Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pressing on Towards the Goal by Ann Elaine Broughton

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:13-14 NIV).

Sometimes do you feel like you are in a race and the finish line doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight? Running a race can be exhausting unless you have trained thoroughly with a good coach. I wouldn’t call myself athletic and the only reason I would run really hard is if chocolate was at the finish line. I was so pathetic in gym that I even failed relaxation. Our teacher was trying to teach us how to do it.  I couldn’t do it. My legs were stiff when she checked them. I wasn’t good at any sports. I was always picked last for softball because I could never hit the ball. I don’t think I could even hit a beach ball if it was thrown at me. I couldn’t make a basket even if the hoop was two feet high. On volleyball day, I would duck whenever the ball came my way. So I wasn’t ever voted most valuable player to say the least. Now running wasn’t exactly my thing either. I have short chubby legs that don’t move well. My mom always told me I was like a bull in a china shop, in other words, not very graceful. There is one thing I learned though in running class, and that was to never to look back. If you look back you lose your pace and it is easy to focus on something else besides the goal in front of you. So even if I came in dead last, at least I crossed the finish line without looking back. I kept my eye on the goal.
As Christians we too must keep our eyes on the goal ahead of us, which is eternal life. It is very easy to look back on past sins and wallow in self-pity or shame instead of thinking of how our lives have been changed for the better since we have become Christians. Pressing on and not looking back is difficult, but must be done in order to fulfill our purpose for the Lord. Our coach is the Lord and the Bible has all we need in it to keep us on track in our Christian walk. I envision Christ waiting for me at the end of that finish line with his arms open wide. Just like a mother who tells her toddler to take her first steps towards her and then throws her arms around her when she actually makes it. That is what I envision Jesus doing for me. So as we press on we must remember who is at the finish line and what wonderful prize is waiting for us.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we run toward your prize. It is easy sometimes to get all caught up with past sins and wallow in self-pity instead of keeping our focus on you. Help us not to do this, but to continually read the bible and put into practice what it says everyday.
In Jesus’ name,

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