Pride Goes Before A Fall by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 NIV).
Jesus spoke against pride with a parable about a Pharisee who was praying at the temple. A tax collector was there also and fpraying that God would have mercy on him, a sinner. The Pharisee was praying: “God, I thank you that I am not like other men---robbers, evildoers, adulterers----or even like this tax collector” (Luke 18:11 NIV). Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified before God.
The kind of pride displayed by the Pharisee isn’t pleasing to God. When I was growing up my mother always told me that “pride cometh before a fall.” You see she knew that pride could lead a person into conceit and selfishness. Both of these traits are displeasing to God. We are to be humble instead of prideful. Sometimes as Christians we can get caught in a “holier than thou” attitude. It is so important that we not think of ourselves above anyone else.
The Lord loves everyone and wants him or her to go to Heaven. We too should have that kind of love for others no matter what their social status is or how they look. Jesus associated with sinners all the time. “When the teachers of law who were Pharisees saw him eating with “sinners” and tax collectors, they asked his disciples, Why does he eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?” (Mark 2:16 NIV). Jesus told them that he had not come to call the righteous, but to call the sinners. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. That means we are to be among those who are sinners as witness to Christ, but still maintain our Christian ways. We are here on earth as a Christian to show others love and compassion, just as Jesus did to everyone.
This week let’s look at others through Jesus’ eyes and see them as those who the Lord loves. Watch out for prideful thoughts and stop them immediately.
Dear Lord,
Help us to not be prideful. Help us not to judge others, but to have compassion towards everyone. Let us reach out to others with love and sincerity knowing that is exactly what you did while you were on earth.
In Jesus’ name,
This site has devotions to inspire Christians and encourage them as they strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Don't Give In by Ann Elaine Broughton
“And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand under it” (1 Cor. 10:13 NIV).
We all have a weakness in our lives that can lead us into disaster when a temptation comes along. It is very important for us to be aware of our weaknesses so that we will be prepared and know what to do.
It is very easy sometimes to say, “I am just going to try this once. It won’t hurt anybody. Nobody is around to see me.” But you see some bad things only take just once and you are hooked. Then it will take a tremendous amount of willpower to stop it. It could be something on the computer, video, or anything that can be addictive. God sees what you are doing and knows. Since Adam’s fall, Satan has used all sorts of ways to entice people with things that seem innocent, but are enslaving. You must be on your guard. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8 NIV).
What can you do about your weaknesses? First, if you know something is a temptation then stay away from it. When the pharaoh’s wife tempted Joseph, he ran away. I would advise you to run away when a temptation comes your way also. Do not get caught up in something that you know will cause you to sin. Second, pray that God will give you strength to walk or run away. Third, memorize scripture that will help you during times of temptation. Jesus quoted scripture when Satan tempted him. That means that you must read the Bible and know what Jesus would want you to do in any given situation. Fourth, be accountable to another Christian friend so that there is someone you can call to talk to when your are feeling tempted. It is so important to have someone you can trust to help you and pray with you when you feel you just can’t handle what you are facing.
Dear Lord,
Help me know my weaknesses so I can be on guard when temptation comes my way. Help not to be so busy that I forget to pray or read the Bible. Help me to have the courage to run away when I’m tempted. Let how you handled your temptation be my example.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Pressing on Towards the Goal by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:13-14 NIV).
Sometimes do you feel like you are in a race and the finish line doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight? Running a race can be exhausting unless you have trained thoroughly with a good coach. I wouldn’t call myself athletic and the only reason I would run really hard is if chocolate was at the finish line. I was so pathetic in gym that I even failed relaxation. Our teacher was trying to teach us how to do it. I couldn’t do it. My legs were stiff when she checked them. I wasn’t good at any sports. I was always picked last for softball because I could never hit the ball. I don’t think I could even hit a beach ball if it was thrown at me. I couldn’t make a basket even if the hoop was two feet high. On volleyball day, I would duck whenever the ball came my way. So I wasn’t ever voted most valuable player to say the least. Now running wasn’t exactly my thing either. I have short chubby legs that don’t move well. My mom always told me I was like a bull in a china shop, in other words, not very graceful. There is one thing I learned though in running class, and that was to never to look back. If you look back you lose your pace and it is easy to focus on something else besides the goal in front of you. So even if I came in dead last, at least I crossed the finish line without looking back. I kept my eye on the goal.
As Christians we too must keep our eyes on the goal ahead of us, which is eternal life. It is very easy to look back on past sins and wallow in self-pity or shame instead of thinking of how our lives have been changed for the better since we have become Christians. Pressing on and not looking back is difficult, but must be done in order to fulfill our purpose for the Lord. Our coach is the Lord and the Bible has all we need in it to keep us on track in our Christian walk. I envision Christ waiting for me at the end of that finish line with his arms open wide. Just like a mother who tells her toddler to take her first steps towards her and then throws her arms around her when she actually makes it. That is what I envision Jesus doing for me. So as we press on we must remember who is at the finish line and what wonderful prize is waiting for us.
Dear Lord,
Help us as we run toward your prize. It is easy sometimes to get all caught up with past sins and wallow in self-pity instead of keeping our focus on you. Help us not to do this, but to continually read the bible and put into practice what it says everyday.
In Jesus’ name,
Monday, May 3, 2010
God's Perfect Will for You by Ann Elaine Broughton
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is---his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2 NIV).
Have you ever asked for guidance from God in regards to purchasing a car, house, finding your soul mate, or getting a job? What did you do when you didn’t get the loan, someone else got the job you thought was perfect, or the soul mate you thought was the right one rejected you?
Let me give you a visual circumstance that is minor compared to these things but I think you will be able to relate to it on how our human nature can take over when things don’t go our way. Instead of doing what God would be pleased with, I believe we all have a tendency to let our emotions take over, sometimes with disastrous results. My husband and I went to a hotel for a getaway. Now you all know that a trip to the hotel isn’t complete unless you raid the candy machine and pop machine. I grabbed all the quarters I could find and headed for the machine that was filled with my favorite chocolate, M&M’s. I am an official chocolate freak and very proud of it. I gleefully put the correct change in the slot. I gazed at the selection and froze. There was my precious M&M’s snuggled away in the dreaded spiral thing. Now all chocolate freaks know that M&M’s do not drop from a spiral thing easily. It gets stuck and will not come down. I just had to have it so I gingerly pressed E4 and held my breath. The spiral thing turned. “Oh, no,” I yelled. There was my wonderful M&M’s dangling there. This is when I took action. I thumped on the glass, shook the machine, and gave it a hip whammy. But it would not drop down at all. I pressed my hands and face onto the glass. “Please come down,” I pleaded. That was when I looked up and noticed the security camera. Oh brother, it was all on tape. I imagine the security people were dying laughing at my crazed behavior. So I slunk away with a forlorn glance back at my delicious M&M’s just dangling there.
Now what did you do when the Lord’s will wasn’t your will? Did you shake your fist at God and say, “Why didn’t it happen the way I wanted?” Or did you say, “I know that your will is more important than my will, and you know what is best for me. Help me to have patience to wait for your perfect will for my life.” The security camera that was on me is similar to what God sees all the time in our lives. He will put you in situations constantly to see if you trust Him or not. Don’t be like me and bang on the closed door like a maniac. It doesn’t work. You must trust Him and believe that something better is in store for you.
There are some steps you can take in order to find out God’s will.
First, read the Bible. Second, pray about it. Third, use common sense gained from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Fourth, watch for circumstances that open up to you. Fifth, seek Godly counsel from Christian friends. All of these things will help you as you strive to do the Lord’s will in your life. Trust God and don’t lose hope.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I look for your will in my life. Help me not to get discouraged when what I think is right turns out not to happen. I know you know what’s best for me. Your perfect will for me is more important than my will. Thank you for your guidance.
In Jesus’ name,
Have you ever asked for guidance from God in regards to purchasing a car, house, finding your soul mate, or getting a job? What did you do when you didn’t get the loan, someone else got the job you thought was perfect, or the soul mate you thought was the right one rejected you?
Let me give you a visual circumstance that is minor compared to these things but I think you will be able to relate to it on how our human nature can take over when things don’t go our way. Instead of doing what God would be pleased with, I believe we all have a tendency to let our emotions take over, sometimes with disastrous results. My husband and I went to a hotel for a getaway. Now you all know that a trip to the hotel isn’t complete unless you raid the candy machine and pop machine. I grabbed all the quarters I could find and headed for the machine that was filled with my favorite chocolate, M&M’s. I am an official chocolate freak and very proud of it. I gleefully put the correct change in the slot. I gazed at the selection and froze. There was my precious M&M’s snuggled away in the dreaded spiral thing. Now all chocolate freaks know that M&M’s do not drop from a spiral thing easily. It gets stuck and will not come down. I just had to have it so I gingerly pressed E4 and held my breath. The spiral thing turned. “Oh, no,” I yelled. There was my wonderful M&M’s dangling there. This is when I took action. I thumped on the glass, shook the machine, and gave it a hip whammy. But it would not drop down at all. I pressed my hands and face onto the glass. “Please come down,” I pleaded. That was when I looked up and noticed the security camera. Oh brother, it was all on tape. I imagine the security people were dying laughing at my crazed behavior. So I slunk away with a forlorn glance back at my delicious M&M’s just dangling there.
Now what did you do when the Lord’s will wasn’t your will? Did you shake your fist at God and say, “Why didn’t it happen the way I wanted?” Or did you say, “I know that your will is more important than my will, and you know what is best for me. Help me to have patience to wait for your perfect will for my life.” The security camera that was on me is similar to what God sees all the time in our lives. He will put you in situations constantly to see if you trust Him or not. Don’t be like me and bang on the closed door like a maniac. It doesn’t work. You must trust Him and believe that something better is in store for you.
There are some steps you can take in order to find out God’s will.
First, read the Bible. Second, pray about it. Third, use common sense gained from the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Fourth, watch for circumstances that open up to you. Fifth, seek Godly counsel from Christian friends. All of these things will help you as you strive to do the Lord’s will in your life. Trust God and don’t lose hope.
Dear Lord,
Help me as I look for your will in my life. Help me not to get discouraged when what I think is right turns out not to happen. I know you know what’s best for me. Your perfect will for me is more important than my will. Thank you for your guidance.
In Jesus’ name,
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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton
“ And not only this, but we also exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven cha...
“To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to...
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“ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one anothe...