Monday, September 24, 2012

Serving God Together by Ann Broughton

“Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25 NIV).

    Do you attend church regularly? Is it important to you to worship the Lord one day a week and take that time to lay aside your thoughts about your work or home and just concentrate on God?  When God made the commandment “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”, He knew that everyone needs to rest and remember who God is.
    When I go to church I am there to worship my wonderful Savior, who loves me in spite of my weaknesses. I worship Him in song and think about the words as I lift up praises to God. The words of the praise songs are so powerful and meaningful. That part of the worship time is so very important to me. It makes me feel so very close to God.
   The sermon is from the Bible and helps me learn more about God and His love for me. Communion helps me remember the sacrifice Jesus made for me for my sins. I recall my sins from the past week and repent during this time. I pray that God will give me the strength to handle the challenges of life and not give in to temptation.
   I love to talk to my Christian friends and encourage them after the service. That is what is so very important about meeting every week. We all need encouragement and prayer just to get through the tough times in our lives. My Christian friends have never failed me when I needed them to pray with me over concerns. They are glad to pitch in and help out with any worthy cause to help out others in need also. You see people are the “church”, and it is those people who can show others what being a Christian really is about: serving others. It is all about service and loving others as you would want them to love you. I hope that you are a member of a loving congregation and that you attend every Sunday to worship God and encourage one another.
 Dear Lord,
Help me to be committed to you and take time each week to attend services and meet with my Christian family. I know that we all need to serve you together so that others will see our love for one another and want your love in their hearts also.
In Jesus’ name,

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Perseverance: A devotion by Ann Broughton

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