera that was on me is similar to what God sees all the time in our lives. He will put you in situations constantly to see if you trust Him or not. Don’t be like me and bang on the closed door like a maniac. It doesn’t work. You must trust Him and believe that something better is in store for you.
There are some steps you can take in order to find out God’s will.
First, read the Bible. Second, pray about it. Third, use common sense gained from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Fourth, watch for circumstances that open up to you. Fifth, seek Godly counsel from Christian friends. All of these things will help you as you strive to do the Lord’s will in your life. Trust God and don’t lose hope.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I look for your will in my life. Help me not to get discouraged when what I think is right turns out not to happen. I know you know what’s best for me. Your perfect will for me is more important than my will. Thank you for your guidance.
In Jesus’ name,
Have you ever asked for guidance from God in regards to purchasing a car, house, finding your soul mate, or getting a job? What did you do when you didn’t get the loan, someone else got the job you thought was perfect, or the soul mate you thought was the right one rejected you?
Let me give you a visual circumstance that is minor compared to these things but I think you will be able to relate to it on how our human nature can take over when things don’t go our way. Instead of doing what God would be pleased with, I believe we all have a tendency to let our emotions take over, sometimes with disastrous results. My husband and I went to a hotel for a getaway. Now you all know that a trip to the hotel isn’t complete unless you raid the candy machine and pop machine. I grabbed all the quarters I could find and headed for the machine that was filled with my favorite chocolate, M&M’s. I am an official chocolate freak and very proud of it. I gleefully put the correct change in the slot. I gazed at the selection and froze. There was my precious M&M’s snuggled away in the dreaded spiral thing. Now all chocolate freaks know that M&M’s do not drop from a spiral thing easily. It gets stuck and will not come down. I just had to have it so I gingerly pressed E4 and held my breath. The spiral thing turned. “Oh, no,” I yelled. There was my wonderful M&M’s dangling there. This is when I took action. I thumped on the glass, shook the machine, and gave it a hip whammy. But it would not drop down at all. I pressed my hands and face onto the glass. “Please come down,” I pleaded. That was when I looked up and noticed the security camera. Oh brother, it was all on tape. I imagine the security people were dying laughing at my crazed behavior. So I slunk away with a forlorn glance back at my delicious M&M’s just dangling there.
Now what did you do when the Lord’s will wasn’t your will? Did you shake your fist at God and say, “Why didn’t it happen the way I wanted?” Or did you say, “I know that your will is more important than my will, and you know what is best for me. Help me to have patience to wait for your perfect will for my life.” The security camera that was on me is similar to what God sees all the time in our lives. He will put you in situations constantly to see if you trust Him or not. Don’t be like me and bang on the closed door like a maniac. It doesn’t work. You must trust Him and believe that something better is in store for you.
There are some steps you can take in order to find out God’s will.
First, read the Bible. Second, pray about it. Third, use common sense gained from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Fourth, watch for circumstances that open up to you. Fifth, seek Godly counsel from Christian friends. All of these things will help you as you strive to do the Lord’s will in your life. Trust God and don’t lose hope.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I look for your will in my life. Help me not to get discouraged when what I think is right turns out not to happen. I know you know what’s best for me. Your perfect will for me is more important than my will. Thank you for your guidance.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
All Things Work For Good by Ann Elaine Broughton
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).
There are times in life when it is very hard to see what good God is doing especially when unexpected difficulties arise. How as a Christian can you find a way to handle it? It is kind of like when you go to the grocery store and grab a cart expecting to zoom through the aisles in record time, but then you realize that you have the one with the wobbly wheel. It is frustrating isn’t it? When it happens to me I’m too stubborn to take it back and get a new one. Then I go through the whole store fighting the wheel that’s going the wrong way and making a squeaking noise that all can hear. It is difficult to keep a joyful spirit also, since it is so annoying and you feel like everyone in the store is staring at you. I have to admit I end up talking to myself, “Wouldn’t you know it, I’m stuck with this noisy dumb cart that has a wobbly wheel. I can’t believe it. How unlucky can I be?” Does any of this sound familiar to you? It is very easy when you are thrown a wobbly wheel to complain and be irritated, and definitely not look for the good in all of it. But God expects us to behave differently when life throws us into problems.
In life our wobbly wheel could be an unexpected illness, death, foreclosure, losing a job, or any number of bad things. God has not promised us that our lives will always be rosy. So how as a Christian do you handle the problems that come into your life? God has promised that all things will work out together for good to those who love the Lord. It is a promise you must grab hold of when you feel that the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. You need to know that it is not about you, but how your faith in God during tough times can be a witness to those who do not believe.
God will work good through your problem, but you must trust Him and believe that He loves you and wants you to show others how faithful you can be in the midst of your difficulty. Believe Him and He will not fail you, and who knows how many other people might come to the Lord because of the way you handled your problem.
Dear Lord,
We know that life is full of difficulties and that you can work good through all of them. Help us to have faith in you during those times. Let us be a good witness to others even when it is hard for us to do.
Help us to continue to do your purpose always.
In Jesus’ name,
There are times in life when it is very hard to see what good God is doing especially when unexpected difficulties arise. How as a Christian can you find a way to handle it? It is kind of like when you go to the grocery store and grab a cart expecting to zoom through the aisles in record time, but then you realize that you have the one with the wobbly wheel. It is frustrating isn’t it? When it happens to me I’m too stubborn to take it back and get a new one. Then I go through the whole store fighting the wheel that’s going the wrong way and making a squeaking noise that all can hear. It is difficult to keep a joyful spirit also, since it is so annoying and you feel like everyone in the store is staring at you. I have to admit I end up talking to myself, “Wouldn’t you know it, I’m stuck with this noisy dumb cart that has a wobbly wheel. I can’t believe it. How unlucky can I be?” Does any of this sound familiar to you? It is very easy when you are thrown a wobbly wheel to complain and be irritated, and definitely not look for the good in all of it. But God expects us to behave differently when life throws us into problems.
In life our wobbly wheel could be an unexpected illness, death, foreclosure, losing a job, or any number of bad things. God has not promised us that our lives will always be rosy. So how as a Christian do you handle the problems that come into your life? God has promised that all things will work out together for good to those who love the Lord. It is a promise you must grab hold of when you feel that the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. You need to know that it is not about you, but how your faith in God during tough times can be a witness to those who do not believe.
God will work good through your problem, but you must trust Him and believe that He loves you and wants you to show others how faithful you can be in the midst of your difficulty. Believe Him and He will not fail you, and who knows how many other people might come to the Lord because of the way you handled your problem.
Dear Lord,
We know that life is full of difficulties and that you can work good through all of them. Help us to have faith in you during those times. Let us be a good witness to others even when it is hard for us to do.
Help us to continue to do your purpose always.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
God's Powerful Words by Ann Elaine Broughton
The Lord says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 NIV).
The word of God is powerful and this promise is one that is given to you as well. The words you speak to others about the Lord will not return empty either. They will accomplish for the Lord what seems to you is impossible. Words are powerful and can change lives.
I would like to relate to you an example of how words even spoken casually are remembered. When I was in college I stayed over night with a friend at her dorm. I commuted to BGSU and there were times when I stayed with a friend over night when I had an early class. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and had let the water run while I was brushing. One of the girls said that I had better turn off the water to save the water for the environment. That was the beginning of the ecology movement. I laughed and told her that my not turning off the water wouldn’t cause the water to dry up on the earth. But to this day every time I brush my teeth her words ring in my head and I turn off the water, even after all these years. If just those few words spoken to me casually could change a habit, can you imagine what a change you can make in a person’s life if you tell them about the Lord and His love for them?
There are people all around you suffering because of problems, worries, illness, and sin. You are the one who could change their lives forever if you just mention that you will pray for them. You see God can even work through your prayers to change their lives. It is possible. Try it this week. When someone tells you about their troubles, tell them that you will pray for them and then do it. God can work in mighty ways and change lives. His word never returns empty.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to tell those who are in need of prayer that we will be lifting them up in prayer. Help us to be faithful with this, as we know that the words we speak in your name will not return empty.
There are so many people who need your love. Help us to be brave and speak up for you.
In Jesus’ name,
The word of God is powerful and this promise is one that is given to you as well. The words you speak to others about the Lord will not return empty either. They will accomplish for the Lord what seems to you is impossible. Words are powerful and can change lives.
I would like to relate to you an example of how words even spoken casually are remembered. When I was in college I stayed over night with a friend at her dorm. I commuted to BGSU and there were times when I stayed with a friend over night when I had an early class. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and had let the water run while I was brushing. One of the girls said that I had better turn off the water to save the water for the environment. That was the beginning of the ecology movement. I laughed and told her that my not turning off the water wouldn’t cause the water to dry up on the earth. But to this day every time I brush my teeth her words ring in my head and I turn off the water, even after all these years. If just those few words spoken to me casually could change a habit, can you imagine what a change you can make in a person’s life if you tell them about the Lord and His love for them?
There are people all around you suffering because of problems, worries, illness, and sin. You are the one who could change their lives forever if you just mention that you will pray for them. You see God can even work through your prayers to change their lives. It is possible. Try it this week. When someone tells you about their troubles, tell them that you will pray for them and then do it. God can work in mighty ways and change lives. His word never returns empty.
Dear Lord,
Help us this week to tell those who are in need of prayer that we will be lifting them up in prayer. Help us to be faithful with this, as we know that the words we speak in your name will not return empty.
There are so many people who need your love. Help us to be brave and speak up for you.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Doing God's Will by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21 NIV).
When I was a young girl I was a Girl Scout. It’s a wonderful organization and we had great leaders. Now in Girl Scouts you are supposed to earn merit badges for things such as first aid, tying knots, etc. Well, I’m afraid I wasn’t that dedicated to achieving those badges. If there would have been a badge for giggling I would have had that in a minute. I giggled my way through many a meeting and late into the night at camp outs and lodges, much to our counselors’ dismay. I should have taken it more seriously.
As Christians we don’t earn our way to heaven like earning a merit badge, but the Lord does require us to do something. Going to church on Sunday is just a part of what being a Christian is all about. You can find some guidelines from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Jesus said in this sermon that you should do good deeds to others. He said you will be judged if you are angry with your brother, especially if you don’t forgive him. You need to love your enemies. Give to the needy. Don’t worry because God loves you and will take care of you. Pray to your Father in Heaven. Don’t judge others.
How does your Christian life measure up to all of these things? I think it is important for us at the end of each day to evaluate our Christian walk. It will help us to live a life that is pleasing to God. You see at the end of our lives we will receive something far more valuable than a merit badge because we will receive the crown of life eternal.
Dear Lord,
Let us take time to pray and seriously try to do what you would want us to do every day. You have given us instructions on the way we need to live. It is up to us to follow them and be your ambassadors here on earth. Help us to be faithful and not let life crowd in on us so much that we forget to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
When I was a young girl I was a Girl Scout. It’s a wonderful organization and we had great leaders. Now in Girl Scouts you are supposed to earn merit badges for things such as first aid, tying knots, etc. Well, I’m afraid I wasn’t that dedicated to achieving those badges. If there would have been a badge for giggling I would have had that in a minute. I giggled my way through many a meeting and late into the night at camp outs and lodges, much to our counselors’ dismay. I should have taken it more seriously.
As Christians we don’t earn our way to heaven like earning a merit badge, but the Lord does require us to do something. Going to church on Sunday is just a part of what being a Christian is all about. You can find some guidelines from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. Jesus said in this sermon that you should do good deeds to others. He said you will be judged if you are angry with your brother, especially if you don’t forgive him. You need to love your enemies. Give to the needy. Don’t worry because God loves you and will take care of you. Pray to your Father in Heaven. Don’t judge others.
How does your Christian life measure up to all of these things? I think it is important for us at the end of each day to evaluate our Christian walk. It will help us to live a life that is pleasing to God. You see at the end of our lives we will receive something far more valuable than a merit badge because we will receive the crown of life eternal.
Dear Lord,
Let us take time to pray and seriously try to do what you would want us to do every day. You have given us instructions on the way we need to live. It is up to us to follow them and be your ambassadors here on earth. Help us to be faithful and not let life crowd in on us so much that we forget to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Being Lost by Ann Elaine Broughton
“For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24 NIV).
Have any of you ever been lost? Once I decided not to follow the detour signs, because we all know that is long way, and I took off onto a country road in hopes of a shorter way. Well, I ended up weaving around corners and got completely lost. I have no sense of direction, which doesn’t help matters. I was getting really worried and a tad scared because I didn’t know where I was at all. This was before cell phones so I couldn’t even call someone to help me. I decided to do something a man would shudder at….stop and ask for directions. I was soon on my way to the correct road. I was relieved when I found the route I was looking for and I learned a valuable lesson. Follow the signs.
The son in the above verse was very lost in a different way because he took all of his inheritance and blew it all partying. Then a famine hit and there he was working in a pigpen slopping the hogs. He had hit bottom and was even considering eating the pig slop. Then he came to his senses and decided to go home and repent of sins and beg his father for a job. Here is the part that brings tears to my eyes, because the father ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. He was so glad that his lost son had come home.
This parable is about being lost in sin and repenting and what God does for us afterwards. The world entices with things that look like fun, but ends up destroying lives. This son thought that it would be fun to be on his own and live the high life, but after he lost his money all of his friends left him. He was alone in a pigsty. Ever felt like that? Sin can leave you in a very lonely desperate state. But guess what? The Lord is waiting for you to repent and come running to Him. He will take you in His arms and give you peace and your sins will be forgiven. But you must take the first step.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being there when we are at our lowest. You come running to us with your arms opened wide saying that you love us anyway. All we have to say is that we strayed and want to come back to you. We know that you will forgive us and love us in spite of our faults. Help us to make you proud and strive to follow your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
Have any of you ever been lost? Once I decided not to follow the detour signs, because we all know that is long way, and I took off onto a country road in hopes of a shorter way. Well, I ended up weaving around corners and got completely lost. I have no sense of direction, which doesn’t help matters. I was getting really worried and a tad scared because I didn’t know where I was at all. This was before cell phones so I couldn’t even call someone to help me. I decided to do something a man would shudder at….stop and ask for directions. I was soon on my way to the correct road. I was relieved when I found the route I was looking for and I learned a valuable lesson. Follow the signs.
The son in the above verse was very lost in a different way because he took all of his inheritance and blew it all partying. Then a famine hit and there he was working in a pigpen slopping the hogs. He had hit bottom and was even considering eating the pig slop. Then he came to his senses and decided to go home and repent of sins and beg his father for a job. Here is the part that brings tears to my eyes, because the father ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. He was so glad that his lost son had come home.
This parable is about being lost in sin and repenting and what God does for us afterwards. The world entices with things that look like fun, but ends up destroying lives. This son thought that it would be fun to be on his own and live the high life, but after he lost his money all of his friends left him. He was alone in a pigsty. Ever felt like that? Sin can leave you in a very lonely desperate state. But guess what? The Lord is waiting for you to repent and come running to Him. He will take you in His arms and give you peace and your sins will be forgiven. But you must take the first step.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being there when we are at our lowest. You come running to us with your arms opened wide saying that you love us anyway. All we have to say is that we strayed and want to come back to you. We know that you will forgive us and love us in spite of our faults. Help us to make you proud and strive to follow your ways.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just Like New by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17 NIV).
My driver’s education instructor gave me the nickname of “Crash”. Little did he know that I would live up to that name. I believe that every car we have owned I have dented. I have backed up into two telephone poles. What can I say…they were in my blind spot. I forgot three times to hit the button for the garage door. That wasn’t a pretty sight. Now I push the button as soon as I step into the garage. To bad it took me three times to figure that out. I didn’t say I was a genius. Then with our big old green Fury I backed into my husband’s car and took off his door handle. I decided I was too close to that side of the garage so I dented the other fender by going to close to the other side of the garage door. Rick’s dad gave us a spic and span Ford LTD in the ‘80’s and I immediately backed it into another car. Let’s just say that reverse isn’t a good thing for me. But it was a good thing for the body shop owners. The most wonderful thing is that they always made all my dents vanish so the car looked just like new.
That is just like our lives without Christ. We were imperfect because we were sinners. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Is. 1:18 NIV). Sin separates us from God. That is why Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46 NIV). At that moment He had all of the sins upon Him. He was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is because of His death and resurrection that we are forgiven. It is His grace and mercy that enables us to go to Him and ask for forgiveness for our sins. We are then indeed a new creation.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for forgiving us our sins so that we can be new creations in your eyes. Thank you for sending your son to come to earth to be our ultimate sacrifice in order for us to have eternal life some day.
In Jesus’ name,
My driver’s education instructor gave me the nickname of “Crash”. Little did he know that I would live up to that name. I believe that every car we have owned I have dented. I have backed up into two telephone poles. What can I say…they were in my blind spot. I forgot three times to hit the button for the garage door. That wasn’t a pretty sight. Now I push the button as soon as I step into the garage. To bad it took me three times to figure that out. I didn’t say I was a genius. Then with our big old green Fury I backed into my husband’s car and took off his door handle. I decided I was too close to that side of the garage so I dented the other fender by going to close to the other side of the garage door. Rick’s dad gave us a spic and span Ford LTD in the ‘80’s and I immediately backed it into another car. Let’s just say that reverse isn’t a good thing for me. But it was a good thing for the body shop owners. The most wonderful thing is that they always made all my dents vanish so the car looked just like new.
That is just like our lives without Christ. We were imperfect because we were sinners. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Is. 1:18 NIV). Sin separates us from God. That is why Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46 NIV). At that moment He had all of the sins upon Him. He was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is because of His death and resurrection that we are forgiven. It is His grace and mercy that enables us to go to Him and ask for forgiveness for our sins. We are then indeed a new creation.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for forgiving us our sins so that we can be new creations in your eyes. Thank you for sending your son to come to earth to be our ultimate sacrifice in order for us to have eternal life some day.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Do Not Judge by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matt. 7:1 NIV).
My mother was a very wise woman. When I was young I would have little fights with my friends. My mother would always tell me that there was a reason they were acting the way they were, and I shouldn’t point at them and call them names. She would say, “When you point at someone and make fun of them there is one finger pointing at them, but four pointing back at you.” Then she would say, “Did you do anything to make them angry?” That was when I felt that little itch of guilt. Man, she knew how to make me squirm. Yep, I had called them a name first. “But that was because they had giggled about my new glasses,” I told her. Mom wouldn’t let up on me. She said I had to forgive them and kill them with kindness. Plus, I had to stop calling them names. I thought she was goofy, as any little girl would, but I tried it anyway and by golly, it threw them for a loop. They didn’t expect for me to be nice to them. It was hard because my feelings were really hurt, but my mom was right. They said they were sorry, and I tried to behave and not call them names anymore.
You see some things never change. As children we judge others and as adults we can be caught up in judging others also. But, as we see from the above verse, we are not to judge others because Jesus will judge us. Sometimes it is very easy to look at others and see how they are falling short in their Christian walk, but instead of judging we should take the time to mentor them so that their walk will be closer to the walk of Christ. We all make mistakes and none of us are perfect, so it is best to concentrate on our walk and how we can improve our relationship with Christ rather than pointing our fingers at others and judging them.
This week when you are tempted to judge someone, stop and think how you are measuring up with the Lord. Is your life a reflection of Christ’s love? Do you encourage others and find positive things to say that build them up? Have you given something to someone in need? Do you have a servant’s heart? These are lots of things to consider and pray about. May you fix you eyes on Jesus’ life and His sacrifice so that you can live a life in accordance to His will.
Dear Lord,
It is tremendously easy to point fingers and judge others when we should take stock of our own lives and how we measure up to your standards. Stop us from talking behind other people’s backs and instead help us to show your love for them. Help us to treat others as we would want to be treated.
In Jesus’ name,
My mother was a very wise woman. When I was young I would have little fights with my friends. My mother would always tell me that there was a reason they were acting the way they were, and I shouldn’t point at them and call them names. She would say, “When you point at someone and make fun of them there is one finger pointing at them, but four pointing back at you.” Then she would say, “Did you do anything to make them angry?” That was when I felt that little itch of guilt. Man, she knew how to make me squirm. Yep, I had called them a name first. “But that was because they had giggled about my new glasses,” I told her. Mom wouldn’t let up on me. She said I had to forgive them and kill them with kindness. Plus, I had to stop calling them names. I thought she was goofy, as any little girl would, but I tried it anyway and by golly, it threw them for a loop. They didn’t expect for me to be nice to them. It was hard because my feelings were really hurt, but my mom was right. They said they were sorry, and I tried to behave and not call them names anymore.
You see some things never change. As children we judge others and as adults we can be caught up in judging others also. But, as we see from the above verse, we are not to judge others because Jesus will judge us. Sometimes it is very easy to look at others and see how they are falling short in their Christian walk, but instead of judging we should take the time to mentor them so that their walk will be closer to the walk of Christ. We all make mistakes and none of us are perfect, so it is best to concentrate on our walk and how we can improve our relationship with Christ rather than pointing our fingers at others and judging them.
This week when you are tempted to judge someone, stop and think how you are measuring up with the Lord. Is your life a reflection of Christ’s love? Do you encourage others and find positive things to say that build them up? Have you given something to someone in need? Do you have a servant’s heart? These are lots of things to consider and pray about. May you fix you eyes on Jesus’ life and His sacrifice so that you can live a life in accordance to His will.
Dear Lord,
It is tremendously easy to point fingers and judge others when we should take stock of our own lives and how we measure up to your standards. Stop us from talking behind other people’s backs and instead help us to show your love for them. Help us to treat others as we would want to be treated.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
His Great Power Is Available To You by Ann Elaine Broughton
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe" (Ephesians 1:18 NIV).
Once I attended a women's retreat, and the speaker told us that we were all princesses and heirs to a kingdom....the Kingdom of God. We reign here on earth using the different gifts God gave us to serve Him to the best of our abilities. We reign in our jobs, whether it is teachers, nurses, mothers, doctors, and secretaries, to name a few. The promise in the above verse gives us hope and encouragement. We are to ask God to give us power to complete whatever job he has for us on earth. We do not have to do it with our own strength for He has promised to give us strength when we are weak. The words "incomparably great power" are words that can give you a great deal of encouragement. All you have to do is ask God for this power. He will provide it to you. It is a promise that is found in the Bible, and be assured that it is available to you. Oftentimes, we neglect to read the Bible and miss out on the wonderful words of encouragement that are there to help us carry on our work here on earth. Believe and ask. God will provide you with His great power to overcome great odds and fulfill your duties here on earth. He is just waiting for you to ask. Lift up your cares and concerns, and ask for His help. He will never fail you. Take courage because after your reign on earth, a heavenly kingdom awaits you.
Dear Lord,
Our work here on earth seems daunting at times, but we know that you will give us the power to do what you called us to do. Help us to believe that you will provide the wisdom and power we need because you have placed us in our positions for a reason. Show us what good we can do and give us the strength to carry it out.
In Jesus' name,
Once I attended a women's retreat, and the speaker told us that we were all princesses and heirs to a kingdom....the Kingdom of God. We reign here on earth using the different gifts God gave us to serve Him to the best of our abilities. We reign in our jobs, whether it is teachers, nurses, mothers, doctors, and secretaries, to name a few. The promise in the above verse gives us hope and encouragement. We are to ask God to give us power to complete whatever job he has for us on earth. We do not have to do it with our own strength for He has promised to give us strength when we are weak. The words "incomparably great power" are words that can give you a great deal of encouragement. All you have to do is ask God for this power. He will provide it to you. It is a promise that is found in the Bible, and be assured that it is available to you. Oftentimes, we neglect to read the Bible and miss out on the wonderful words of encouragement that are there to help us carry on our work here on earth. Believe and ask. God will provide you with His great power to overcome great odds and fulfill your duties here on earth. He is just waiting for you to ask. Lift up your cares and concerns, and ask for His help. He will never fail you. Take courage because after your reign on earth, a heavenly kingdom awaits you.
Dear Lord,
Our work here on earth seems daunting at times, but we know that you will give us the power to do what you called us to do. Help us to believe that you will provide the wisdom and power we need because you have placed us in our positions for a reason. Show us what good we can do and give us the strength to carry it out.
In Jesus' name,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Good Shepherd by Ann Elaine Broughton
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10: 11 NIV).
Jesus referred to himself as a shepherd and we are portrayed as sheep. That wasn’t a compliment my friends. Sheep go astray and get lost. Just as we do when we try to follow our own desires.
In the parable about the good shepherd (Matt. 18:12-14) Jesus speaks of the one of one hundred that was lost. He said that it was more important to the shepherd that a lost sheep is found than to stay with the ninety-nine sheep that didn’t wander away. The good shepherd calls the sheep by name and the sheep recognizes his voice and comes to him. Isn’t that a wonderful picture? Jesus is calling your name when you feel lost and confused. He wants to take you in His arms and lead you back to His ways. He loves you so much that He laid down His life for you.
Jesus also referred to himself as the gate of the sheep pen (John 10:7). The shepherd in those days would literally lie down in front of the gate to protect the flock. Jesus is saying that you can only get to heaven through Him. “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved” (John 10:9 NIV).
The good shepherd is calling your name. Are you listening? Instead of going your own way and risking your life, answer His call and let Him lift you up in His arms and take you back to the fold. He gave His life for you and loves you very much. Listen and obey and you will find rest from your wandering ways.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being my shepherd and for your love for me. When I go astray help me to listen to your still small voice and come back to you. I know that you want to protect me from evil, so please help me not to be tempted to run away and do what I want. I know your way is the only way to eternal life.
In Jesus’ name,
Jesus referred to himself as a shepherd and we are portrayed as sheep. That wasn’t a compliment my friends. Sheep go astray and get lost. Just as we do when we try to follow our own desires.
In the parable about the good shepherd (Matt. 18:12-14) Jesus speaks of the one of one hundred that was lost. He said that it was more important to the shepherd that a lost sheep is found than to stay with the ninety-nine sheep that didn’t wander away. The good shepherd calls the sheep by name and the sheep recognizes his voice and comes to him. Isn’t that a wonderful picture? Jesus is calling your name when you feel lost and confused. He wants to take you in His arms and lead you back to His ways. He loves you so much that He laid down His life for you.
Jesus also referred to himself as the gate of the sheep pen (John 10:7). The shepherd in those days would literally lie down in front of the gate to protect the flock. Jesus is saying that you can only get to heaven through Him. “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved” (John 10:9 NIV).
The good shepherd is calling your name. Are you listening? Instead of going your own way and risking your life, answer His call and let Him lift you up in His arms and take you back to the fold. He gave His life for you and loves you very much. Listen and obey and you will find rest from your wandering ways.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being my shepherd and for your love for me. When I go astray help me to listen to your still small voice and come back to you. I know that you want to protect me from evil, so please help me not to be tempted to run away and do what I want. I know your way is the only way to eternal life.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Deny Yourself by Ann Elaine Broughton
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23 NIV).
Denying oneself is probably one of the hardest things to do. I believe that in our society it is very common to be "me" oriented. I read in one of my magazines that in order to feel better about yourself you should think "I'm glad I'm not a ________" compared to "I wish I were a____________" I guess researchers found that people who completed the first self-talk exercise emerged feeling happier. Interesting isn't it? If you compare yourself to others you will surely fall short. You need to focus on the fact that God made you, and He has a wonderful plan for you to fulfill. You are to give Him your all, flaws and everything, to be used by Him for a special task. None of us are perfect, but what skills we have can be used to help others beyond what we can even imagine. To deny yourself means to not be selfish, but to put others’ needs first. It is to give your heart and your all for His cause. Remember it is your heart that the Lord examines. How is yours measuring up? Have you given it to the Lord completely? Is it filled with His love so that others can see it through your actions? Are you taking up your cross daily for Him? That sounds very selfless doesn't it? But you see that is what it is suppose to be like. May you lose yourself in Christ's love this week and carry your cross with strength knowing He is helping you bear it. Go out this week and touch a life with His love. Do a random act of kindness.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I take up my cross daily to serve you. I want to serve others with your love and not for selfish ambition. Help me to reach out to someone this week to show your love in a very special way.
In Jesus' name,
Denying oneself is probably one of the hardest things to do. I believe that in our society it is very common to be "me" oriented. I read in one of my magazines that in order to feel better about yourself you should think "I'm glad I'm not a ________" compared to "I wish I were a____________" I guess researchers found that people who completed the first self-talk exercise emerged feeling happier. Interesting isn't it? If you compare yourself to others you will surely fall short. You need to focus on the fact that God made you, and He has a wonderful plan for you to fulfill. You are to give Him your all, flaws and everything, to be used by Him for a special task. None of us are perfect, but what skills we have can be used to help others beyond what we can even imagine. To deny yourself means to not be selfish, but to put others’ needs first. It is to give your heart and your all for His cause. Remember it is your heart that the Lord examines. How is yours measuring up? Have you given it to the Lord completely? Is it filled with His love so that others can see it through your actions? Are you taking up your cross daily for Him? That sounds very selfless doesn't it? But you see that is what it is suppose to be like. May you lose yourself in Christ's love this week and carry your cross with strength knowing He is helping you bear it. Go out this week and touch a life with His love. Do a random act of kindness.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I take up my cross daily to serve you. I want to serve others with your love and not for selfish ambition. Help me to reach out to someone this week to show your love in a very special way.
In Jesus' name,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Remain Hopeful by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).
My husband and I have been watching the Winter Olympics on television and many of the stories of the medalists are very inspirational. One in particular reminded me of someone who had hope at a very early age. When Julia Mancuso was a child she drew a picture of herself winning the gold medal. She had hope and believed that she could accomplish this. She also worked very hard towards her goal. In 2006 at the Turin Olympics she won her first gold medal even with a painful knee.
As a Christian you have a reason to have hope. Of course your ultimate hope is eternal life, but you should also have hope that what you do for the Lord will not be done in vain. There may be times when obstacles come your way, but you should never give up on doing the Lord’s will. Whatever work He has given you, He will also give you the stamina and strength to complete it. Just have hope and believe that the outcome will be a blessing to the Lord. Let the example of Noah, among many others, be your inspiration. Noah was told by God to build an ark in a place where rain had never even fallen. He withstood ridicule for 100 years while he built it, but he never stopped. He believed and had hope that what God told him would surely come to pass and it did. There was a flood that destroyed everything. He had to wait and persevere and not give up hope. What the Lord promises He always fulfills. Take hope and keep working towards the goal the Lord has put in your heart. Trust the Lord to give you the strength you need. At the end of this life you will receive something far better than a gold medal if you follow the Lord’s will for you. As you bend down before the Lord, a crown of eternal life will be given you, something that is far more valuable than a gold medal. (Rev. 2:11 NIV). So keep the faith and hold on to hope. God is with you.
Dear Lord,
Help me to have hope as I strive to do your will in my life. Sometimes it is difficult to remain hopeful, especially when obstacles come before me, but I know that you have a plan so I will continue to do what is pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
My husband and I have been watching the Winter Olympics on television and many of the stories of the medalists are very inspirational. One in particular reminded me of someone who had hope at a very early age. When Julia Mancuso was a child she drew a picture of herself winning the gold medal. She had hope and believed that she could accomplish this. She also worked very hard towards her goal. In 2006 at the Turin Olympics she won her first gold medal even with a painful knee.
As a Christian you have a reason to have hope. Of course your ultimate hope is eternal life, but you should also have hope that what you do for the Lord will not be done in vain. There may be times when obstacles come your way, but you should never give up on doing the Lord’s will. Whatever work He has given you, He will also give you the stamina and strength to complete it. Just have hope and believe that the outcome will be a blessing to the Lord. Let the example of Noah, among many others, be your inspiration. Noah was told by God to build an ark in a place where rain had never even fallen. He withstood ridicule for 100 years while he built it, but he never stopped. He believed and had hope that what God told him would surely come to pass and it did. There was a flood that destroyed everything. He had to wait and persevere and not give up hope. What the Lord promises He always fulfills. Take hope and keep working towards the goal the Lord has put in your heart. Trust the Lord to give you the strength you need. At the end of this life you will receive something far better than a gold medal if you follow the Lord’s will for you. As you bend down before the Lord, a crown of eternal life will be given you, something that is far more valuable than a gold medal. (Rev. 2:11 NIV). So keep the faith and hold on to hope. God is with you.
Dear Lord,
Help me to have hope as I strive to do your will in my life. Sometimes it is difficult to remain hopeful, especially when obstacles come before me, but I know that you have a plan so I will continue to do what is pleasing to you.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A Pure Heart by Ann Elaine Broughton
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8 NIV).
If you notice there is much concern in our society with the state of your heart. Doctors urge us to exercise, eat right, and watch the dreaded cholesterol. Since the heart is what keeps us alive, we have a greater tendency to want to take care of it, but it also is the seat of our spiritual life. In the Bible there are many references regarding the heart and how God views it to see how we stack up spiritually. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV) How does your heart measure up?
David gave his son, Solomon sound advice about God's knowledge of his heart and his motives. "And you my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts" (1 Ch 28:9 NIV). Sobering isn't it? God knows you inside and out. There is nothing that you can keep from him.
How can you make your heart pure? Reading the Bible will help you keep your heart pure because it tells you how you should live as a Christian. In the parable of the sower Jesus speaks about the seed that was planted in good soil. "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" (Luke 8:15 NIV).
I know that your life can get pretty hectic, and sometimes it is easy to forget to study the Bible and pray. It is so essential to do these things in order to have the kind of relationship with the Lord that you need in order to have a pure heart. This week make a conscience effort to read the Bible every day, pray, and do what you know is pleasing to the Lord.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we strive to have pure hearts. Help us to take time to read the Bible and pray so that when you look at our hearts you will see only pure motives. We know that you can help us as we strive to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
If you notice there is much concern in our society with the state of your heart. Doctors urge us to exercise, eat right, and watch the dreaded cholesterol. Since the heart is what keeps us alive, we have a greater tendency to want to take care of it, but it also is the seat of our spiritual life. In the Bible there are many references regarding the heart and how God views it to see how we stack up spiritually. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV) How does your heart measure up?
David gave his son, Solomon sound advice about God's knowledge of his heart and his motives. "And you my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts" (1 Ch 28:9 NIV). Sobering isn't it? God knows you inside and out. There is nothing that you can keep from him.
How can you make your heart pure? Reading the Bible will help you keep your heart pure because it tells you how you should live as a Christian. In the parable of the sower Jesus speaks about the seed that was planted in good soil. "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" (Luke 8:15 NIV).
I know that your life can get pretty hectic, and sometimes it is easy to forget to study the Bible and pray. It is so essential to do these things in order to have the kind of relationship with the Lord that you need in order to have a pure heart. This week make a conscience effort to read the Bible every day, pray, and do what you know is pleasing to the Lord.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we strive to have pure hearts. Help us to take time to read the Bible and pray so that when you look at our hearts you will see only pure motives. We know that you can help us as we strive to do your will.
In Jesus’ name,
Friday, February 5, 2010
God's Purpose For You by Ann Elaine Broughton
"…… he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:4-6 NIV).
Paul wrote this to the Philippians after they sent a gift to him. He was in chains and a prisoner because of his faith in Christ at the time of this writing. He knew what it was like to complete a good work for the Lord even when he was a prisoner. In spite of his chains, he was able to be a witness for Christ. We wouldn't have many of the letters of the New Testament if he hadn't been in prison. He felt that the good work Christ gave him to do was being carried out even in his chains. Isn't that astounding?
When was the last time you rejoiced when you were in the midst of your own "chains"? Do you have the faith to carry on His good work to completion that he set before you even when it seems tremendously difficult? Remember God is your strength and will use you in a great way. God has begun a good work in you also, and you must trust Him to help you. When you feel as if your work is burdensome, just remember Paul locked up in chains and rejoicing that God was working through him even as a prisoner. Carry out to completion what God has set before you and rejoice that He has given you this opportunity to grow as a Christian.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving each of us a work to do. We believe that you will help us carry out this work to completion no matter how difficult it is. Let us rejoice that you have given us this responsibility and help us to know that you will never fail us.
In Jesus' name,
Paul wrote this to the Philippians after they sent a gift to him. He was in chains and a prisoner because of his faith in Christ at the time of this writing. He knew what it was like to complete a good work for the Lord even when he was a prisoner. In spite of his chains, he was able to be a witness for Christ. We wouldn't have many of the letters of the New Testament if he hadn't been in prison. He felt that the good work Christ gave him to do was being carried out even in his chains. Isn't that astounding?
When was the last time you rejoiced when you were in the midst of your own "chains"? Do you have the faith to carry on His good work to completion that he set before you even when it seems tremendously difficult? Remember God is your strength and will use you in a great way. God has begun a good work in you also, and you must trust Him to help you. When you feel as if your work is burdensome, just remember Paul locked up in chains and rejoicing that God was working through him even as a prisoner. Carry out to completion what God has set before you and rejoice that He has given you this opportunity to grow as a Christian.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving each of us a work to do. We believe that you will help us carry out this work to completion no matter how difficult it is. Let us rejoice that you have given us this responsibility and help us to know that you will never fail us.
In Jesus' name,
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Lord's Compassion by Ann Elaine Broughton

"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love" (Psalm 103:8 NIV).
Elijah, (1 Kings 18 and 19) was a prophet who learned firsthand about God's compassion. You see Elijah had a melt down. He was scared, even though God showed his mighty power in front of everyone by sending fire down and consuming a sacrifice. But you see, even a prophet of God can have a moment of panic. After God showed his mighty power, Elijah had all the prophets of Baal, an idol, killed. A very nasty queen named Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that she would have him killed just like he killed her prophets. You might say that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Elijah. He was scared and he ran for his life. He went into the desert and collapsed. "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19:4 NIV).
Now God could have been angry at this wayward behavior of his chosen prophet, but here is where we can be encouraged. Instead of being angry with Elijah, he showed him mercy and kindness. God sent an angel to Elijah to give him food and nourishment because God still had a job for Elijah. He also knew that Elijah needed help and comfort.
There are times in all of our lives when we feel like Elijah....wanting to give up because our problems seem insurmountable. We can take heart from this story of Elijah that God knows what we are going through and will give us the strength to keep on doing His will if we ask Him. He isn't angry with us, but is filled with compassion because He loves us.
So when you want to run away like Elijah, remember that God is with you. Tell Him what is bothering you and then trust Him to have compassion and feed your soul with peace. It will come, that I promise. God's love never fails.
Dear Lord,
Help us when we feel like the world is crashing in on us. Let us feel your compassion and know that you can give us the strength we need to follow your will for our lives. When we feel like giving up, fill us with courage that only you can give. Thank you for hearing our prayers and giving us your peace.
In Jesus' name,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
God Is With You by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deut. 6:5 NIV).
The Israelites wandered through the desert for forty years because they didn’t trust God and go into the Promised Land. But in spite of their lack of faith, God did show kindness to them and provided them with food on their journey. He also made sure their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out. It is comforting to know that the Lord loved them and took care of them when they were in a land full of dangers. “There you saw how the Lord carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place” (Deut. 1:31 NIV). At the end of the journey Moses told them to love the Lord because of what He did for them.
Do you feel like you are wandering through a desert? Are you facing hardship of any kind? Are you worried and concerned about your job, family, or health? I believe that all of us, sometime or another, feel as if we are wandering alone in a very stark lonely place. When troubles come, temptations swamp you, or your health declines it does feel like you are all alone. It is during these times when you need to realize that God is still with you. Picturing God carrying you, as a father carries his son, can help you during the times of trouble. He is with you as you walk through your wilderness and loves you very much. When you feel like you can't go any further God will give you strength to carry on. “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). Don’t be afraid for the Lord is always with you. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1: 9 NIV). Rest assured that the Lord knows what you are going through and will carry you in His arms if you ask Him for help.
Dear Lord,
There are times when I feel like I’m wandering alone in a wilderness filled with many problems. Help me to be brave and believe that you can carry me through it. Help me to trust you and believe that I can carry on with your strength. Thank you for hearing my prayer and giving me peace in the midst of chaos.
In Jesus’ name,
The Israelites wandered through the desert for forty years because they didn’t trust God and go into the Promised Land. But in spite of their lack of faith, God did show kindness to them and provided them with food on their journey. He also made sure their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out. It is comforting to know that the Lord loved them and took care of them when they were in a land full of dangers. “There you saw how the Lord carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place” (Deut. 1:31 NIV). At the end of the journey Moses told them to love the Lord because of what He did for them.
Do you feel like you are wandering through a desert? Are you facing hardship of any kind? Are you worried and concerned about your job, family, or health? I believe that all of us, sometime or another, feel as if we are wandering alone in a very stark lonely place. When troubles come, temptations swamp you, or your health declines it does feel like you are all alone. It is during these times when you need to realize that God is still with you. Picturing God carrying you, as a father carries his son, can help you during the times of trouble. He is with you as you walk through your wilderness and loves you very much. When you feel like you can't go any further God will give you strength to carry on. “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). Don’t be afraid for the Lord is always with you. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1: 9 NIV). Rest assured that the Lord knows what you are going through and will carry you in His arms if you ask Him for help.
Dear Lord,
There are times when I feel like I’m wandering alone in a wilderness filled with many problems. Help me to be brave and believe that you can carry me through it. Help me to trust you and believe that I can carry on with your strength. Thank you for hearing my prayer and giving me peace in the midst of chaos.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Encourage One Another by Ann Elaine Broughton
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" (I Thes. 5:11 NIV).
The Thessalonian church was a great example of how Christians treat each other with respect and love. Paul wrote to them that he was thankful to God for them. (1Thes. 1:2) Their faith was known everywhere. Paul's prayer for them was that their love would increase for each other and that they encourage one another.
As Christians we to are to encourage one another. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29 NIV). We need to be constantly thinking and be aware about what we are saying so that we can be an example of Christ to others. Are the words you speak to others uplifting? Have you stopped to think lately if your conversation has left someone feeling encouraged or discouraged? Words can be very powerful. Take a moment and remember how good you felt after having a visit with someone who was positive. That is the way you need to talk to others. Be an encourager and you will see that someone will encourage you when you are in need of it. The Lord needs you to use encouraging words of faith to fulfill His purpose on this earth. Measure your words wisely and be a blessing to others.
Dear Lord,
Sometimes it is very easy to join in conversations that aren't a reflection of Christ's love in us. Please forgive us and help us to rely on the Holy Spirit to give us the words that can help others to be refreshed in their spirit. Help us to encourage others and give us wisdom to know what to say to those who need to be uplifted.
In Jesus' name,
The Thessalonian church was a great example of how Christians treat each other with respect and love. Paul wrote to them that he was thankful to God for them. (1Thes. 1:2) Their faith was known everywhere. Paul's prayer for them was that their love would increase for each other and that they encourage one another.
As Christians we to are to encourage one another. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29 NIV). We need to be constantly thinking and be aware about what we are saying so that we can be an example of Christ to others. Are the words you speak to others uplifting? Have you stopped to think lately if your conversation has left someone feeling encouraged or discouraged? Words can be very powerful. Take a moment and remember how good you felt after having a visit with someone who was positive. That is the way you need to talk to others. Be an encourager and you will see that someone will encourage you when you are in need of it. The Lord needs you to use encouraging words of faith to fulfill His purpose on this earth. Measure your words wisely and be a blessing to others.
Dear Lord,
Sometimes it is very easy to join in conversations that aren't a reflection of Christ's love in us. Please forgive us and help us to rely on the Holy Spirit to give us the words that can help others to be refreshed in their spirit. Help us to encourage others and give us wisdom to know what to say to those who need to be uplifted.
In Jesus' name,
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Serve With Zeal by Ann Elaine Broughton
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Romans 12:11-12 NIV).
The word zeal is defined as intense enthusiasm, as in working for a cause; ardent endeavor or devotion; ardor; fervor. It is with this zeal that you are to keep serving the Lord by praying, reading the Bible, and being the Lord’s ambassador on this earth. I believe it is very difficult sometimes to keep the zeal Paul talks about here. Life can hit you hard at times with problems of some sort, and it is very easy to lose your zeal as well as your hope. There are times when it might feel as if you can't seem to even smile because of all the difficulties you face.
Paul encourages us with these words, “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way:………being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father” (Col. 1:10,11 NIV). I am reminded of Paul and Silas and their praying and singing when they were put in jail. Acts 16:25 They could have decided to sit in the corner and mourn their situation, but instead, they used this very dreary experience to witness by praying out loud and singing songs to the Lord. An earthquake occurred and Paul and Silas' prison doors were opened. Instead of running away though they stayed and witnessed to the jailer. They are an example of the way a person can overcome impossible situations and be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.
When you feel overwhelmed to the point of giving up, think back on all the ways the Lord has blessed you and take hope in the fact that the Lord is just a prayer away. He will help you to find peace in this situation. Just remember to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the hope that is given through your word by the examples of Paul and Silas and other disciples. We know that you will give us the strength and courage to handle any difficult circumstance.
In Jesus' name,
The word zeal is defined as intense enthusiasm, as in working for a cause; ardent endeavor or devotion; ardor; fervor. It is with this zeal that you are to keep serving the Lord by praying, reading the Bible, and being the Lord’s ambassador on this earth. I believe it is very difficult sometimes to keep the zeal Paul talks about here. Life can hit you hard at times with problems of some sort, and it is very easy to lose your zeal as well as your hope. There are times when it might feel as if you can't seem to even smile because of all the difficulties you face.
Paul encourages us with these words, “And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way:………being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father” (Col. 1:10,11 NIV). I am reminded of Paul and Silas and their praying and singing when they were put in jail. Acts 16:25 They could have decided to sit in the corner and mourn their situation, but instead, they used this very dreary experience to witness by praying out loud and singing songs to the Lord. An earthquake occurred and Paul and Silas' prison doors were opened. Instead of running away though they stayed and witnessed to the jailer. They are an example of the way a person can overcome impossible situations and be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.
When you feel overwhelmed to the point of giving up, think back on all the ways the Lord has blessed you and take hope in the fact that the Lord is just a prayer away. He will help you to find peace in this situation. Just remember to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the hope that is given through your word by the examples of Paul and Silas and other disciples. We know that you will give us the strength and courage to handle any difficult circumstance.
In Jesus' name,
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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton
“ And not only this, but we also exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven cha...
“To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to...
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galations:5:22 ...
“ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one anothe...